Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4990: Changes in the spiritual world!

In the next moment, he appeared in his spiritual world.

The golden brilliance illuminates every corner!

Rich and abundant spiritual power, glowing with golden light, full of spirituality.

However, in the spiritual world at this moment, the golden spiritual power seems to be too much!

Chen Feng cast his eyes forward.

That is a golden wall!

Although it is a wall, it is bigger than a continuous mountain range!

The left and right are boundless, looking up, let alone the height.

Chen Feng is no stranger to this seal.

For a long time, the power of a heavy seal came out from it, preventing any spiritual force from penetrating.

However, the change at this moment also originated from this!

Chen Feng continued to swallow and absorb a large amount of the purest mental power.

After these spiritual forces poured into this golden spiritual world, they turned into golden **** of light.

The golden ball of light permeates the spiritual world.

Swim around.

The existing vast space turned out to be crowded.

Immediately, these golden spiritual powers began to eagerly try.

When Chen Feng raised his eyes, he could see that above the sky, all the spiritual power was surging!

They quickly turned into turbulent waves, towards the thick golden long wall, and began to bombard!

There is a stance to knock it down!

Chen Feng was shocked!

His mental power was already extremely surging and vast, and now it turned into a huge wave, and it was even more powerful.

Could it be that this seal will be broken today?

Chen Feng suddenly became excited.

This huge seal in the spiritual world is likely to be Chen Feng's life experience.

He still remembered the image of the man that the succubus finally turned into not long ago.

Obviously he had a seven-part face, but Chen Feng had no idea who it was.

However, he obviously didn't know who it was. When he saw the man, Chen Feng instinctively surged in hatred from the bottom of his heart.

That kind of hatred is rooted in his blood.

Branded in his bones!

Hate to the extreme!

Chen Feng can be sure that he definitely has some kind of relationship with that man.

Moreover, this person is definitely related to his own life experience!

My real life experience!

And the truth about one's own life experience may be on the back of this golden continuous wall in front of you!

The thunder-like sound, like a roaring wave, constantly echoed in this space!

The golden spiritual power converged into a billowing wave, tumbling in this vast spiritual world.

They have already begun to hit the big golden wall.

Those golden mental powers that resemble huge waves slammed against the golden wall, making earth-shattering sounds.

However, there was no movement on the golden wall.

It still looks like a lofty mountain, standing tall there.

Chen Feng was eager to try.

He consciously controls these spiritual powers in his spiritual world.

Those golden waves, once controlled by him, suddenly glowed with even more dazzling light!

This dazzling gold once surpassed the golden light released by the golden wall.

The huge waves of thousands of meters all gathered together.

Chen Feng's goal is very simple-to find a point and attack with all his strength!

There is no need for complete destruction at all, as long as a gap can be cut in this powerful seal, that is enough!

Under his conscious command and control, the huge golden waves in the sky were spinning at high speed in the air.

In the end, it turned into a sharp awl in the air.


"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

Accompanied by Chen Feng's angry shout, the golden giant wave awl was magnificent and indomitable!

It is like a broken bamboo, piercing straight into the golden wall!

The harsh metal crashing and drilling sound made Chen Feng's mind sore.

However, despite this, Chen Feng saw hope!

At the place where the golden wall was pierced, a tiny hole began to appear.

Although it was just a tiny hole, it meant that this golden wall could be pierced by him!

At this moment, Chen Feng's expression changed.

He heard some kind of flapping sound in the harsh metal collision!

Although this voice was inaudible, Chen Feng noticed it for the first time.

On the big golden wall, the power of the seal suddenly began to ripple.

The next moment, a pair of dark gray wings suddenly appeared in the golden wall!

Then, a winged monster that looked like a bat, flapping its wings, appeared from the big golden wall.

It has a total size of two meters and is dark gray throughout.

Although he is not big, he looks very strange.

The wings are like bats, but the body is a bit like a bird, covered with shiny feathers.

The eyes are chaotic, the fangs are exposed, and the cold light glows.

However, the most conspicuous thing is its huge beak as sharp as a needle!

That huge beak is almost half the size of the body!

This winged monster just appeared in the spiritual world, but it didn't rush towards Chen Feng for the first time, but rushed towards the golden giant cone formed by countless spiritual forces!

The sharp, needle-like beak pecked straight into the golden cone.

Chen Feng immediately noticed that the mental power that had gathered into the golden giant cone was abruptly swallowed!

He knew what it was.

This is a spirit devouring monster!

Specially devours soul and spiritual power.

This is the "counterattack" spontaneously made by the seal!

As long as it swallows the mental power that attacks it, it can continue to remain the same.

How could Chen Feng let it succeed!

He jumped up, rushed to the Spirit Devouring Monster Beast, with a punch!

But how sensitive is the reaction of the two-winged spirit devouring monster!

Before Chen Feng's punch arrived, it flashed aside.

So fast!

Chen Feng secretly exclaimed in his heart.

However, when he came forward to interrupt the spirit-devouring monster's devouring mental power, the golden giant cone once again furiously attacked the golden wall!

The attention of the Spirit Devouring Monster Beast was temporarily focused on Chen Feng.

It suddenly raised its head and let out a scream like a cloud.

The voice pierced Chen Feng's spiritual world!

In the next second, it flapped its wings frantically and rushed towards Chen Feng like a meteor!

This is comparable to the strength of the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Chen Feng didn't dare to relax at the moment.

The huge purple-white lion head suddenly opened its mouth in the blood basin.

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!

Spiritual martial arts are perfect for dealing with monsters that devour spirit power!

But something unexpected happened!

The spirit devouring beast received the Buddha's angry lion roar from the front.

But it did not stop at all!

Continue to move towards Chen Feng, get close to you very quickly!

The giant beak is fierce, glowing with cold light.

Chen Feng's pupils contracted rapidly.

At this moment, he finally determined one thing.

When he first saw this spirit devouring monster, Chen Feng had a strange feeling.

He didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in life on this spirit devouring monster.

Only the cold and uncomfortable seal power covered it.

This spirit devouring monster turned out to be dead!

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