Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5000: Want me to kneel?

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!

The rolling sound wave swept out in an instant, slamming like a raging wave against the shore, directly at the red-eyed demon.

In Chen Feng's hand, a black and white long knife appeared!

While being born, while being dead!

Seven seven forty-nine ways, all into one!

Chen Feng's muscles burst out, and the veins are clearly visible.

The golden streamer of the whole body, under the blessing of the body of the great witch sacrament, the power of the sword formation of the heavens has been amplified several times!

The black and white long knife cut through the void silently.

It rushed straight to the red-eyed demon in front of him!

This fierce battle has entered a white-hot stage.

Chen Feng has no reservations, preemptive!

Cut out with a single knife, and then launch the heaven and earth reincarnation magic!

The faintly blue huge vertical pupil immediately gave out a dazzling glow!

Chen Feng wanted to find out the weakness of the Red Eye Demon immediately!

Just like the red-eyed demon.

However, the result disappointed him.

Just opening the third seal in the spiritual world, Chen Feng's spiritual power has surpassed the past.

However, the red-eyed demon in front of him seemed to have an emotional connection with his brother.

It can even be said to be one.

Therefore, the red-eyed demon in front of him knew very well that Chen Feng's mental attack was particularly terrifying.

When Chen Feng first started using it, the red-eyed demon actually closed his eyes!

At the same time, it also strengthened the defense against the spiritual world!

Heaven and earth repeatedly reincarnate magic power, in this kind of battle with too large a power gap, the ability will be weakened.

Chen Feng has repeatedly lost.

However, he was not panicked and anxious.

He still has a hole card!

If not for the last resort, he would not take out the immortal seal of Tianquan Town in public!

Even the giant black claw demon can fight the immortal seal of Tianquan town, as long as you seize the opportunity, you will be able to completely crush the red-eyed demon!

There is no man's land around Chen Feng and the red-eyed demon.

Wherever they went, even stone meteorites would be completely shattered and turned into dust!

"Do you think you really have the power to fight me?"

The red-eyed demon suddenly spoke.


Chen Feng almost staggered and was pressed to the ground by a powerful force.

The seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, the pinnacle!

Chen Feng can almost write the word "chuan" between his eyebrows.

This breath is too powerful and overbearing!

This kind of crushing on the realm is tantamount to a shame for Chen Feng!

If he can't stand it and falls to the ground, his dignity will be swept away!

Coercion continues to be exerted.

Chen Feng's bones were all crackling wildly.

Even under the flesh, blood and blue veins are clearly visible!

However, Chen Feng still did not fall!

He gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand almost cruelly!

Staring at the red-eyed demon not far away, Chen Feng spoke with difficulty.

"I, Chen Feng... don't kneel to the sky, don't kneel to the ground, don't kneel to anyone!"

As soon as this remark came out, the coercion suddenly intensified!

Chen Feng suddenly felt a sweet smell in his throat!

A stream of blood will gush out!

The huge red eye of the Red Eye Demon also blinked.

It has a hideous face and red blood in its eyes, but instead smiles.

"Okay. If that's the case, then you go to die!"

Substantial red light shot from its eyes!

Chen Feng could not move, and was shot directly by the red light.


The intense pain and devastating power almost wanted to melt Chen Feng's body instantly.

The great witch blood pool in his body was shaking wildly.

The Great Witch’s Blood Pool, which was still full, consumes a lot at this moment!

Chen Feng desperately moved forward and took a palm.

With this recoil, he threw himself out.

Chen Feng, seriously injured!

The red-eyed demon looked coldly at Chen Feng, who had almost lost his combat power.

There was a crazy smile in its eyes.

"Desperate? Regret?"

It approached step by step, with triumph in its bloodthirsty expression.

Chen Feng kept struggling, trying to stand up again.


Do not!

Until the last moment, Chen Feng has never been desperate!

Regret it?


In his eyes, there is only firmness!

Only one step forward!

It's just a demon, kill it!

At the moment, Chen Feng is in ragged clothes and embarrassed.

However, the war intent on him has only intensified!

This kind of reaction makes the red-eyed demon extremely unhappy!

This is not the reaction it wants to see!

However, it laughed so angry.

"I won't let you go so easily."

It stepped closer to Chen Feng again.

"I will keep your life, so that you can't survive and die!"

"At that time, you will know how stupid you are now!"

It laughed wildly.

Seeing it smile, Chen Feng struggled to stand firm, and the corners of his mouth also curled up.

"Sorry. You are afraid you will be disappointed."

His voice was not loud, but it spread to the neighborhood clearly, to the ears of the red-eyed demon.

"I, Chen Feng, will never lower my head to a beast!"

He licked the blood from the corner of his lips and sneered.

"You should know how scared and regretful your brother was before he died?"

"As long as I live, your fate will be the same as it!"


The red-eyed demon was angered!

"I want to tear you apart! I want to kill you!"

It rushed over, trying to catch Chen Feng and tear him apart!

At this moment, Chen Feng quickly sacrificed the immortal seal of Tianquan Town and threw it directly at it!


In an instant, Dayin skyrocketed into a huge golden mountain!

Press directly on the red-eyed demon!

"what is this……"

The Red-Eyed Demon didn't expect that Chen Feng had such a hole card!

It didn't notice it for a while, and when it reacted, the golden peaks had already covered its head!

At this moment, even the red-eyed demon felt the threat of death!

Without any hesitation, the blood-red red light burst into the eyes of the red-eyed demon!

This blood-red light is stronger than ever before!

Directly hit the bottom of the golden mountain!


One red and one gold, two horrible breaths exploded, alarming the world!

Chen Feng was overturned by the billowing air and flew a great distance.

He gushed blood, but with a triumphant smile on his face.

"You are smart, cough...have not been calculated by me once, again."


The red-eyed demon came out in confusion.

That golden mountain shrank again in an instant, restored to a palm-sized square seal, and returned to Chen Feng's hands.

Chen Feng felt a little regretful.

If his strength can be stronger, it will enable Tianquan Zhenxian Yin to exert a stronger combat power.

One hit kills, there is hope.

It will not be reduced to the current unsatisfactory life and death.

Up to now, all his hole cards have been played out.

The red-eyed demon came to him and looked down at him condescendingly.

"You really surprised me."

"Is there any other trick, just let it go! Today, I have to make you kneel and beg me for mercy!"

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