Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4982: Is someone trapped?

Only by illuminating all the three hundred and sixty stars on the star chart can his realm make a further breakthrough.

In this extraterritorial battlefield, danger may arise at any time.

Only by quickly improving one's own strength can one have a chance to survive!

Chen Feng looked at Chu Yanzhi's body in the distance.

After thinking about it, he dug a pit and buried it.

After doing all this, Chen Feng once again slammed on the planet earth, and in an instant he was tens of thousands of miles away from the surface of the planet.

There are two abandoned little planets closest to his current planet.

These two planets are extremely small compared to the abandoned planet they were on when they first came to the outer battlefield.

The distance between the two is very close.

Chen Feng planned to go to the planet on the left first, and then go to another one by the way.

Just when he flew between the two planets, a burst of blood suddenly emerged.

Chen Feng slowed down and looked sideways to the planet on the right.

On the surface of that small planet, somewhere, there was a bleeding red light, and the shape was like a Tianhe hanging upside down!

Endless killing intent, shoots from it.

The blood qi that Chen Feng sensed came from this.

His mind moved.

After so many heavens have swept away the heavenly demons, now Chen Feng is particularly sensitive to the breath of the heavenly demons.

He could sense that the blood qi came from the human race.

However, the strong breath came from the demon!

Chen Feng knew immediately.

There should be someone trapped on that planet.

From reconsidering to changing his mind, Chen Feng only took less than one breath.

After all, to him, the demon is the mobile essence and blood bank and the star pill.

But don't be anxious about everything.

Since there can make such a big noise over there, the strength of the demons should not be underestimated!

It's definitely not possible to rush over.

Chen Feng had a plan to make a living.

Immediately, he converged his breath to the extreme.

The speed of the leap suddenly increased.

It's just that the direction he is heading this time is not the place where the red light is blooming.

But the back of it.

With Chen Feng's cautious degree, just sneaking nearby to observe is not necessarily insurance.

If there is a demon with a particularly strong mental power, even he himself will have to get in by then.

Sneak in from the back of the planet, keeping a sufficient distance from the ground.

It can attack and retreat quickly.

Approaching while testing.

Soon, Chen Feng saw the shocking scene.

After bypassing several mountain cols, a wasteland appeared in front of him.

A wasteland full of blood.

This wasteland continues to stretch forward, stretching for thousands of miles.

There are no towering peaks, nor uninterrupted mountains, just endless rubble.

At a glance, it was like not knowing the world that had been deserted for tens of thousands of years.

Gives a sense of eternal desolation.

With a glance, Chen Feng's expression sank.

The blood here is not the original case.

But countless layers of blood are layered!

After years of drying, the wasteland was dyed red!

Above the wasteland, there are many potholes.

However, there is a huge pit that is most attractive!

This huge pit covers at least a thousand miles!

The depth of the pit can be dozens or hundreds of meters.

Come to think of it, the blood-red light he saw just now happened here.

At the edge of the huge pit, several grounds couldn't even withstand this level of attack, cracking a few huge gaps.

It looks like a wound in the earth.

And in this huge pit, corpses are everywhere!

Stumps and broken arms are everywhere, **** and bloody!

There are still many corpses, still burning.

Among the red-orange flames, fragments of clothing belonging to the official disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect could still be seen vaguely.

The scorched star embroidery fragments were ruthlessly burned.

There has been a particularly fierce battle here!

No, it's even a battlefield!

Chen Feng can still see in the giant pit, besides so many human-shaped stumps and arms, there are also some special corpses.

These bodies are also mutilated.

However, the outline can still be seen vaguely.

It should be some kind of beast-shaped demon.

The limbs are strong and vigorous, and the flesh is covered with mane.

However, they are huge!

Just standing, it is ten meters high!

The strangest thing is that the heads of these gods actually look a bit like humans.

On their faces, there is only a huge bright yellow eyeball and a big mouth full of fangs.

Bright yellow eyes occupy the center of the face.

However, the blood and energy of these dead one-eyed monsters were all dried up.

They bleed from all four orifices, and all their blood seemed to be drained.

The corpses of these one-eyed monsters regularly circled the entire giant pit.

Looking at their arrangement, Chen Feng had a certain number in his mind.

Presumably, the blood-red light that burst upside down like a Tianhe was released by them.

This wasteland is dead still.

Chen Feng felt regretful.

Did he miss it?

At this moment, Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved.

He trembled in his heart, and quickly condensed his breath to be more concealed.

There is vitality ahead!

Chen Feng looked forward.

Thousands of miles away, there is a huge circle!

He quietly approached.

Soon, Chen Feng saw a living one-eyed monster.

Hundreds of ten-meter-high one-eyed monsters formed a huge circle.

In the middle of the circle, there is a protective array emitting light blue light.

This protective array, seemingly weak, is actually extremely hard!

And in the Great Defense Array, there were a dozen female disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

It seemed that they were the only people left in this fierce battlefield.

According to their costumes, Chen Feng inferred that they should be disciples of the Tianji Sword Sect.

All these female disciples who are all overwhelmed are in embarrassment at this moment!

Everyone is fighting hard to prevent the one-eyed monster from approaching.

And in the middle of them, stood a woman with cinnabar between her eyebrows.

She was protected by other disciples in the middle.

It is she who is urging this light blue circular array.

Nevertheless, the cinnabar on her eyebrows has also dimmed.

The corners of the mouth are constantly pouring blood.

Chen Feng could see that it was precisely because of her existence that these female disciples had struggled to live until now.

However, it was just a delay.

The strength of these people is basically around the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

The only cinnabar woman with a bit of strength was also seriously injured and endangered.

Such a group of people is not the opponent of the one-eyed demon at all.

At this moment, the one-eyed demon's only giant eye shone bright yellow light!

Hundreds of bright yellow rays of light shone on the protective array of light blue rays from all directions.

The cinnabar lady surrounded by all the female disciples had a pale face.

The blood is lost!

It is still the palms of other female disciples who put their palms on her shoulders and help to input spiritual energy, so that she can continue to support the protective array.

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