Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5015: The despair of Fairy Yuheng!


He let out a long breath.

Lifting his eyes, the first thing he saw was Mei Wuxian.

"Brother Chen Feng!"

Mei Wuxian is still a plain white.

Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, she was immediately full of joy and plunged into his arms.

Chen Feng's expression softened as soon as he saw Mei Wuxie.

He looked up.

Fairy Yuheng, Tianchou Beast Slave and others were there.

Seeing Chen Feng's return, everyone's faces were filled with joy.

However, the joy on their faces quickly turned to surprise.

"Chen Feng, you have broken through again!"

Fairy Yuheng is still wearing a Lie Lie red dress.

At this moment, her beautiful eyes widened slightly and she exclaimed.

Hearing her words, other people noticed this.

"Brother, how long has it passed! Have you had any adventures in the world of Xuan Huang Zhong Qian?"

Chen Feng looked at them with a smile, and selectively said about this trip to Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

After listening, everyone felt extremely shocked.

Although Chen Feng had mentioned some things lightly, how could everyone know.

That is the situation of nine deaths!

Every time it may fall completely!

"Chen Feng, your improvement really surprised me."

Fairy Yuheng wore a bit of sorrow on her face.

Chen Feng saw that there was blood in many places on her body, and his expression was distraught, as if the whole person was severely wounded, and she was indescribably weak.

It seems that the spirit is extremely bad and the injuries are extremely serious.

However, he was full of energy and blood, and his realm had broken through to the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

I couldn't help but felt shocked: "Sister Yuheng has broken through so many layers in a short time?"

Fairy Yuheng seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled reluctantly: "My practice is quite special. I could break through before, but I have been forcibly suppressing my cultivation."

"In fact, I have stayed in the fourth building for nine years!"

"Just in yesterday's mission, I finally found the best opportunity to make continuous breakthroughs."

"It's not that amazing, but it's just paying off the debts owed before."

Chen Feng whispered: "This task is difficult, right?"

"Nine dead for a lifetime!"

Fairy Yuheng sighed softly: "More than twenty people who went together, at least ten are stronger than me!"

"But, they are all dead!"

Everyone was shocked!

"In the end, only if I used my hole cards and got promoted again and again, did I get away with it."

"But even so, the task was not completed, but it was just a few days longer than the last time."

She was full of sullen expression, and even a little desperate: "Oh, this is the third time!"

Chen Feng's heart jumped fiercely.

It was the first time that he saw such an expression on Fairy Yuheng's face!

Fairy Yuheng always has a calm face, but full of confidence.

Always high morale!

And this time, she was desperate!

"Why is this? How was she hit?"

"The third time, what do you mean?"

"What kind of horror mission did they experience? Is it the third time, and they haven't passed this mission?"

Chen Feng guessed in his mind, but did not ask.

Fairy Yuheng wanted to say it, so naturally.

She was obviously hit hard, and if she asked again at this time, it was undoubtedly the second injury.

Fairy Yuheng was really not interested, and after a few more words, he pleaded guilty and went to heal himself.

Chen Feng talked about his own affairs, and then asked the Heavenly Cannon Beast Slaves about their situation.

"Brother Chen Feng, I am about to start the second newcomer mission soon!"

Mei Wuxian puffed her mouth, full of anger.

"This time, I will not fail!"

Chen Feng looked at her, smiled and touched her head.

"Well, I believe you!"

The Tiancun Beast Slave walked to Chen Feng's side.

He will also participate in the new trial task that is about to begin.

Chen Feng looked at him and asked in a low voice about the dragon vein continent.

"Everything is fine."

Tianchou beast slave replied.

Chen Feng nodded.

He completely trusted the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave.

Since he said everything is fine, there should be no problem.

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of Heaven rang loudly.

"After three hours, the mission will start."

"Please reach the giant tower of the heavens and ten thousand realms in time. If you fail to enter in time, it will be deemed as a failure of this mission."

"Failure penalty!"


The words of the Lord of Heaven are exactly the same as before.

However, today's Chen Feng no longer has the kind of anxiety and anticipation he had at the beginning.

It's rather indifferent.

Fairy Yuheng also turned around and looked at Chen Feng and others.

"Well, we are too bad to pass."

Chen Feng nodded.

Soon, the group of people came to the huge tower of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Enter the giant towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms again.

Looking at the countless red light flashing giant gates, the endless stream of powerhouses, Chen Feng's heart surged.

"Back again!"

He found that he still missed it a bit.

This wild and domineering place is full of strange vitality and infinite possibilities!

Before they came to the door, many people had gathered here.

Among the huge towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms, before the light gate where the major tasks enter.

Whenever a trial mission is opened, there will always be many people.

This is not surprising.

However, what surprised Chen Feng and others was the group of people standing in front of them.

The headed person is thin and thin, and he is enveloped in a large black robe!

A yellow wooden staff stood by his side.

Under the black robe, there was nothing but pitch-black mist.

It is the Dementor Immortal!

Behind Dementor Immortal, the glamorous young woman with red hair in a red dress looked at Chen Feng.

The people in Cthulhu Valley are here!

"he came."

Seeing Chen Feng and his party appear, the glamorous young woman lightly opened her mouth and said softly.

When Fairy Yuheng and others saw the people in Cthulhu Valley, their expressions of joy sank instantly.

Previously, the Dementor Immortal attempted to use the loopholes in the rules governed by Heaven to directly kill Chen Feng.

Later, at a huge cost, the Seventeen Snake had to follow Chen Feng and enter the same trial world!

Just to kill him!

He often does this shameless method!

However, after all his despicable methods were dealt with by Chen Feng.

Today's Dementor Immortal's strength is greatly reduced.

Also, some other team members will be a little jealous of them.

Chen Feng, Fairy Yuheng, Tiancan Beast Slave and others all stepped forward together.

"Chen Feng, I finally saw you again."

Under the black robe, a blood-red line of sight shot out.

Behind him, everyone in Cthulhu Valley looked at Chen Feng's expression, which was even more vicious and unkind.

If it hadn't been subject to the rules of the top of the sky, they would have taken action long ago.

Chen Feng looked at them coldly, especially at the Dementor.

He strode forward and came to everyone in Cthulhu Valley.

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