Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4934: The devil is strong!

Several people hurriedly took out their protective treasures.

The light shone, and the masks covered them one by one.

Chen Feng thoughtfully.

It seems that in the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, it is normal for the warriors to use a lot of treasures.

I'm afraid that a large part of their strength lies in each treasure.

But the next moment, everyone is disgusting.

Treasure, useless!

This kind of poisonous mist directly penetrated the mask and touched them.

Chen Feng could only see that Ning Xiuyuan, who was closest to the center of the big formation, had no time to react and fell into a coma on the spot.

Ning Xiuyuan's face gradually turned dark purple.

Even more terrifying is that in the coma, his body was gradually turning into blood!

"This is... the magical **** formation!"

"It's a man of magic!"

Yun Wan'er exclaimed, her jade arm flipped, and she instantly took out a big blue bow, ready to shoot at any time.


Accompanied by Yun Wan'er's voice, purple smoke dispersed in front of the big formation.

A big man with black hair and black clothes came over.

The man looked young, in his early thirties.

But his eyes, lips were purple and black, and his forehead had a strange texture.

The most important thing is that his breath is extremely terrifying!

At the same time, it is extremely strange.

The cold, evil and domineering force surged around it.

Almost turned into substance!

"Magic Dao powerhouse!"

Chen Feng whispered.

The avenue of monks is divided into fairy road and magic road.

The immortals and demons have always been opposed to each other for a long time.

For a time, the magical way was prosperous, and the immortal way was suppressed to death.

Later, a genius with amazing talents appeared in Xiandao, who led Xiandao and gradually counterattacked and suppressed.

Today, when the Immortal Dao is at its peak, the Demon Dao Sect has begun to hide.

However, there are still extremely terrifying and powerful forces.

Moreover, the disciples inside are often much stronger than the immortal disciples of the same age.

The man with haircut slowly approached.

Yun Wan'er's face suddenly changed, and she instantly stretched her bow.

"You are from Zhushan Demon Sect!"

The Demon Sect of Zhushan is one of the major demon sects, but I didn't expect that the people of the Demon Sect of Zhushan would sneak into the Galaxy Sword Sect!

Hearing Yun Wan'er's words, Chen Feng felt awe-inspiring instantly.

At this time, it is quite serious.

The Galaxy Sword Sect was sneaked in by the people of the Demon Dao!

At the same time, he noticed a breath.

From the left hand of the big man with hair.

This breath made Chen Feng's Martial Spirit feel unspeakably anxious.

Seemingly seeing Chen Feng's line of sight, the big-haired man proudly raised his left hand.

Spread out.

What was held in the palm of the hand was a scarlet thing.

The texture is like a gem, but at the same time, it is translucent.

The extremely hot flames rushed through it.

It's like sealing a whole sun into it!

"It turned out to be one, a complete heart of stars!"

"Furthermore, it is the heart of eternal stars!"

Yun Wan'er took a breath and trembled.

"Eternal Star Heart?"

Chen Feng doesn't understand this very well.

However, looking at Yun Wan'er's reaction, I also know that this eternal level is absolutely extremely powerful.

Yun Waner whispered:

"The heart of the eternal star is the core of the star of the big sun!"

Chen Feng's heart was shocked!

What level of the star core of Da Ri?

How strong is that?

The man with haircut laughed again.

"Death is coming, you are still staring at this thing."

He raised his hand and laughed and said: "This eternal heart of stars, but my Zhushan Demon Sect, collects the most precious treasure for thousands of years."

"This time, I begged for a few months before I asked from my father."

"Haha, sure enough, it's worth my hard work!"

He sneered and said, "Sure enough, you were hooked."

It turned out that the breath of the heart of stars here was actually made by him on purpose.

In order to lead the disciples of Immortal Dao to the bait.

Then, what is his purpose?

Both Chen Feng had this question in their hearts.

Yun Waner's face was cold:

"You come to my Galaxy Sword Sect and kill my fellow."

"What a courage!"

"Aren't you afraid of being subdued by the elders?"

The big man with haircut Jie Jie laughed: "If you want to refine the spirit refining flags, what kind of danger is this."

"I dormant here for a few days, hunting dozens of disciples."

"I see you Galaxy Sword Sect, it seems that you haven't noticed it either."

While talking, the big-haired man slowly approached.

"I advise you to give up resistance."

"This way, you can die a little bit easier."

Upon hearing this, Yun Wan'er's face changed again.

Startled and angry.

Good luck refining the soul banner!

He hunted the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect in order to refine the magic weapon: fortune and refine the soul flag!

According to legend, the fairy and demons fought.

There is a strong magician who uses the spirits of millions of creatures as sacrifices to create a handicrafted spirit refining banner.

The man was holding the best-made spirit refining flags, and slaughtered everywhere.

Even the void has been torn out countless times!

There are countless deaths and injuries among people in immortality!

Later, a powerful person of the same level in Immortal Dao desperately blew himself up before destroying the demon madman, along with the ghost spirit refining flag.

Since then, both immortals and demons have deeply experienced the power of the spirit refining flags.

I even know that this thing is to exchange the opponent's flesh and blood for his own strength!

The weaker you are and the more you die, the stronger I am!

It's so obvious that one goes up and down!

This magic weapon refining method is too cruel and bloody.

People in immortals hate them.

Even people in the magic path rarely refine.

Once found by the people of the immortality, they immediately attacked.

Unexpectedly, the strong man from Zhushan Demon Sect in front of him had this ambition!

Have the guts!

There is a dead silence in the depths of Baifeng Chaoyang Mountain.

Purple smoke became rich again.

Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er each raised their cultivation to the extreme.

However, their appearance, in the eyes of a man with hair, is more like a dying insect.

Chen Feng's heart sank.

He can vaguely feel that this person's strength is far above them.

At least, it is equivalent to the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Mirror!

Even if he goes with Yun Wan'er, he is not an opponent!

What's more, the magic way is different from the immortal way.

The many methods of the magic way are strange and unpredictable.

Just being in this purple smoke makes them feel unwell.

"Well, enough bullshit."

"You guys, it's time to get on the road."

"I will extract all your star souls, martial souls, and souls, and refine them into my spirit refining banners."

The big man with long hair raised his head to the sky and laughed and strode forward.

Above the body, countless faint black mists appeared.

Like ten thousand poisonous snakes, he rushed forward.

To enshroud the two of them.

Yun Wan'er then retreated suddenly, and shot an arrow, pointing directly at the man's life gate.

However, there is no solution to the gap in cultivation level!

The big man with haircut laughed wildly, and suddenly disappeared in front of Yun Wan'er.

Chen Feng grabbed Yun Wan'er for the first time and retreated tens of meters.

However, it is still a step slower!

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