Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5053: Get out! The rage of the ancestors of the Tang family!

They are extremely mysterious, have passed on for hundreds of millions of years, and have a profound heritage.

It is not comparable to the Duanmu family.

In the prehistoric family, there are often some extremely terrifying top magical secrets!

And the Tang Yao clan is one of the top cultivating families of Gods and Demons in this Fang Xuanwu Middle Thousand World!

Because of this, the Tang family was fortunate to inherit a practice that was extremely against the sky.

That is the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art!

At that time, Nangong Ruxue looked a little excited when he heard this, but she kindly dissuaded him.

"This Tang family, you'd better not make some wishful thinking."

Chen Feng asked: "Why?"

Nangong Ruxue didn't hide her privately either.

"Knowing that they have ancient gods and demons practicing methods, looking at the entire Duanmu Fairy City, many people know."

"But no one dared to grab it!"

"Even the Duanmu family didn't dare to steal it outright."

Chen Feng seemed to understand.

"Is it because there is Tang Yao clan behind them?"

Nangong Ruxue nodded.

"Not bad."

This is what Chen Feng and Nangong Ruxue secretly transmit.

And this is also one of his main purposes for showing goodwill to Nangong Ruxue.

At that time, he used Nangong Ruxue's mount to behead his enemy.

She also showed her kindness to Nangong Ru Xue and asked her to owe her a favor, so that she could get the confidential information.

Afterwards, Chen Feng began to make plans in his heart.

It is undeniable that Tang Yao's revenge is definitely not something people like him can bear.

The family of Duanmu Yangyang is afraid of their revenge.

However, Chen Feng and others are not afraid!

Because they are not in this world!

This Xuanwu Middle Thousand World, for them, is nothing more than a trial world in the end.

After completing the required trial task, just grab it and return to the top of the sky.

Even if it is Tang Yao's clan, can it be impossible to catch up to the top of the sky!

"Boy, it's time to let go!"

An anger from the ancestor of the Tang family immediately pulled Chen Feng's thoughts back in front of him.

"According to the agreement, I have given you the Tang family's most secret ancient gods and demons cultivation method, so don't give me any tricks."

The face of the ancestors of the Tang family was already ugly and couldn't be ugly.

However, facing such an ancestor of the Tang family, Chen Feng was not afraid.

He turned his head to look at the Tianchou beast slave.

The Tiancun Beast slave got the order, and immediately let go, releasing the restraint on Tang Yongyan.

At this time, Tang Yongyan had long been scared to **** off.

As soon as he let go, he burst into tears and rushed towards the ancestors of the Tang family, praying for shelter.

Even the ancestors of the Tang family inevitably showed contempt when they saw such descendants.

But there was no opening.

After all, the direct descendants of the Tang family are just such a single seedling!

The ancestors of the Tang family continued to look at Chen Feng.

"one left."

However, Chen Feng did not directly loosen his control over Tang Weihan.

"The younger generation has always heard about the character of the Tang family."

He said suddenly.

Hearing this, the face of the ancestor of the Tang family was gloomy as dark clouds.

If others can't hear it, how can he not hear it!

This kid is turning around and saying that people in their Tang family often say one thing and do another thing!

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

He murmured, and there was a beating in his words.

However, it's okay to deal with others. Using this set to deal with Chen Feng is useless!

I saw Chen Feng smiling and looking over the shattered study.

Upon hearing these words, Zhong Li Yuntian, Tianchou Beast Slave, Tang Yongyan and others all looked out.

At a glance, they reacted.

At this moment, many people from the Tang family stood outside the study room!

Chen Feng retracted his gaze and continued to look at the ancestor of the Tang family, with a smile on the corners of his lips.

"I wonder if the ancestors of the Tang family feel that if I let them go now, will your Tang family take action against us?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only the Tang family outside looked bad.

Even the ancestor of the Tang family has an ugly face!

"What do you want?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Weihan spontaneously came to Chen Feng.

Seeing Tang Weihan doing this, the ancestors of the Tang family didn't understand what Chen Feng meant.

Sure enough, Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You better not catch up."

"When I get to a safe place, I will naturally let him go."

"Otherwise, I don't mind taking your Patriarch's life and burying me."

Chen Feng scanned the people outside coldly.

"You can try, whether you kill me quickly or I kill your Patriarch quickly!"


At this moment, Chen Feng did not hesitate to use the Buddha's Angry Lion Roar technique.

The billowing sound waves were superimposed on Chen Feng's words, and layers of ripples spread away.

The entire Tang family could hear it clearly.

The faces of everyone showed anger.

They all stepped forward, but were stopped by the ancestors of the Tang family.

"Let them go!"

The ancestor of the Tang family spoke in person, who would dare not follow it!

Chen Feng, Zhong Li Yuntian and Tianchou Beast Slave quickly gathered together.

Tang Weihan walked beside them spontaneously with no expression on his face.

Zhong Li Yuntian turned his hand and took out an ordinary flying boat. The four jumped on the flying boat and rushed towards the distance immediately.

Everyone in the Tang family gathered together.

Everyone looked ugly, staring in the direction they disappeared.

Someone wanted to follow, but was stopped by the ancestor of the Tang family.

"It's okay."

His eyes were faint, like muddy and muddy, but there was another burst of light in it!

The light seems to be able to penetrate the void and see the sight of thousands of miles away.

"Let them run away first."

"After they think they are safe, let them go and I will chase them personally!"

This sentence is loud and loud!

All the members of the Tang family who followed him looked happy upon hearing these words.

"If the ancestors did it themselves, even if these three little thieves fled to the ends of the world, it would be of no avail!"

However, some people asked.

"What if they keep on letting go?"

The ancestor of the Tang family snorted lowly.

"I think he dares!"

Chen Feng did not intend to let others go.

One day later, after confirming that the Tang family did not catch up, Chen Feng released Tang Weihan.

Afterwards, the three of them fled frantically and ran all the way to their lives!

Not long after, Tang Weihan returned to the Tang family.

Immediately, there was a loud noise from the Tang family.


The ancestors of the Tang family ran swiftly along the direction of Tang Weihan's return.

This speed almost broke through the void!

For a while, the space he passed through began to vibrate wildly without control.

The strength of the ancestors of the Tang family is unfathomable!

It is definitely not what Chen Feng can match!

Moreover, this time, the ancestors of the Tang family had the intention of lore!

No matter where the three little thieves fled, he was bound to catch them back!

Especially that scheming kid!

The ancestor of the Tang family looked gloomy at the thought of being in front of a hairy boy.

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