Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5035: Escape

"That's our Patriarch's brother, Tang Weijun."

"How strong is it?"

"He is one of the pillars of the Tang family, the top powerhouse."

"The cultivation base has the pinnacle of the eighth building!"

Next to him, Zhong Li Yuntian also asked him.

"Don't mention anything else, what are we going to do?"

Tang Liqiang looked over.

"Generally, in this situation, there is often a difficult enemy."


Chen Feng and the others were thoughtful.

Soon, Qianyi found the target, and all the more than ten flying boats stopped.

Chen Feng and others probed out their spiritual knowledge.

When I saw the situation in front of me, I was inevitably surprised.

There is a high wall with cyan metal texture in front!

It was like a mountain range of cyan metal material, from left to right, cutting off the path of their flying boats.


Chen Feng's heart shuddered.

"This seems to be a... huge flying sword."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone reacted.

It seems so!

This cyan great sword is too huge, and it continues to release a certain breath.

Suddenly, the flying sword moved!

It is like a chain of sword mountains, retreating quickly!

The speed is incredible!

It's a bit desperate to run away.

Chen Feng is so keen. The moment he saw it, he noticed that there seemed to be a magical hole inside that big blue sword.

"This big blue sword should still be some kind of special magic weapon. There seems to be space inside."

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yuntian was taken aback.

"I know what this is."

He looked at Chen Feng.

"If I remember correctly, it is a Seventh-Rank Treasure, a magic weapon for Yu Jianbai to press the bottom of the box."

"Thanks to Yu Jianbai, I have heard of this big blue sword."

"It is not only extremely fast, but also extremely strong. It can be used as a weapon, but also as a defensive and fleeing boat."

"Unexpectedly, he also came here."

Chen Feng didn't know Yu Jianbai, so he continued to ask him.

Zhong Li Yuntian did not hide himself.

"Yu Jianbai, like me, is also the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm. However, he has always been fierce and domineering and courageous."

"Anything he wants to do, he will never flinch."

"And his character is mainly due to his powerful life-saving skills."

"For example, this one you see in front of you."

Chen Feng slapped his tongue and heard the news coming from those Tang's flying boats.

Shouting to catch up.

The black flying boats speeded up and followed closely behind the cyan great sword.

In the flying boat, Zhong Li Yuntian reminded.

"One more thing to be careful is that Yu Jianbai will never come here alone."

"He must have come with his men."

"If you meet up later, you must be careful. Those subordinates are also desperate and extremely vicious."

"Even people from our Zhongli family, when we see them on weekdays, we try not to provoke them."

Chen Feng understands.

The group continued to look forward.

The cyan great sword is fast, but the black flying boat of the Tang family is faster.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

Seeing to be caught up!

Suddenly, a wave of heat hits his face!

The flying boats rushing in the front slowed down subconsciously, thinking it was an attack.

However, I saw a hot cyan flame rising from the cyan great sword!

For a time, radiant!

Before everyone in the Tang family could react, the speed of the cyan great sword instantly accelerated!

Immediately he threw the flying boat behind him a great distance.

When Chen Feng and others heard about it, they immediately admired it.

"The Seven-Rank Magic Weapon is really extraordinary."

At this moment, a black robe with large sleeves rose up.

It is Tang Weijun!

I saw his big sleeves flutter, and then, all the flying boats behind him suddenly burst into black light!

Suddenly, the speed of all Down's black flying boats also increased a lot!

Everyone once again got closer to the cyan sword in front!

Seeing to catch up!

Ahead, the cyan great sword seemed desperate, and suddenly changed its direction.

Chen Feng's consciousness followed the direction of the escape from the blue sword.

It's a floating mountain very close!

"They are..."

Before Chen Feng finished speaking, he saw the cyan big sword rushing towards an extremely tall attic on the floating mountain.

Only heard a boom.

The cyan great sword slammed into it abruptly!

"Does he want to hide inside and find a chance?"

A dozen black flying boats came to the front of the tall attic and stopped one after another.

On the floating mountain, the aborigines screamed and fled.

In the attic, there were constant screams.

Tang's flying boat was very disciplined and quickly surrounded the entire attic.

Afterwards, all the Tang members in the flying boat all came outside the flying boat.

The three Chen Feng condensed their auras, pretending to be ordinary attendants, and came out with Tang Liqiang.

At the forefront of the flying boat, Tang Weijun, with a large black robe and sleeves, stared like a torch, coldly watching the big hole that the blue sword had hit.

He turned and looked at a man in black who was riding a flying boat with him behind him.

The black-clothed man was as thin as firewood, his eye sockets were sunken, and his whole body released a strange breath.

Seeing Tang Weijun turning his head, he immediately walked forward.

How keen Chen Feng's senses.

As soon as the black-clothed man walked forward, he heard many people sighing among the servants behind him.

"Tang Rongsheng!"

"What kind of person is the other party, who can actually let the second master use Tang Rongsheng!"

"Anyway, if he takes the shot, the person hidden in that blue sword seems to be suffering."

It seemed that Tang Rongsheng, the man in black, should be a member of the second master of the Tang family.

Tang Rongsheng strode to the big hole that was knocked open, and immediately waved his hands.

Almost instantly, the heaven and the earth were overshadowed!

Countless ghosts rushed out of Tang Rongsheng's body, vying for the first time, turning back and forth in the void, looking hideous!

The wind howls!

Chen Feng and his party were far away, but they immediately felt the biting chill!

That is not the cold that the physical body can perceive, but more the coldness of the spiritual world!

Countless ghosts of different shades of gray, intertwined in the air.

Soon, the ghosts moving in the void unexpectedly gathered together.

Eventually condensed into seven huge ghosts!

The seven huge ghosts are much stronger than those before, but they are also much more dull.

Suddenly, Tang Rongsheng's hands kept forming intricate handprints.

At the last moment, he directly opened his palm.

Seven drops of bright red blood flew out of his palm, like red light rays, quickly shot into those seven huge ghosts!


Seven consecutive loud noises.

The seven huge ghosts that absorbed Tang Rong's essence and blood immediately exploded with a powerful aura.

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