Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4954: The underground altar!

More importantly...

A surprise flashed in Chen Feng's eyes: "I feel that this blood seems to penetrate into my blood of the gods and demons."

It turned out that Chen Feng's bloodline of the gods and demons was briefly aroused after entering the Xiao Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Formation.

But then, he went into hiding.

Chen Feng didn't know how to stimulate.

But now, absorbing the blood and essence of the underground monsters is effective.

"It seems that I want to find more treasures here, maybe I can stimulate my blood of gods and demons!"

He doesn't care what everyone around him thinks.

He only knows that his physical body has become stronger now.

Chen Feng was surprised.

He is now equivalent to the mid-stage strength of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Sure enough, there are many dangers and many benefits!

Murong Zhe was still standing there, and Chen Feng was not polite.

He continued to absorb the spirit of the surrounding spirits.

Continue to condense the star projection.

After absorbing the shadow blood jade, he directly condensed three star projections!

Now, he has a total of 13 star projections!

The anger in Murongzhe's eyes is already extremely strong!

His fists were loose and tight, tight and loose.

If it weren't for strict rules, he would like to smash Chen Feng now!

But he can't!

At least, in full view, no!

Finally, in the panic of the disciples, Murong Zhe shouted coldly.

"move on!"

After all, he led the team and continued to advance toward the depths of the mixed forest.

All the handyman disciples, when passing by Chen Feng, avoided him one after another.

No one dared to talk to him anymore.

It even includes those handyman disciples in the Hall of Beasts.

Before, one by one, screaming, but now, avoid it.

Chen Feng does not matter.

The exclusion of those people is not painful or itchy to him.


Suddenly, he was patted on the shoulder.

Turning his head, it was Yun Wan'er.

Chen Feng's mouth tick:

"Do you dare to talk to me? Are you afraid of being excluded?"

Yun Wan'er shrugged and spread her hands indifferently:

"Anyway, they have seen that I am very close to you, it doesn't matter."

The two talked while walking.

"I knew it, you would definitely not die."

"So sure?"

Yun Wan'er smiled.

"You should be my special ability."

"However, how did you provoke Murong Zhe? He is trying to suppress you to death."

Chen Feng stared at Murong Zhe's back.

He lowered his voice, thoughtful.

From the beginning, Chen Feng guessed.

Along the way, various kinds of evidence were searched, and probably, I had already guessed a little.

Chen Feng whispered: "I felt a trace of the immortal seal of Tianquan Town from him."

Upon hearing this, Yun Wan'er's face changed drastically.

"Could it be that……"

Ahead, a special monster soon appeared again!

All kinds of murderous and roars appeared immediately.

Chen Feng looked at the "moving celestial spirit" that came to the door and couldn't help speeding up.

"The monsters here are stronger than the previous ones, let's kill them first."

The two also plunged into the group of demons.

Chen Feng killed more aggressively than anyone else.

Flesh and flesh fluttered, the blade light was as cold as a cold moon.

His body was gradually stained red with blood.

It's all the blood of demons!

While killing frantically, Chen Feng continued to absorb the spirit of the fairy.




Such days lasted for ten days!

Within ten days, Chen Feng continued to kill, absorb the spirit of the fairy, and constantly condense the star projection.

At this moment, thirty-three star projections are already condensed in his body.

However, he still didn't mean to break into the second floor.

A scream!

The light of the knife flashed, and Chen Feng slayed the last monster, with some doubts in his heart.

"After all, how many star projections are needed? Can I step into the second floor?"

Not far away, beside Murong Zhe, two of his attendants looked a little ugly.

"Mr Murong, things are a bit wrong."

"I have been here several times in the past, and there have not been so many underground monsters."

"We seem to have deviated from the original course."

Murong Zhe didn't know it!

He also found that in the past ten days, the number of handyman disciples he led had dropped by a whole half!

Just dealing with those demons would not lead to such heavy casualties.

Soon, Murong Zhe was aware of it.

Some handyman disciples disappeared!

There were no corpses at the scene, they seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Murongzhe felt his surroundings.

Suddenly, a familiar and special breath was fleeting.

"Come with me!"

He shouted.

Everyone followed closely behind.

Murongzhe swiftly rushed towards a huge crack.

The surrounding sight is getting darker and darker.

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

However, that breath became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the eyes suddenly open up!

At first glance, it is a huge volcano!

Unexpectedly, there is such a huge active volcano underground!

At the highest point of the volcano, magma is still spewing slowly.

But this is not what attracts everyone.

Murong Zhe glanced at the source of that special breath.

In front of the volcano, it turned out to be a huge altar!

The altar is huge!

Comparable to the martial arts field in front of the Galaxy Sword School!

Can hold tens of thousands of people!

Not gorgeous, but full of ancient meaning.

Below the altar, there were tens of thousands of underground demons, gathered there, roaring.

The sound was rolling, like thunder, ten thousand demons danced wildly.

There are all kinds of races, many of them, and their strength is good!

And the breath that Murongzhe sensed was the countless immortal cultivators on that huge altar!

Thousands of cultivators are dying and are tied together.

They staggered, their eyes were dull, and although they were sane, they were like walking dead.

One by one, they poked there, like lambs to be slaughtered.

Suddenly, above the altar, there was a hoarse growl!

Just like a response, under the altar, countless demons roared at the same time!

The next moment, these demons stood in a circle around the altar.

And in their hands, all held a cultivator.

However, their sights are all cast in the same place.

In the center of the altar, there is an extremely large host standing with his back to the crowd.

Perceiving the presence of everyone, it took steps and turned around slowly.

"Yellow Spring Shura!"

"A Huangquan Shura appeared here!"

Someone in the team screamed.

Hearing this, everyone changed their faces.

The Huangquan Shura in front of him is fifty meters tall!

The whole body is muscle knotted, covered with scales, strong muscles, full of explosive power, and there are two giant meat wings on the back.

It has two huge arms, each holding a different weapon.

Huangquan Shura is a special kind of monster.

It is a particularly powerful race among the underground monsters!

It is said that the weakest Huangquan Shura, put outside, is also the top power!

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