Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5026: Plant another devil!

"If there is any concealment, you should know my means!"

The words are full of threats.

Chen Feng smiled faintly.

"In the previous trial mission, I was fortunate enough to get a big inheritance from Zhongli Changfeng."

"If you want, I will be safe from this mission."

"After returning to the top of the sky, I will give it to you immediately, without any falsehood!"

Chen Feng's faction has the appearance of being informed.

In fact, this is just his strategy!

The Zhongli Yuntian in front of him will become his chess piece!

The real inheritance was given to Zhong Li Yaoqin by Chen Feng.

Seeing that the color of hesitation on Zhong Li Yuntian's face had not disappeared, Chen Feng probed and said.

"You have also seen that, I only have the cultivation base of the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

Zhong Li Yuntian gave a cold snort.

"But the strength you just demonstrated is more than that."

In this regard, Chen Feng is not alarmed.

He still smiled and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you, that is already my last hole card."

"You should also see that I am not your opponent at all."

"In front of you, I only have this ability to defend myself."

"Now, my hole cards are wasted on you, this trial mission, I will be very dangerous!"

Although Chen Feng said a lot, Zhong Li Yuntian's face still had a doubtful look.

"After you say it, I can't confirm it, unless you show evidence!"

Chen Feng looked down, pretending to think for a moment.

Then he took a step forward.

"Why don't you let go of your defense, I will show you a picture."

"My memory can't be faked!"

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yuntian finally moved slightly.

Chen Feng's cultivation base is there, which is four realms different from him!

With such a wide gap, Zhong Li Yuntian believes that Chen Feng's proposal is not a must.

Anyway, with Chen Feng's weak strength, even if he had to do something, he couldn't do anything to him.


With that, Zhong Li Yuntian let go of the defense of his spiritual world.

An invisible smile flashed across Chen Feng's eyes.

On the spot, he transported a fragment of memory to Zhongli Yuntian's spiritual world.

Upon seeing this memory segment, Zhong Li Yuntian's face changed drastically!

He was horrified and blurted out.

"It's really Zhongli Changfeng!"

The memory fragment that Chen Feng gave him was not falsified.

It was indeed a clip of Zhongli Changfeng that had been seen.

It's just that paragraph.

At this moment, Zhong Li Yuntian had completely released the defense of his spiritual world.

His attention was almost completely attracted by that memory.

Therefore, I missed the kind of weirdness in Chen Feng's smile.

In the space of repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, the huge black eye on the far right suddenly condensed with black light.

Quickly condensed an inky black magic heart!

Just as Chen Feng sent the memory fragment over, he also sent the demon heart in!

The devil's heart is mixed in the memory fragments.

Invisible, invisible, inevitable!

If Zhong Li Yuntian let go of the prohibition of the spiritual world, he was seeking his own way!

Rooted directly in the depths of Zhong Li Yuntian's spiritual world!

When the devil's heart took root smoothly, Chen Feng's heart finally fell into a boulder.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally won this dangerous move!

The person who could kill him by raising his hand just now, not only can't kill him anymore, but will be a great help for him!

The devil's heart is deep, unless there are special means, or the strength is far beyond Chen Feng.

Otherwise, it will never be eradicated!

In fact, the "protection" mentioned by Chen Feng just now does not really need Zhong Liyuntian to protect.

That's just an excuse.

Chen Feng didn't need anyone's protection for this trial task.

For a long time, Chen Feng has never placed the hope of his own life on his being.

Only one's own strength can always rely on!

The reason for saying that is just to show weakness to Zhong Li Yuntian.

The purpose is to successfully plant the devil heart into Zhongli Yuntian's spiritual world!

Not long after, Zhong Li Yuntian finally finished reading the memory segment sent to him by Chen Feng.

He cast his gaze on Chen Feng again.

There was a grinning smile on his face.

"A simple-minded person like you can still live to this day!"

As he said, Zhongli Yuntian Jiejie burst out laughing.

The eyes that looked at Chen Feng were even more arrogant and proud.

"Give you a piece of advice. In your next life, don't be frank with the enemy anymore!"

"As for the inheritance in your hands, why let you hand it over by yourself."

"I can grab it myself!"

Before the words fell, Zhong Li Yuntian was overwhelmed and rushed towards Chen Feng again.

It's just that this time, Chen Feng didn't have the slightest fear on his face.

Instead, he stood calmly on the spot, even with a smile on his face.

"Really? Then you can try."

At the same time, his heart moved.

Penetrating into Zhong Li Yuntian's devil's heart, he immediately took root and sprouted up quickly in Zhong Li Yuntian's spiritual world!


I saw the pressure of terror suddenly dissipated!

Zhong Li Yuntian's triumphant and arrogant expression suddenly turned into horror.

His eyes burst, and his veins violent.

At this moment, in his spiritual world, a black plant suddenly appeared!

The plant rose up almost instantly.

Almost tore through Zhong Li Yuntian's spiritual world!

The severe pain from the spiritual world is more difficult than ordinary physical pain!

"How could this be!"

He gritted his teeth, raised his head with difficulty, and stared at Chen Feng.

"You...what did you do to me!"

Chen Feng stood with his hands behind, smiling.

He returned what Zhong Li Yuntian had said to him before, intact.

"A simple-minded person like you can still live to this day!"

As he said, he took a step forward, looking down at Zhong Li Yuntian, who could hardly be occupied.

"I accept the advice you gave me."

"It's just that, now it seems that you may need this advice more than me."

It is one thing to guess what Chen Feng has done.

However, after Chen Feng acquiesced that he did move his hands and feet, Zhong Li Yuntian still unconsciously showed a look of horror.

He desperately thought about when he was conspired.

"That memory segment!"

Zhong Li Yuntian suddenly realized, but it was too late.

He desperately wanted to remove the black magic strain in the spiritual world.

However, although Chen Feng's cultivation level is temporarily inferior to him, his mental power is quite strong!

Far surpassing people in the same realm!

Even Zhongli Yuntian in the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm had nothing to do when facing the skyrocketing Demon Strain!

In a short moment, his spiritual world was almost destroyed by the magic strain.

If this continues, he may be abandoned!

At this moment, Zhong Li Yuntian even felt the fear of death!

The first strong opponent to come to this trial world, let yourself be so embarrassed!

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