Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4950: Too much tempering

On the ground, there was already a huge crack.

Deep and deep without bottoming out.

Inside, there seems to be endless danger,

Murongzhe looked at everyone and said lightly: "Here is the gate of hell!"

"Everyone, please follow me."

Under the leadership of Murongzhe, everyone slowly fell.

Through the huge crack, the darkness in front of him fell towards the unknown abyss.

After a full hour or two, his vision suddenly became clear.

Here is the underground world!

Incomparably high and wide, incomparably wide, you can't see the end at a glance.

An underground volcano surging in the distance brought red and black light to the place.

Chen Feng glanced over.

Here, there are mountains and waters.

However, mountains are black mountains and water is black water.

The red-hot magma flowed through, there should have been a dead silence here.

However, it is precisely in this deadly ground that is dotted with light everywhere.

Clusters of special plants grow between the cracks in the stones and the dark woods.

These plants have strange shapes and are different from ordinary plants.

What's more special is that they glow in various colors, rooted in black soil, boulders, and dead wood, and spread all the way to the distance with black streams.

Chen Feng has never seen these plants.

But he can clearly feel that these special plants contain a lot of fairy qi.

Even more pure than the fairy treasures he had absorbed before!

good stuff!


A disciple suddenly exclaimed.

Chen Feng looked, and then looked down at his feet.

These black stones stepped on under their feet actually slowly lit up one after another fluorescent footprints.

Moreover, the fluorescent colors are also different.

A crystal clear purple lit up under Chen Feng's feet.

Upon closer inspection, there was still a hint of golden light.

Kind of like a purple stone?

He felt a little incredible.

How rare a purple stone is, and under his feet, there is now a large piece of several meters long!

One after another disciples reacted.

"It's a mineral deposit! The stones here are all rare fairy ore!"

"With a strong fairy spirit!"

Chen Feng suppressed his emotions and looked into the distance again.

He found something good again.


Under the big crack ahead, a large group of underground monsters climbed up!

These monsters have limbs and shapes similar to humans, and their faces are indeed hideous and inhuman black.

They vary in size, and red blood that resembles magma flows throughout.

Moreover, magic cores of different colors and brightness are faintly visible in the heart!

As long as the underground monster with a magic core, the cultivation base of each one is not low!

There are not a few of the first and second floors of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

There is even the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

The other disciples were vigilant and showed off their weapons.

Only Chen Feng was extremely happy.

These plants, minerals, and the blood in the body of the underground monsters all contain a large amount of fairy aura.

All can be absorbed by Chen Feng in reverse!

Chen Feng is lacking a lot of fairy spirit!

"The number is too much! Each disciple will go forward separately!"

Murong Zhe shouted.

"Remember, kill those demons and get the cores in their bodies, you can calculate the sect contribution."

"Or, if they have special output on them, they are also regarded as sect contributions!"

"Zongmen has the highest contribution, and there is a chance to become an official disciple!"

Hearing the last sentence, all the handyman disciples were boiling.

They do not hesitate to threaten their lives, but also come to the "gates of hell" in order to become official disciples.

Hearing Murongzhe's words, everyone moved forward separately and rushed towards the underground monster.


All of a sudden, the blood rose to the sky.

The sound of the collision of swords, guns and halberds was endless.

A large area of ​​underground monsters confronted thousands of handyman disciples, roaring and fighting sounded through the entire dark forest.

Under the red hot magma in the distance, messy fluorescent footprints lit up on a large number of black rocks on the ground.

Warm blood is constantly spilling on every corner.

Screams repeated.

The volcano erupted and the earthquake trembled.

Chen Feng did not stop either.

He chose a direction and rushed into the underground demons.

There are very few people here.

It was also blocked by a red and black giant mushroom-like plant.

Almost no one noticed the situation here.

These underground monsters in the first and second floors of the Star Soul Martial God Realm were no threat to him.

This kind of chaotic venue, in Chen Feng's eyes, is simply an excellent trial venue!

Just used to exercise the actual combat ability!

With so many people on the scene, Chen Feng didn't want to expose the hole cards of the Great Witch's Eucharist.

But, just can practice other martial arts.

Not to mention, too high to the Heavenly Sword Formation!

Since he was promoted to the Star Soul Martial God Realm, Chen Feng hadn't had many opportunities to hone his martial arts supernatural powers.

The physical body, supernatural powers, and the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara have not yet truly integrated with the star soul.

Too on the Heavenly Swordsman Formation, shaking the mountain easily, the power is terrifying.

When Chen Feng was still in the Martial Emperor Realm, he couldn't handle it.

Now, it should be controllable.

Chen Feng rushed forward quickly and confronted a three-meter-high red and black underground monster.


The demon roared, exploding with the strength of the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, the underground monster rushed in angrily.

The extremely long "arm" swept straight towards Chen Feng.

The red light is on.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!

A huge purple-white lion head phantom flashed.

It grows a huge mouth in the blood basin and emits a rolling sound.

The strong sound waves swept out like iron and copper walls.



Nearby, there were a few underground monsters rushing over, and they were shocked together.

This is the moment!

Too on the Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

With a loud bang, an extremely terrifying coercion came instantly!

In Chen Feng's spiritual world, a knife appeared out of thin air!

If yes, no, there is an extremely terrifying murderous aura.

While vigorous, while lifeless.

Chen Feng instantly felt the familiar and overwhelming pressure.

This slaughter knife, now showing astonishing murderous aura, is actually one more point!

At this moment, the underground monster, who was shocked by the Buddha's angry lion roar, began to struggle again.

Seeing it in the next second, its long arms will sweep Chen Feng's head.

Suddenly, a towering killing intent swept out of Chen Feng's body.

From the sky!

Shrouded all around!

At this moment, Chen Feng is equivalent to the third-level powerhouse of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Cut it down!

Divided into forty-nine black and white sword energy!

Forty-nine sword qi, instantly transformed into a giant sword formation!

Such a majestic murderous aura directly burst open, shooting wildly.

The demon in front of him was split in half and fell to both sides!

Behind it, a large area of ​​underground demons all fell.

All were beheaded and clean!

The magic cores of various colors shimmering with crystal light fell one after another.

Standing in place, Chen Feng swept up those magic cores and immediately crushed them directly.

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