Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5047: Suddenly attacked!

Although they still have some doubts in their hearts at this time:

"Didn't you mean to attack the Tang Patriarch? Why protect him?"

However, despite these doubts in their hearts, they still responded instinctively out of convincing Chen Feng.

Including Tang Weijun, also turned around and protected him in front of Tang Weihan.

Everything happened so fast!

From the moment when Chen Feng sensed the breath of the purple-robed man, he analyzed a lot of things.

For example, the breath of this purple-robed man is extremely cleverly hidden.

If it weren't for his particularly powerful mental power, he might not be able to perceive it.

Moreover, not only did he reduce his strength, Chen Feng felt even more that his mental power had shrunk to the extreme, and at the same time, he was still shaking.

This also means that this person is trying to suppress his strength at the moment, and his spirit is highly tense!

In other words, he is extremely sensitive now!

Then, he must have something wrong!

This is Chen Feng's new plan!

as predicted!

At the moment when Chen Feng secretly stimulated the man in the purple robe with mental power, the man in the purple robe behind Tang Yongyan was instinctively attacked.

And because of Chen Feng's phrase "protecting the family owner", there is a kind of "hint" to the purple robe.

That is, the Tang family already knew his plot!

Will count, introduce him here!

Then, start to attack!

His heartstrings were already tense and extremely nervous, but now, he was immediately stimulated!

No matter what he originally wanted, he at this moment, directly following Chen Feng's words, spewed out with supreme aura.

Go straight to Tang Weihan!

It was precisely because he wanted to attack the Patriarch!

He was calculated by Chen Feng!

However, with Chen Feng and others here, this blow was destined to fail!

Chen Feng doesn't even need to do it.

Tang Weihan waved a palm out of thin air.

The power of the peak of the eighth building of the Star Soul Martial God Realm is extremely delicately controlled!

It just offset the blow made by the purple-robed man in a hurry.

Until this time, the person in the purple robe finally reacted.

be cheated!

He glared at the person who just yelled, and he met with a pair of bright eyes.

From the tension, seriousness, and panic of the disguise, the person in the purple robe clearly saw the smile hidden in Chen Feng's eyes.

With just a glance, he knew something in his heart.

I'm afraid the origin of the person in front of me is not simple.

At this moment, in the entire study, only Tang Yongyan hadn't reacted yet.

He was taken aback by the sudden change, and subconsciously flashed aside.

For a while he looked at the man in the purple robe, and then at his father's side.

"This...what's wrong with this?"

Perhaps with Tang Yongyan's ease, the person in the purple robe finally caught the gap.

He was about to speak, trying to reverse the grim situation.

But how can Chen Feng make him do what he wants!

He yelled again.

"The culprits are attacking, quickly protect the Patriarch!"

This sound penetrated the void and spread straight to the outside of the study.

The man in the purple robe is simply frustrated!

It's him again!

That person again!


Outside the study, a few domineering auras immediately rushed into.

All in the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

In the study, the atmosphere was very tense.

Tang Weihan frowned, but looked at Tang Yongyan in the corner with concerned eyes.

"Protect my son!"

Tang Weijun who stopped in front of him said in a low voice without waiting for his voice to fall.

"Big brother, my injury is serious, I will protect him."

Tang Weihan nodded without doubting him.

Afterwards, Tang Weihan also sent a palm toward the person in the purple robe.


Several masters, combined with Tang Weihan, the powerhouse at the peak of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, attacked the purple-robed people together.

At the same time, Chen Feng and several other "subordinates" followed Tang Weijun and quickly protected Tang Yongyan next to him.

Inside the study, there was an instant mess.

The bitter fighting spirit, palm wind, and murderous aura burst out.

However, beyond everyone's expectations.

Even in the face of everyone's siege, the purple-robed person did not completely fall into the wind!

Probably because, since the identity has been exposed, there is no need to worry about anything.

In the body of the purple-robed man, an aura no weaker than Tang Weihan unexpectedly broke out!

The attacks from all directions were all received by Zipao!

Chen Feng retreated to the corner, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, the strength of this purple-robed man was a bit stronger than previously sensed.

I'm afraid this is his true strength!

It is also the peak of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Even stronger than Tang Weihan, the head of the Tang family!

Chen Feng judged that this person was only close to breaking through the eighth building.

After realizing this, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he responded promptly.

If he and Tian Can meet this purple-robed person, I am afraid that they will not be able to pass a few tricks at all!

Next to Chen Feng, Zhong Liyuntian gave him a deep look.

He knew Chen Feng's previous plan.

It is absolutely unexpected that such a variable frequency occurs.

In other words, Chen Feng thought of a cracking method in a very short time.

Not only was it not exposed, but also used the hands of the Tang family to deal with their competitors.

Until now, Zhong Li Yuntian truly admired Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng did not have time to take care of Zhong Li Yuntian's mind at this moment.

All his attention was focused on the melee in front of him.

Tang Weihan joined the four personal guards who rushed in and instantly summoned five blood-red ghost puppets!

In the entire study room, there was an instant gust of wind!

In the air, ghosts and wolves seemed to roar.

This is the Avenue of Gods and Demons of the Tang Family!

The five of them forced out a drop of natal blood and shot them into the five ghost puppets with their fingers.


After five loud noises, the five blood-red ghost puppets, their aura skyrocketed!

Moreover, in an instant, they were separated in five directions.

Bright red!

The person in the purple robe was surprised.

"not good!"

A big blood-red pentagram formed in an instant!

With Tang Weijun's memory, Chen Feng knew in his heart that this was the Five Ghosts of the Tang Family!

The Five Ghost Universe Formation is one of the Tang Family's top formations.

Five **** evil ghost puppets are needed, plus five drops of Tang Family's natural blood from the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm and above.

It can be formally formed with the special mudra knot method!

Now, this last step is missing!

You know, these five ghost universe formations, once formed, can firmly lock the people in the formation.

If it weren't for extraordinary means, don't want to break the line and escape!

Not only that, the bloodline of Huangquan underworld of the Tang family will also suppress those in the battle.

It might be better if he has the blood of ancient gods and demons.

However, if the people in the formation do not have the blood of ancient gods and demons, the suppression can be said to be fatal.

However, whether or not there is the blood of ancient gods and demons.

Basically, trapped in this formation, there was no one who could escape alive in the past!

All these information were captured by Chen Feng from Tang Weijun's memory.

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