Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4952: The strong hiding in the dark!

As long as they are not given a chance to hide and escape, it is very simple to kill them.

As for being physically tough, can it be better than Chen Feng?

In full view, Chen Feng didn't even want to show his hole cards.

He still controlled his own strength and remained below the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

As soon as he entered the forest of trees, Chen Feng had been evasive.

The rustle in the bushes is even more hasty!

Between the light and shadow, the afterimage of the Shadow Demon Slave can be seen everywhere.

Chen Feng's arrival, a strong blood, instantly filled the nose of all Shadow Demon slaves.

It can be said that as Chen Feng entered, all the Shadow Demon slaves here were all excited.

Chen Feng is just a sweet pastry, all of them want to carve up!

The next moment, suddenly, several sharp screams sounded around.

A few shadow demon slaves rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng let out a sneer, the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar, directly activated!

The shadow demon slaves froze directly in the air.

Chen Feng's figure flashed, and he blasted several punches, directly blasting him!

Kill easily.

Hearing the voice and debating his position, Chen Feng kept changing his appearance.

Occasionally, he issued the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar, and was about to be stunned and absorbed by the shadow demon slave.

The situation was deadlocked.

Chen Feng killed very slowly.

He did it on purpose!


From the moment he entered the forest of miscellaneous trees, he felt that there was a strong breath hidden in the forest of miscellaneous trees.

Moreover, Chen Feng currently cannot capture the specific location of this breath.

There was a loud voice in the distant team.

Many of the handyman disciples in other temples sneered.

"Didn't you say how strong Chen Feng is in the Wan Beast Palace? I think it's just that."

"Even though the Shadow Demon Slaves are difficult to deal with, they have only killed ten until now. How did this strength become the master?"


Murongzhe stared at Miscellaneously.

Although Chen Feng was in a stalemate, Murong Zhe was still very upset.

Because he wanted Chen Feng to die!

However, after another thought, Murong Zhe sneered again.

"Although he is not dead, his true strength is sometimes revealed."

"With this kind of strength, he just died casually."

"Chen Feng, wait for me to follow you on the road!"

In Murongzhe's eyes, Chen Feng was not at all troublesome.

Under the gaze of Murongzhe and others, Chen Feng continued to maintain the current impasse.

While pretending to have limited abilities, he deliberately controlled his position.

The aura hidden in the depths can never be locked.

Moreover, Chen Feng still couldn't judge what his cultivation level was.

The only thing I can do right now is to go deep into the woods!

Coincidentally, Chen Feng could feel that the shadow demon slaves who besieged him also had the same plan.

They also wanted to drag him into the depths of the jungle.

Chen Feng tried his best, pretending to be unaware, and disappearing little by little in the sight of everyone with an alert and cautious appearance.

Murongzhe and others sneered when they saw the figure moving further and further away.

"If you are dragged to the depths, there will be no return."

Even Yun Wan'er looked worriedly at the mixed woods.

Her face is not very beautiful.

"Chen Zhangyuan, must survive!"

She prayed silently in her heart.

at last.

Chen Feng came to the depths of the Miscellaneous Forest.

From him, Murongzhe can no longer see those people.

And the terrifying atmosphere that threatened the surroundings became more and more obvious!

The leader of the Shadow Demon Slave is nearby!

Among the black ancient woods intertwined with light and shadow, the sound of the fullness became louder and louder.

From all directions, all the sounds caused by the shadow demon slave's teleportation sounded.

Chen Feng's complexion was heavy, and once again used the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar!


Immediately afterwards, he went to Zhutian Sword Formation and swept all over!

The powerful murderous aura instantly differentiated into seven or seven forty-nine sword auras, black and white, life and death dependent!

Where the sword gas passed, the giant tree fell down! Shrubs crumble!

None of those Shadow Demon Slaves that launched a sneak attack at the same time were spared!

Chen Feng swung it down, then staggered.

The blood on his face quickly faded.

Chen Feng was panting heavily, his face and body were already full of sweat.

From just now to the present, he has tightened his heartstrings and continued to squander.

By now, it should be almost exhausted.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the entire area around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng hadn't stood firm yet, his murderous spirit drew closer to the left behind him!

too fast!

It is the leader of the shadow demon slave who has been hiding for a long time!

In the mixed wood forest, no light can be seen for a long time.

But I can still vaguely see the monster that is a bit bigger than the ordinary Shadow Demon Slave!

It looks like a person but not a human, like a spider but not a spider, like a long-armed monkey and not a long-armed monkey.

Equivalent to the terrifying aura of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

All its eyes stared at Chen Feng in the center of the clearing at this moment.

One hit kill!

Chen Feng, with his back turned, lowered his head, his entire face hidden in the shadows.

His "pale" face suddenly curled up in the darkness.

Where can I be half exhausted!

"Finally, you have shown up!"

It can be regarded as hooked out!

Chen Feng's breath suddenly became stronger, extremely strong!

He hadn't stood firm, and instantly stepped on the ground, the speed was incredible.

The body instantly glowed with golden light.

Eucharist of the Great Witch!

Yang Tian leaped back, just avoiding the leader of the Shadow Demon Slave rushing from below.

Chen Feng was in the air, turning quickly and leaning back.

The shadow demon slave commander knew that to take advantage of the exhaustion period after Chen Feng's blow was sent out, Chen Feng would do the same with the same move!

When "stalemate" with the ordinary Shadow Demon slaves just now, he had already figured out the attack habits of these monsters.

Although, they can hide in light and shadow, and can teleport.

However, every time they launch an attack, they will inevitably reveal their identity.

The moment after each attack, it cannot be teleported or hidden.

As long as you seize the opportunity, you can kill with one blow!

Chen Feng designed this opportunity!

In the depths of this forest of trees, he finally showed his full strength!

Grasping the moment when the Shadow Demon Slave is commanding.

There is no need to use the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar.

"Too high Zhu Tiandao formation!"

The Slaughter Knife, instantly burst out an astonishing murderous intent ten times the previous one!

The murderous aura came back from Chen Feng's golden body and swept out!

Goal, leader of the Shadow Demon Slave!

Chen Feng's speed is incredibly fast!

Between the lightning and flint, the monstrous murderous aura is divided into seven or forty-nine terrifying sword auras!

Every sword qi has the level of the previous sum!

And these seven forty-nine sword auras, all hit at this moment, attacking the leader of the shadow demon slave!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of metal collision is endless.

The body under the command of the Shadow Demon Slave is more powerful than the others!

Until now, the leader of the Shadow Demon Slaves has also reacted.

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