Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5017: Celestial immortals mixed in! Mission difficulty increased!

The next task: the three-level trial task.

After the third-level trial task, it was the task of advancing to the heavenly immortal.

These two tasks are really difficult.

At this time, the vast voice of Heaven's dominance suddenly sounded.

"The world of trials, open now!"

Before the voice was over, familiar images were lit up inside the light door!

Those bizarre pictures changed rapidly.

The silhouettes of the world after another flashed by.

Here, it is just a corner of the huge tower of the entire world.

Beyond this, there are countless light gates, countless people coming in or out, and countless tasks going on.

Except for Chu Pingsheng, Destroyer Immortal, and those who participated in this mission, no one cares about this.

Everyone took out the jade card of reincarnation.

Red light fell, shining on the jade plate of reincarnation.

Pillars of light shrouded everyone.

Chen Feng is already familiar with this process.

Next, you will enter the light gate and enter the mission world.

But at this moment!

Suddenly, behind Chen Feng, a beam of blood burst into the sky!

"what happened!"

Everyone looked sideways fiercely.

Immediately, the vast voice of heaven dominating suddenly exploded!

"A twelfth gate, a sky fairy is detected in the team!"

"Fairy in the sky, pass over and enter this gate, obliterate!"

Hearing this, everyone's face changed!

The light gate where Chen Feng is located is Gate A 12!

The quest for Gate A twelve is a second-level trial quest!

Only the Trial Immortal who participated in the task for the second time was eligible to participate.

But now, a heavenly fairy appeared in the team!

Everyone was shocked.

"Fairy in the sky, even the weakest one has the strength of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!"

"Why did he secretly participate in our mission?"

"What does he intend to do?"

"Is this looking for death? Doesn't he know what the price will be paid to enter this level of mission with the sky immortal?"

At the next moment, a huge voice sounded again.

"Fairy in the sky, enter the second-level trial task without authorization, according to the rules of heaven, when..."

The vast voice uttered two words coldly.


These two words, turned into supreme coercion, smashed down from the sky!

Behind Chen Feng, blood burst out!

Including Chen Feng, everyone in the team was immediately blocked and could not move!

This is the power of heaven dominating!

Chen Feng tried to regain control of his body, but found that he couldn't do it.

"How is this going?"

"Don't even kill us?"

At this moment, above the entire blood-colored light, three extremely dazzling lights suddenly lit up!

Fairy Yuheng and the others in the distance took a deep breath when they saw these three rays of light appear.

Three extremely precious supreme treasures!

"This person is planning to use these three top treasures to resist his life!"

Fairy Yuheng's face became extremely ugly.

She looked into the blood and tried to find Chen Feng.

At this time, an extremely terrifying force fell fiercely!

Smash it against this locked team!

However, despite being locked together, Chen Feng did not feel the despair of death!

It seems that the rest of them are just frozen in shape, and that power is only for individuals.

It's just that now he can't even turn his head back, can't see who the immortal in the sky is!


The three dazzling rays of light exploded with the same shocking power at the moment the terrifying force above the head smashed down!

Among the huge towers of the heavens and the world, this little corner.

Everyone temporarily lost sight and hearing.

The earth is shaking.

Many people fell to the ground.

After the heart-shaking power confrontation dissipated.

The huge voice resounded from the world again.

"Failed to kill!"

"This person lives with three high-level treasures."

"According to the rules of heaven, these three top treasures are of extremely high level and can be used for one life!"

"This sky fairy can enter this mission!"

Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing the words of the rule of heaven.

This result is so shocking!

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a confrontation against the consciousness of the ruler of heaven!

However, before everyone reacted.

The huge voice sounded again.

"Due to the entrance of the heavenly immortals, the difficulty of the trial task at Gate A 12 has increased!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart shook.

In the next second, the red light on their bodies suddenly relaxed.

Then, suddenly, there were twelve rays of light in the distance, breaking through the air.

In every ray of light, there is a figure wrapped in it.

Chen Feng saw that most of them were completely blank. Obviously, they didn't know what happened.

Boom boom boom!

The twelve rays of light fell in front of everyone fiercely.

Chen Feng turned around fiercely.

At this time, he found that he could move.

Those strong under the twelve rays of light, even though they are separated by that light, can still feel their terrifying strength!

very horrible!

At least, Chen Feng felt that the weakest of them was a bit stronger than himself!

"What is the origin of these people!"

Everyone was shocked.

These few people, each one, are much stronger than them.

They are usually big people who need them to look up.

And now, so many appeared all at once!

The voice of heaven dominates again:

"In order to balance the strength of this mission, twelve new people have joined the mission."

"Among them, three are immortals in the sky, and nine are half-step immortals in the sky!"

The three heavenly immortals were still calm.

But the other nine half-step Celestial Celestials looked strange.

The so-called half-step celestial celestial disciple means that he has completed three trial missions, but there is still a little distance from being transformed into a celestial disciple.

Have not completed the advanced task of becoming a fairy in the sky.

Many people were preparing, and they were pulled over.

However, they are also experienced and extremely shrewd.

Look at each other immediately and start looking for someone you know each other.

It is even more eyeballs, preparing for this mission, reaping great benefits!

Looking at such changes, Chen Feng had a consideration in mind.

The Celestial Celestial disciple who came in has stayed here since he used the means in accordance with the rules.

Cannot be driven out, then, the Lord of Heaven has to use another method to balance the strength of the people participating in this mission.

But there is no doubt that

"Come in with a fairy from the sky? Is it against me?"

"Now, there are three more sky fairies, nine half-step sky fairies?"

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth ticked: "Interesting!"

Not only did he have no fear, but his eyes were full of excitement like a flame burning!

The more chaotic, the easier it is to fish in troubled waters!

At this time, the number of people participating in this mission has reached more than 70!

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