Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5033: Message of invitation! Raid the Tang family!

However, Chen Feng thought for a while, met Nangong Ru Xue's gaze, and smiled swiftly.

"Actually, even without me, with the strength of Fairy Ziluo, the culprit will not succeed."

"In that case, how dare I ask for a reward."

After all, he clasped his fists.

"The reason why I rushed out underneath was probably just easy to do."

At this moment, a supreme aura burst out in the direction of Duanmu Mansion.

There were many sharp-eyed people on both sides of the street, exclaiming.

"It's Master Duanmu!"

"Duan Muxi came out in person!"

At this moment, Chen Feng was facing Duanmu Mansion with his back, so naturally he couldn't see the people behind.

However, his consciousness had already noticed.

As early as when there was an abnormal change here, Duanmu Palace quickly received news.

As a possible marriage partner, Duan Muxi will naturally arrive as soon as possible.

"Since Duanmu greeted him personally, it would be hard for me to interrupt the welcome ceremony."

As he said, he clasped his fists and arched his hands, ready to withdraw.

At this time, the horror breath has come directly!

Chen Feng turned around and met Duan Muxi who had arrived.

Duan Muxi wore a blue robe, a crown of sky-opening, sharp facial features, and the arrogance between the eyebrows, quite the arrogance of looking at the world.

The most remarkable thing is that as soon as he gets closer, Chen Feng can feel a blessed blood from him!

Is this the blood of the **** and demon body refiner?

In Chen Feng's heart, there was a stormy sea!

One day, he will also be able to awaken the blood of ancient gods and demons and become a true **** and demons body refiner!

However, it is still too early for everything.

Chen Feng also clasped his fists and left without being humble or arrogant.

Duan Muxi only glanced at him and didn't care.

His eyes stopped on Nangong Ru Xue in front.

Soon, Chen Feng returned to the crowd on both sides.

This grand welcome ceremony in Duanmu Xiancheng continues as usual.

Yuxue Qilin Horse has returned to normal.

However, Nangong Ruxue entered the chariot with Duan Muxi just in case.

After the convoy left and entered Duanmu Mansion, the crowd on the street slowly dispersed.

Chen Feng patiently followed the rhythm of the masses and left the scene.

Tiancun Beast Slave came over, and the three of them returned to the Xiancheng Inn where they had settled.

Right now, Zhongli Yunlong, Yun Heng, and Yun Qian who had taken the entire east backyard were all dead!

It was just for Chen Feng, Tiancun Beast Slave and Zhong Li Yuntian to replace them.

Zhong Li Yuntian saw that Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave were acquainted, and consciously returned to his wing.

Only then did the Tiancun Beast Slave relax.

He looked at Chen Feng.

"Brother, I found you."

Chen Feng also laughed.

"How will you be here?"

Tiancun Beast Slave scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Since entering this world of trials, I have found many restrictions."

"However, I manipulated a few monsters, and they revealed that there is a very powerful existence who is coming to Duanmu Xiancheng."

"I sorted it out carefully, only to know that they were talking about Yuxue Qilinju, so I guessed here and knew what was going on here."

He smiled lowly: "I know, Brother Chen, you definitely won't miss this event."

"So, I thought, maybe you will be here."

Chen Feng patted him on the shoulder.

"Good job!"

Regarding the past, Chen Feng also intends to check the benefits of this operation.

He took out Zhong Li Yunlong's jade card of reincarnation.

I have to say that Zhong Li's family is indeed extraordinary.

Among the jade cards of reincarnation, the harvest is great!

What surprised Chen Feng even more was that in this samsara jade medal, there were actually twelve magical powers!


It can even directly improve a magical power!

Now, the two supernatural powers of Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation and Buddha's Angry Lion Roar Technique have reached the second level.

Since he upgraded his cultivation to the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, he has completely mastered the second level of these two supernatural powers.

It is indeed time to improve.

Chen Feng was in a pretty good mood.

However, he did not intend to immediately promote.

It's not a very urgent time now, so wait.

After counting the income, Chen Feng looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave again.

"After entering this world of trials, have you heard anything about it?"

Sure enough, the Tiancun Beast Slave did not disappoint Chen Feng.

As soon as he arrived at Duanmu Fairy City, he immediately heard a lot of news here.

Although Duanmu Xiancheng is named Duanmu Xiancheng, in addition to the Duanmu family as the city lord, there are also four major families living here.

They are all powerful.

This time, Duan Muxi awakened the blood of the gods and demons and received an invitation letter from "Gods and Demons Discussing the Tao" with high spirits.

He dropped forty-nine invitations and invited many masters to discuss the Dao in the city lord's mansion in half a month.

As the four major families in Duanmu Xiancheng, naturally they will not be neglected.

Tiancun Beast Slave said that he had heard a secret message.

The Tang family, as one of the four major families, in addition to the designated invitation letter, this time also received three blank invitation letters!


Chen Feng's heart moved.

Previously, when the Lord of Heaven introduced, he only mentioned that Duanmu Xisa had put down forty-nine invitation letters, but did not give the whereabouts of those invitation letters.

The three blank invitations from the Tang family right now can be said to be the only ones they know where they are currently.

Chen Feng immediately decided to raid the Tang family!

The task of the top of the sky must be completed!

Now that the Tiancun Beast Slave could get the news, it means that the whereabouts of the three blank invitations have been leaked.

Without further ado!

After Chen Feng adjusted his strength back to heyday, he directly called Zhong Li Yuntian.

The three of them headed to the direction of the Tang family.

Soon, they came to the area where the Tang family was located based on intelligence.

Although Duanmu Fairy City is said to be a city, it is actually composed of many large and small floating mountains.

The place where Chen Feng and others were before was the largest floating mountain in the city lord's mansion.

But where the Tang family was located, it was going westward from the Duanmu family.

As one of the four major families, the Tang family also occupies a large floating mountain.

And around them, there are many small floating mountains.

Chen Feng and the others could perceive from a distance that strong men are constantly haunting these small floating mountains.

"It seems that these are their sentries."

Zhong Li Yuntian said.

Beside, the Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng.

"Brother, do you have any plans?"

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yuntian also looked over.

Chen Feng stared at the front and waved his hand.

"It's hard to say. Just watch the changes."

Chen Feng is a very cautious person. Even if the source of the intelligence is the Celestial Remnant Beast Slave, he dare not relax his vigilance before confirming it with his own eyes.

The Tang family, as one of the four major families in Duanmu Xiancheng, is bound to be strong.

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