Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4998: court death!

In Chen Feng's words, there was an indescribable ridicule.

When these words came out, the disciple of Kaiyang Sword Sect looked extremely ugly.

"You...huh, don't know what is good or bad!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly.

"I don't know good or bad? Don't you just want me to die?"

One by one, he pointed his fingers at the disciples who said, "I want to save people but have powerlessness."

"Speaking so nicely, are you afraid of death?"

The faces of the disciples who had been named were very embarrassed.

They grinned their necks and said angrily.

"We respect you, Master Chen, and trouble Master Chen to respect us."

"If it hadn't been for my lack of strength, I would have gone now!"

Chen Feng sneered and said: "Your strength is not good, do I have strength?"

"You have wiped out so many demon, naturally you have strength."

"Then you have lived well in the outer battlefield for so long, so naturally you are also capable."

Chen Feng used his own way to rule his body.

Those few people were speechless immediately, not knowing how to fight back.

Chen Feng said coldly: "You can't save it, and I can't save it!"

Yuan Zixuan beside him suddenly laughed.

He looked at Chen Feng.

"What can't be saved? I don't think I dare!"

"What madman, nemesis, turned out to be just a fool!"

Chen Feng turned his eyes to him and stretched out his hand.

"You don't scumbag, then please."


Yuan Zixuan did not expect that Chen Feng is not only strong, but also so strong!

Not arrogant, not arrogant, not excited.

He looked colder, looked at Chen Feng contemptuously, and said loudly.

"Don't you understand."

"A sharp-edged, selfish person like you, who was banished to an extraterritorial battlefield, had only one ending."


Yuan Zixuan glanced around triumphantly.

"We are giving you a chance now."

"As long as you save Senior Sister Shangguan, all the disciples present will intercede for you."

"Even if you only have a breath, we can protect you from death."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's faces also showed a little approval.

The disciples who were exiled, except for Chen Feng, were nowhere to be seen, and in all likelihood, they were dead.

It seems that Yuan Zixuan's words are very inflammatory.

Chen Feng looked at everyone coldly.

Seeing the high-sounding words are finished, they are useless.

Now, it has to be changed to coercion and lure.

Chen Feng looked at Yuan Zixuan and spoke slowly.

"Do you know why I was punished?"

His voice is not too big or small, enough to be heard by everyone around him.

The surrounding quieted subconsciously.

"Kill the same door."

As soon as the four characters came out, all the disciples including Yuan Zixuan were silent.

Chen Feng's meaning is also very clear.

Bullying and temptation are useless.

Forcing him again, he doesn't mind doing it first.

Everyone around them narrowed their sights.

Yuan Zixuan was frightened and horrified.

Kill the same door?

Shouldn't it be sent to the Xingtang?

Why come here.

Yuan Zixuan's face was black and white.

Especially when she met Chen Feng's contemptuous eyes, her whole body was cold.

"What the **** did this kid do?"

He couldn't help feeling cold and took a step back.

But then, seeing the disciples behind him, I suddenly felt certain.

"What am I afraid of him? There are countless strong people here. What are you afraid of him?"

In an instant, he became more courageous and coldly shouted:

"To kill the scum of the same sect is not worthy of being a disciple of my Galaxy Sword Sect!"

With that, Yuan Zixuan looked around and shouted:

"Everyone, this thief's heart is not righteous, maybe so many of the same people who lost contact were killed by him early!"

"This kind of threatening figure must not let him continue to walk with us!"

Chen Feng looked at Yuan Zixuan coldly, closed his eyes and shook his head.

"court death!"

After all, Chen Feng's figure froze in place.

At the same time, Yuan Zixuan's eyes protruded and he screamed again and again.

Everything happened so fast!

Soon everyone hadn't reacted yet.

Chen Feng, frozen in place, disappeared with the wind.

It's an afterimage!

Chen Feng's speed is amazing!

He didn't make any moves, and directly used his palm as a knife, cutting off Yuan Zixuan's legs.

"My legs!"

Yuan Zixuan shouted in pain, clutching the wound, screaming bitterly.

Blood shot out.

He immediately lost his balance and almost fell straight into the endless void below.

Chen Feng retreated with a single blow, until he clicked.

Seeing him retreating, the people next to him hurried to help Yuan Zixuan.

Yuan Zixuan's face was pale, his eyes swept across Chen Feng, full of fear.

But I dare not say a word.

There were hundreds of disciples, no one dared to force him to die again.

This is the shock of absolute strength!

In the end, it was the disciples who had taken the initiative to show Chen Feng's favor before and came forward to make a round.

"Well, guys, listen to me."

"Hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons are still catching up behind us. If we fight in infight now and lose our combat power, it will not be worth the loss!"

All the disciples responded one after another, trying to turn this page over.

Chen Feng stopped paying attention to them.

What he wants to pay attention to now is the army of heavenly demons behind him.

Especially the red-eyed demon!

Chen Feng was too focused, so he didn't notice.

Although Yuan Zixuan did not dare to continue after his legs recovered, his eyes were full of insidiousness.

If there is another chance, he will definitely be the first to attack him!

The disciples accelerated their departure.

Rescue Shangguan Shuyao, after all, is not as important as their respective lives.

Everyone agreed, pretending to forget all the previous things, and fleeing forward.

at this time.

The void in front of them suddenly vibrated strangely.

"what happened?"

"Is this space about to fall apart?"

Everyone's face changed drastically!

The team suddenly became chaotic.

Many disciples even left the team directly!

When everyone was in a panic, a scream cut through the void. 


This scream came too unexpectedly.

It exploded suddenly and stopped abruptly. 

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound source subconsciously.

I saw that a disciple who had just left the team and was about to escape alone, stepped into the void somewhere.

The void suddenly twisted!

His left foot just stepped into that twisted space.

As soon as I stepped in, my left foot disappeared immediately!

The tragic cry just now originated from this.

In the next second, that disciple seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand on his left leg, and was directly dragged into the twisted void.


The speed is so fast that people are caught off guard!

After a while, a large amount of blood suddenly filled the place.

Everyone's heart sank.

They knew that the disciple was already ill-fortuned.

This scene directly scared those disciples who wanted to leave, and didn't dare to go one step further!

"How is this going?"

They shouted in despair.

Many people just collapsed directly.

"Could it be that even the void is helping us against us!"

At this time, Chen Feng was moved.

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