Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5067: Layout again, please enter the urn!

Now, it is the pinnacle of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

It is not unusual to be able to perceive the breath of those two.

At this moment, he keenly felt that the two auras outside suddenly became intense!

They are closer to the bamboo house where Chen Feng and his party are located!

It seems that people outside have already discovered their existence.

Now is a precursor to getting ready!

By now, Zhong Li Yuntian finally sensed the breath outside.

He reacted fiercely, suppressing his voice and exclaimed secretly.

"I see! They want to do it to us!"

"Their goal is also Duanmu Sixin!"

People with the strength of cultivation are often not fools.

There are a lot of smart people.

After hearing the news from the City Lord's Mansion about the mysterious atmosphere in the invitation letter, Chen Feng immediately focused on Duanmu Sixin.

Then, there will naturally be a second person and a third person.

After all, it would be unrealistic to directly break into the impregnable City Lord's Mansion!

The only breakthrough is probably Duanmu Sixin who is not too strong.

After learning this, Zhong Li Yuntian reacted immediately.

He looked at Chen Feng with a serious expression.

"You take Duanmu Sixin and go first, I will stay and help you stop them."

This is Zhong Liyuntian's subconscious reaction.

The clues that can't be obtained will make others in vain!

By now, Zhong Li Yuntian had completely divided himself and Chen Feng.

He didn't even think of one thing-it was obvious that Chen Feng had only a blank invitation letter in his hands.

However, before he rushed out of the bamboo house.

Chen Feng reached out and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We may not have to face them head-on."

Zhong Li Yuntian's face was briefly blank, and he turned his head to look at him subconsciously.

I saw Chen Feng smile slyly.

"The two outside are not our opponents. Killing is only a matter of minutes."

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yuntian's heart was shocked.

Yes, now Chen Feng is even stronger than him!

Thinking of this, Zhong Li Yuntian's eyes couldn't help but dim.

Following Chen Feng during this period of time, he saw with his own eyes how Chen Feng's strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

Any cultivator will be heartbroken when he sees such a rapid breakthrough speed.

Zhongli Yuntian is no exception!

But he...

"Have you ever wondered why the two people outside came to the door."

Chen Feng's words brought back his thoughts.

This time, the celestial beast slave next to him reacted immediately.

"They also have an invitation letter that needs to be unblocked!"

Hearing this, the faces of Zhong Li Yuntian and Tianchou Beast Slave showed joy.

The eyes of the two people beamed, and their spirits suddenly came.


Chen Feng already had a blank invitation letter, and there was indeed a special secret method that could quickly find Duanmu Sixin, so he was one step ahead and controlled Duanmu Sixin.

And the second son of the Tantai family outside, if for no reason, how could they stare at Duanmu Sixin!

It must be in their hands, and they have already received a blank invitation letter from a certain family!

Seeing that both of them had reacted, Chen Feng raised his lips and looked outside.

"They want Duanmu Sixin? Give it to them!"

Almost in an instant, the heaven and the earth reincarnated repeatedly, and the heavenly power suddenly worked.

In the space of repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, in the weird ink pupil on the far right, black light quickly converged into a demon heart!

In the next second, this demon heart was sent to the depths of Duanmu Sixin's spiritual world!

Chen Feng gave Zhong Li Yuntian and Tiancan Beast Slave a look.

The two immediately agreed.

Almost at the same time, the bamboo house split instantly!

Two extremely powerful auras immediately surrounded Chen Feng and four people.

The overwhelming coercion directed at Chen Feng and the three of them, smashing their heads and covering their faces!

It is the breath of the family of Tantai!

Immediately, two people wearing cloaks and robes directly killed in.

Chen Feng's trio, Qi Qi's complexion changed drastically, all of them appeared caught off guard.

Among the three, Li Yuntian reacted the fastest in a few minutes.

Just as the pressure from the peak of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm slapped them towards them, the same powerful pressure was released from his body.

For a time, Tantai Xuyao ​​and Zhong Li Yuntian showed a stalemate.

"It's really you! Zhongli Yuntian."

Tantai Xuyao ​​looked over with a sneer, with a certain victory gesture on his face.

They have already probed.

There are four people in the bamboo house.

Among them, Dang Zhongli Yuntian's strength is the strongest, and is no different from Tantai Xuyao.

Among the remaining three, one of them is the goal of their trip.

As for the other two, the waste of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

"Zhong Li Yuntian, haven't seen him for a long time, why are you getting worse and worse? You are with two wastes."

"I remember, your Zhongli family came in this time, and there are two other people."

"Could it be that Zhong Liyun dived into them and kicked you out?"

Speaking of this, Tantai Xuyao ​​burst into a frantic laugh.

Next to him, Tantai Ruochu was equally proud.

Facing the garbage on the fourth floor of the two Star Spirit Martial God Realm, Tantai Ruochu even felt a little weird.

"With your strength, you can actually take a step ahead of us and stop Duanmu Sixin."

"I should say, your luck is too good or not so good?"

Zhong Li Yuntian fought against Tantai Xuyao ​​with all his strength, his face sank as if he had been stabbed in the pain.

Murderous aura filled his face.

"Tantai Xuyao, you and my well do not offend the river. It is better to be like this and I will walk with you."

Hearing Zhong Li Yuntian actually tried to compromise, the expressions of Tianchou Beast Slave and Chen Feng suddenly changed.

Chen Feng was even more surprised.

This clock is away from the sky, and it is also deliberate.

If you come up and fight to the end, it may cause the other party's suspicion.

But if it's like this, just ask for peace directly.

The opponent will definitely think that Zhong Li Yuntian really has no hole cards!

Because of this, he and Tianchou Beast Slave would cooperate so well.

"Young Master Zhongli!"

He yelled, his tone full of surprise and incredible.

"To shut up!"

Zhong Li Yuntian knew how to catch up, and his face was rather ugly and he drank Chen Feng.

He looked at Tantai Xuyao: "How?"

Seeing the infighting here, Tantai Xuyao ​​and Tantai Ruochu both laughed.

"Zhong Li Yuntian, Zhong Li Yuntian, I didn't expect you to have today!"

Tantai Xuyao ​​laughed and looked at them with even more disdain.

"But we refuse! Ruochu, do it!"

With a fierce order, Tantai Ruochu exploded with a strong aura and rushed straight at the two of Chen Feng.

Target, Duanmu Sixin!

Tantai Ruochu did not pay attention to Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave at all!

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