Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4970: You killed Huangquan Shura?

"Demon God Mount! Only some real power disciples and true biography disciples can be treated!"


In the hall, there was a loud voice for a while.

Yun Feilong was also happy when he heard these rewards.

A flash of light flashed across his eyes.

When he looked up, his face had returned to a humble and reserved look.

At this moment, Chen Feng spoke.

"Wait a minute."

He stepped into the center of the hall with an extremely cold voice.

"Elders, please slow down before you announce the result."

"The disciple is here, there is one thing I must say."

Chen Feng came directly to Yun Feilong and looked at the Huangquan Shura Bone Jade in his hand coldly.

"What you hold in your hand seems to be my treasure."

Chen Feng's voice echoed coldly throughout the Immortal Dao Hall.

The volume is not loud, but it reaches everyone's ears clearly.

Everyone stopped.

The disciples onlookers looked at each other, not knowing what happened, and lowered their voices to discuss.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

"Are you new here?"

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Chen Feng.

"He seems to be Chen Feng from Ten Thousand Beasts Palace."

"Chen Feng? Never heard of it. Is it great?"

In the center of the Immortal Temple, Yun Feilong turned around.

His expression is very calm.

There are no waves.

Seeing this reaction, Chen Feng slowly shook his head and sneered in his heart.

It seems that this Yun Feilong knows everything.

Know everything and dare to do it.

This completely unscrupulous attitude is more arrogant than any language attack.

On the high platform, all the elders of the stars were also confused by the sudden situation in front of them.

The star elder who announced the result subconsciously glanced at the white-haired elder next to him.

Everyone knew that this white-haired elder had a close relationship with the Yun family brothers.

At this time, this happened.

Naturally, see what he says.

At this moment, a sneer came.

Yun Feihe appeared from the apse.

His sudden appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Yun Feihe stood with his hands in his hands, his face pale.

Looking at Chen Feng, there was no expression, as if the two had never met before.

His voice was cold, and he said calmly: "This is the Immortal Dao Temple. Don't talk nonsense."

"Dare to speak nonsense, at your own risk."

If it is said, when Chen Feng first appeared before, no one had reacted yet.

Then, when Yun Feihe appeared and said these words, everyone had vaguely guessed something.

Why does Yun Feihe appear here?

Why did Chen Feng speak to suppress him when he spoke?

This matter is strange!

But who dares to come forward?

Many people at the scene are old acquaintances.

Yun Feihe dares to appear here now, what is it to rely on?

Isn't it the white-haired elder sitting on the stage!

The white-haired elder is exactly Yun Feihe's master.

Chen Feng glanced around and understood the attitude of everyone present.

He sneered and stared at Yun Feihe.

"The official disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect, who turned out to be the same?"

"In the name of the test token, take my Huangquan Shura bone jade and give it to my brother?"

All the disciples were just guessing in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng actually said it in court.

it is as expected!

so what?

Yun Feihe is an official disciple, and a real disciple of Xingtang.

No matter how great Chen Feng was, he was just a handyman.

No matter how much you struggle, it is nothing more than an ant regret.

The two are completely incomparable.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Chen Feng's eyes and couldn't help but bring some sympathy.

This kid is also unlucky.

It doesn't count if the treasure is taken away, I'm afraid that the life will be hard to protect.

Yun Feihe sneered.

"You said I took your bone jade to my brother. Is there any evidence?"

He was sure, no one at the scene dared to speak for Chen Feng.

No one will have trouble with him.

Because of his identity!

Because of the identity of the master behind him!

This is his confidence!

"I can testify!"

Suddenly, a determined woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound source in surprise.

Yun Wan'er strode out.

She looked firm and stood beside Chen Feng.

Yun Wan'er had her back straight, her body tight, but she still looked at the high platform.

"I can testify."

She looked at her cousin again, with a trace of struggle on her face.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and said loudly:

"It's the cousin Yun Feihe I met with Gongzi Chen."

"Yun Feihe lied to us that this token needs to be taken to the apse for testing."

"Master Chen gave the token to Yun Feihe because he believed in me!"

Yun Wan'er clasped her fists and looked at the several elders on the platform.

"I also hope that the elders will learn from you!"

Yun Feihe next to him never expected it.

My cousin would choose to help an outsider at this time!

This unexpected situation made him extremely annoyed.

The expression in his eyes looking at Yun Wan'er became more and more cold and sullen.

Of course Yun Wan'er noticed his threat and the change in her eyes.

Even Chen Feng looked at her in surprise.

There was a touch of warmth in his icy heart at the moment.

Yun Wan'er noticed the gaze he cast, turned her face, and smiled at him.

Yun Feihe's face was ugly.

He snorted coldly.

"Well, you Yun Wan'er, you even colluded with outsiders."

"What benefit did Chen Feng give you? Make you even dare to slander me!"

Yun Wan'er's voice was cold as ice:

"Cousin, I will call you cousin again, but after today, you and I will have nothing to do with you!"

"Because of me, Chen Feng will believe you!"

"Why do you have a face to fake my friend's token?"

Yun Feihe looked at Chen Feng.

"Okay, it seems that my cousin has already been poured with ecstasy soup by you, and she is completely bloody."

At this moment, Yun Feilong, who had never made a sound, also sneered.

He came to Chen Feng.

He lifted his chin up, his face was full of dismay

"You are just a pariah, you dare to claim the treasure I got?"

"Only you can kill Huangquan Shura?"

Chen Feng was stunned.

Yun Feilong's reaction was really beyond his expectation.

Even Yun Wan'er has a delicate expression on her face.

How strong Chen Feng's strength is, even Yun Wan'er has no bottom.

A Huangquan Shura is not the limit at all.

Even after being chased by Shura of the Sea of ​​Blood for three days and three nights, Chen Feng remained unscathed.

And Yun Feilong, at most the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Actually said such things to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled instead of anger.

However, their reaction was not taken by Yun Feilong at all.

"Huangquan Shura, the lowest level monster is also a general."

"With a few words from you, you want to take away the benefits?"

Yun Feilong stepped forward two steps.

Surging killing intent burst out instantly.


Yun Feilong's sudden breath exploded, shocking most of the disciples present.

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