Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4939: Since I'm looking for death, I will fulfill you!

There was a flash of golden light mixed with blood.

Physical strength skyrocketed!

Instantly transformed into a giant tens of meters high.

While he retreated violently, he smiled coldly and blasted out a punch!


Dai Sheng had to give up the attack and quickly retreated.

Dodge Chen Feng's punch.

He knew Chen Feng's physical strength.

Don't dare to head-on.

Failing to kill with one blow, Dai Sheng stood there and did not continue the fight.

In the face of everything that happened suddenly, Yun Wan'er was surprised and suspicious.

"what happened?"

She looked at Dai Sheng.

"You are not dead!"

If Dai Sheng is not dead, then he will always be alive.

He heard everything that happened, including their plans.

Thinking of this, Yun Wan'er's heart sank.

Chen Feng looked at Chen Chen and stared at Dai Sheng.

At this moment, Dai Sheng, with his full cultivation base and full of energy, is not half dead!

Chen Feng looked very accurate.

When he first saw Dai Sheng, he had a hunch in his heart.

This person may not be easy to deal with.

Right now, it really became a truth!

A few tens of meters away, Dai Sheng gazed at them sadly, with a sly smile on his face.

He stared at Chen Feng.

"How do you see that I am pretending to be dead?"

"My breath return technique has never failed."

This is his killer.

Unhappy after all attempts.

Every time, people think that he is dead, either to escape a catastrophe, or to directly kill him!

Unexpectedly, it lost its effectiveness today.

Chen Feng took the lead, and when he violently attacked, he pulled Yun Wan'er back violently.

Dai Sheng's tone of speech always has a strange feeling of yin and yang, but it is not yin and yang.

Anyone who listens to it will feel uncomfortable.

But it was impossible to tell from the tone of voice what Dai Sheng intended.

Chen Feng watched calmly, and at the same time, he was vigilant and watched any subtle movements of Dai Sheng.

He said lightly.

"The poison on the face of a dead person will accumulate and become thicker as the body cools down."

"And your face is getting lighter and lighter."

Dai Sheng suddenly realized.

At the beginning, he did inhale the poisonous mist in the large array.

But that's all.

Because he is not dead, the body will automatically detoxify when the poisonous mist is no longer delivered from the outside world.

His face became more and more normal.

Previously, there was purple smoke around as a visual cover, so this subtle difference would hardly be noticed.

However, Chen Feng's observation was too detailed!

Thinking of this, Dai Sheng's eyes toward Chen Feng became more complicated.

However, that's all.

He turned to Chen Feng and smiled coldly.

"Unfortunately, the sneak attack failed."

"In this case, Chen Zhangyuan, let's discuss it."

Chen Feng did not answer, just waiting for him to continue.

Dai Sheng hooked the corner of his mouth.

"This time the Galaxy Sword Sect suffered heavy casualties, but the gains are quite fruitful."

"Those who see you have a share, so I should have a share."

He smiled gloomily.

This smile is too weird and makes people feel uncomfortable.

I always feel like a snake entrenched in a dark crevice, silently vomiting blood-red letters.

That coldness reached the soul.

Chen Feng heard the subtext under Dai Sheng's words.

He is threatening them!

He thought he had grasped their handle, so he was so unscrupulous.

Dai Sheng was sober all the time, and the process of unifying Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er was naturally seen by him.

If he dismantles them, everything before is wasted.

The Zhushan Demon Sect will stare at them, and the Heavenly Power Sword Sect will not let Chen Feng go!

He just knew this, and decided that Chen Feng couldn't handle him.

However, fortunately, he and Chen Feng had no grievances.

So now, what Dai Sheng meant was to ask for a hush fee.

They had to come up with what was satisfactory to him in order to seal his mouth.

Seeing Dai Sheng's attitude, Yun Wan'er subconsciously looked at Chen Feng.

These things were originally killed by Chen Feng.

Whether or not to share a part to Dai Sheng, she said nothing.

Chen Feng said it.

"Chen Zhangyuan, I don't have much patience."

Dai Sheng pulled out his ears.

The tone became more straightforward.

Chen Feng thought briefly for a moment and made a decision.

"Something can divide you."

He motioned to Yun Wan'er to take out the storage ring.

There are a lot of things in both rings.

Chen Feng only needs those two things, and the rest is enough for Yun Wan'er and Dai Sheng to divide.

It's not that Chen Feng admits it.

Rather, if Dai Sheng lied with them.

The credibility of this lie is obviously much higher.

There is still value in bribing him.

Yun Wan'er obediently took out the storage ring and walked towards Dai Sheng.

However, Dai Sheng only glanced at the storage ring lightly, and then stopped paying attention.

He is not interested in other things.

His sight was always on Chen Feng.

The expression that looked like a smile became even more strange and deep.

"I want the immortal seal of Tianquan Town."

Without hesitation, it seems that I have already thought about it.

He came over triumphantly.

"If you want me to shut up for you, you have to give me enough things to satisfy me."

"Tianquan Town Immortal Seal, bring it."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, opened his palm, and waited for Chen Feng to compromise with him!

Chen Feng suddenly smiled, shook his head, and said lightly:

"What if I refuse?"

Dai Sheng chuckled as if he heard some joke.

"What I can't get, no one else can expect to get it!"

"Chen Feng, you should be asking me now."

"I advise you, it's better to be careful when you speak."

There is no fear that can't be said.

At this point, Chen Feng already had a decision in his heart.

He closed his eyes and sighed long.

He didn't intend to stop talking.

But some people are always rushing to die.

When he opened his eyes again, Chen Feng's tone was unprecedentedly cold.

"Dai Zhangyuan, I'm afraid you didn't understand your current situation."

His aura is soaring.

In an instant, killing intent shot and splashed wanton!

His words are woven in the air into a wall of sound waves like a giant net.

Toward Dai Sheng, push horizontally!

"I can kill Huo Qingzhu, and of course I can kill you."

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

After finishing the last word, Dai Sheng's face changed drastically.

When it was too late, Dai Sheng flipped his hand, quickly took out an object, and blasted Chen Feng first.

In Dai Sheng's palm, a pure white lotus platform flew out!

The Lotus Terrace swelled in the wind, from the size of a palm to a radius of five meters!

In an instant, a very beautiful giant lotus bloomed slowly in the air!

The streamer flashed, and the lotus seat was white and flawless and crystal clear.

The whole body reveals the noble, holy, and pure breath.

But, in addition, after the giant lotus slowly bloomed, the "petals" fell off one after another!

The lotus platform, which was originally the main defense, now every "petal" has become a rare ice blade!

Killing intent bursts everywhere, ready to go!

Chen Feng felt once again that the magic weapon was of great help in the actual combat.

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