Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5050: Unexpected fatal blow!


This knife can be said to have injected all the strength of Chen Feng!

A sneak attack must be unexpected and attack with all strength!

Fight for one hit!

Just when the sword was smashed with all its strength, the instant the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar skills won was over.


At this moment, Tang Weihan clearly had an early warning, but could not escape from either side.

I can only watch that I will resist physically!

Even if there is a big gap between the two in their cultivation strength.

But facing such an attack, he can only resist with the power of pure flesh, which is too thrilling!

This shameless child's moves cannot be underestimated!


After a loud noise, Tang Weihan, who was in a trance, flew out for more than ten meters.

A **** smell gradually filled the air.

Chen Feng's knife slashed half of Tang Weihan's shoulder straight!

Spreading from the left shoulder to the lower left, the wound was deeply visible and blood was flowing.

At this moment, even if you are the Patriarch of the Tang Family, Tang Weihan still has lingering fears!

That kid, even though he couldn't kill him directly with this cut.

However, Tang Weihan knew very well.

It's not that the kid's tricks are not working.

On the contrary, even the Patriarch of a big family like him, when he sees Chen Feng's magical powers, he wants to be his own!

Although he was only seriously injured right now, this was the result of a huge gap in his cultivation strength!

Tang Weihan lowered his head and looked at the wound on his shoulder that spread to his left chest.

Almost directly shattered his heart!

Seeing this, Tang Weihan couldn't help but look deeply at Chen Feng.

If this kid grows up, will he be worth it?

at the same time.

Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yuntian felt heavier than expected.

They could perceive that even if they suddenly attacked like this just now, they tried their best to kill.

Faced with a seriously injured Tang Patriarch, they still have no certainty of victory.

Tang Weihan is still too strong after all!

Chen Feng looked at Tang Weihan who stood up again in front of him, sighing in his heart.

The difficulty of this Xuanwu Middle Thousand Worlds mission is too high!

You must be very careful about what you do, and you have to pay a huge price.

Chen Feng thought he was thoughtful enough, but in the face of absolute strength, he still struggled hard.

Next to him, Tang Yongyan was also shocked by these things in the study, and did not react for a while.

By now, he finally reacted a little.

Tang Yongyan immediately looked at Tang Weijun who was still protecting him.

"Second Uncle, my father is hurt! Why don't you go up and help!"

Tang Weijun didn't even look at him, his face was serious.

Tang Yongyan's voice was confiscated!

The whole study can be heard clearly.

Not far away, Tang Weihan looked back at the silly son who was talking, and his face suddenly became even more ugly.

His only son is so accustomed to being arrogant that he doesn't move his mind!

Tang Weihan had already noticed when the second brother hurried in earlier.

His second brother was also seriously injured today.

Before, it seemed to be held hostage.

But Tang Yongyan said that, considering the relationship between his second brother and him, he couldn't justify doing nothing at this time.

Sure enough, Tang Weijun showed a struggling expression on his face when he heard Tang Yongyan's nearly scolding words.

With unspeakable pain!

"Brother, I'll help you!"

With that, Tang Weijun stood up.

At this time, the position of the three parties happened to be in the middle of Tang Weihan.

Tang Weihan turned his back to Tang Yongyan's corner, staring coldly at Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yuntian ahead.

His low voice echoed in the study.

"Second brother, don't force it!"

However, he hadn't finished talking here. On the other side, Tang Weijun, who had originally "protected" Tang Yongyan, had already stood up.

Suddenly, Tang Weijun's body burst out with extremely powerful murderous intent!

It's like...

Directly use all of your potential as consumption, instantly improve your strength!

Tang Weihan's expression changed, and he turned back suddenly.

"Second brother, what are you doing, I'm not going to let you do it..."

Before he finished his words, he saw Tang Weijun rushing over!

That was a shocking blow from the peak of the eighth floor in the same Star Soul and Martial God Realm!

At this moment, Tang Weihan faintly flashed a bad breath in his heart.

But it was too late!

Tang Weijun's attack did not go in the same direction as Chen Feng!

Instead, towards him!


The entire study was almost torn apart by this amazing decisive blow!

In fact, if it is not the residence of the cultivator, it is protected by a magic circle.

Their battle here will razed the mansion directly!

Tang Weijun's burning potential, burning everything, and his punch just hit Tang Weihan who was too late to defend!


Tang Weihan gulped and flew out!

His breath decayed almost instantly!

But at this moment, Tang Weihan was staring at the back compared to himself.

"Second brother..."

His eyes were violent, but he could only watch his second brother's breath gradually dissipate.

After that, he couldn't stand his body anymore, knelt on his knees, and fell down.

At the end, "boom".

The body fell, his head hit the ground hard.

The last breath disappeared.

Tang Weihan has no idea why this is happening!

Just now, when Tang Weijun suddenly burned his potential, he had a vague premonition.

It's just that the hunch was so terrifying that he subconsciously couldn't believe it.

But it is true!

His second brother, Tang Weijun, seemed to be controlled!

Just like they usually control the ghost puppets.

And now, the only people who controlled the second brother to attack him suddenly were those two boys!

Tang Weihan is extremely angry!

There was grief and anger in my heart!

But Tang Weijun's decisive blow was still too strong after all!

Tang Weihan was already seriously injured when he was attacked by Chen Feng and others earlier.

Now he was hit head-on again, and his body was extremely injured!

Has lost the strength to continue the war!

Realizing this, Tang Weihan's heart suddenly made a great alarm!

He struggled, trying to get up and escape.

But it's too late!

Chen Feng strode over and stepped on his bleeding shoulder.

Tang Weijun's death is in his plan.

Originally, keeping Tang Weijun was just for them to mix into the Tang family, get close to the patron of the Tang family, and wait for an opportunity to attack.

And all this is done.

Tang Weijun also lost the value of utilization.

Chen Feng's face was extremely cold.

Tang Weijun and Tang Weijun are indeed brothers, and they even use other people's methods in the same way.

Chen Feng didn't care about his death.

It just so happened that a demon heart that was planted in it could still be vacated for the one in front of it.

"Little beast!"

Tang Weihan looked at Chen Feng who was looking down at him with a hideous face.

He hates it!

But no matter how hard he struggles!

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