Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4992: this is me! this is me!

Because only instinct remains, it does not have enough wisdom to tell the truth from the false.

At this moment, it was completely immersed in the small Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Formation.

From Chen Feng's perspective, his body is getting bleak.

More and more transparent.

Feng Shui turns around, but I didn’t expect the reversal to come so fast!

A moment ago, he could only be forced to dodge and constantly flee.

All attacks are ineffective.

Now, he can kill this spirit devouring monster with no effort!

Seeing the spirit devouring monster gradually becoming transparent, Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved.

What suddenly occurred to him!

Since the Spirit Devouring Monster Beast was sealed in the golden wall early.

He came here early, so, does it know something?

Is there any information about him in its mind?

Who on earth sealed his spiritual world!

Why seal!

Who is he!

These questions have been entrenched in Chen Feng's heart for too long.

He couldn't wait to peek.

However, his divine consciousness had just probed into the mind of the spirit devouring monster.

Chen Feng suddenly felt great resistance!


In the mind of this spirit devouring monster, there is a restriction, and no one is allowed to spy!

As soon as Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, the restriction was noticed!

However, seeing the prohibition, Chen Feng was rather happy.

There are restrictions, which means that there is indeed some news related to his life experience in this Cannian!

Suddenly, above the restriction, the light suddenly shined!

The Spirit Devouring Monster Beast broke out a scream!

Chen Feng immediately changed his expression.

In the next second, the prohibition burst suddenly!

Even blew up and didn't let him spy!

No matter how unwilling he was, Chen Feng could only withdraw his spiritual consciousness.

The Spirit Devouring Monster Beast in front of it was already almost transparent.

The moment Chen Feng withdrew his spiritual consciousness, it exploded silently!

Completely turned into nothingness!

However, Chen Feng at this moment has no time to take care of these.

His eyes were wide open, and his breathing became quick.

Although the prohibition reaction was extremely rapid, Chen Feng still saw some fragments of the picture!

In the screen, a three-year-old boy appeared!

Upon seeing the boy's appearance, Chen Feng's breathing quickly rose.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him loudly.

That's him!

Chen Feng's breathing was rapid, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He stared at the three-year-old boy.

In the picture, when he was three years old, his eyes were closed tightly, and his face was pale, as if he had lost consciousness.

The boy's face is haggard, his hair is soft and yellowish, and he looks malnourished.

However, it was this boy who seemed to have no power to bind the chicken, with all kinds of slender golden needles stuck in his head!

Moreover, every slender golden needle is inserted in some acupuncture points.

Including some dead spots!

Not only that, the boy's limbs and torso are bound by countless chains!

Those chains are thin and thick.

The thick chain penetrates a layer of faintly glowing formations, and is connected to the four walls of this space.

The thin one was deeply cut into the boy's skin and flesh.

This is a dark place.

There is no end, no light, no air, there seems to be nothing.

It seems that it is the deadliest place in the universe.

Just underneath the boy is a stand.

An extremely old platform, as if the universe had just opened, and Hongmeng had already existed at the beginning!

Very majestic, extremely magnificent, extremely huge!

Like a planet!

On the high platform, it is covered with blood stains!

There is also a miserable howl, a miserable roar, born in the void, echoing around!

It seems that there are infinitely many, infinitely powerful souls wandering around here.

On the high platform is a towering gate.

On the door, there were countless chains made of metal that didn't know what kind of metal, and the boy was hung high in the air.

A pool of blood was sprinkled under him.

Most of the blood has become dark and scabs, but there is still fresh blood, dripping constantly.

The boy was naked and covered with scars, so miserable!

There was a row of immortal cultivators all around, all expressionless.

A faint ray of light flashed by their edges, releasing a breath of horror formation.

Looking at this picture, Chen Feng was shocked.

At this moment, an extremely powerful force suddenly uncontrollably surged in his heart!

That is his anger!

This angry power came from nowhere, as if it appeared from his body out of thin air.

Then, with the thunderous momentum, gushing out!


A powerful and terrifying force broke out from Chen Feng's body instantly.

In the huge spiritual world, the golden cone condensed by his spiritual power has carved a huge hole in the heavy and majestic golden wall.

At this moment, an extremely majestic force suddenly swept away not far away!

It was like giving a hammer on this huge golden cone!


The huge crater sunken in the golden wall made a dull sound.

Then, the sound of clicking and rubbing sounded one after another.

With the giant hole as the center, cracks are radiated to the surrounding area.

And the center of the giant hole suddenly lit up with white light.

The entire golden spiritual world began to vibrate violently!

There were huge noises everywhere.

It seems that on the other side of the golden wall, there is also a certain kind of power that is impacting this endless golden wall!

Chen Feng recovered from the sudden anger.

A closer look, the golden wall is about to crack!

He rushed over immediately!

Without the obstruction of the Spirit Devouring Monster Beast, Chen Feng assisted with all his strength and broke through the last weak seal of the giant pit!

As soon as he kicked it away, a powerful force swept Chen Feng's body directly!

Almost instantly, he was swept a great distance.


The golden spiritual world began a violent earthquake!


The surging vast golden spiritual power turned into a huge wave, condensed into a tsunami, gushing out from the other side of the golden wall.

Click! Click!

The tiny gap was opened instantly!

The insidious sealing power can no longer withstand the impact of the golden spiritual power!

Chen Feng got up from the ground, and what he saw was that the long and long wall of huge golden seal was disintegrating!

On the opposite side of the seal, the terrifying golden spiritual power directly smashed it!

A big gap is already several miles long in a blink of an eye!

The next moment, the huge golden wall crashed directly!

The third seal was completely opened!

The golden giant cone that was originally condensed has also returned to a golden wave at this moment.

The two golden spiritual powers suddenly gathered together, very close, regardless of you and me.

At the next moment, Chen Feng's body kept trembling.

The huge purple-white lion head suddenly appeared on its own!

The countless purple and white fonts that compose it once again absorbed the surrounding golden spiritual power.

The endless purple-white light bloomed out.

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