Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4924: Get off the horse

This is the Jiaziyuan!

Chen Feng strode forward and walked in.

There are many handyman disciples around, looking at him with a smile without a smile, their gazes are undisguised and full of viciousness.

Their cultivation bases are all in the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

It is generally the first building and a few second building.

The strongest is probably around the peak of the second building.

One level higher than Chen Feng's Jiuxing Wudi.

"Chen Feng? Never heard of it."

"It's definitely not a child of a famous family."

"The cultivation base is no more than Jiuxing Wudi, if you want to come, it's because of the relationship!"

Someone smiled lowly and mocked: "Moreover, this relationship is not strong enough."

"Yes, if the relationship is hard enough, you will become an official disciple. Why come to the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

These words immediately aroused a ridicule.

Chen Feng walked all the way, and all the handyman disciples around him stared at him coldly and whispered.

"It must be! If you want to have a cultivation base but not a cultivation base, you want a life experience without a life experience, and you want to ride on us?"

Someone spit on the ground: "I Pooh!"

Especially those who were surrounded by them sneered.

Not convinced!

Unmoved, Chen Feng strode into the hall of Jiaziyuan.

Here is where he, as the head of the courtyard, usually holds things.

Following Chen Feng's entry, there were three hundred handyman disciples.

After all the handyman disciples had entered the main hall, the few who walked in the end closed the door directly with a bang.

Chen Feng turned around, not smiling.

Sweeping his gaze to the closed door, it seemed that the trouble must be solved first.

The handyman disciples who were surrounded one after another gathered around.

They looked at Chen Feng with extreme disdain and fierceness in their eyes.

One of them, a bald man, walked in the front.

He is three meters tall, with a scar across his face, his face is very vicious.

He walked straight to Chen Feng and opened his palm to him.

"Hand it over."

Many handyman disciples around whispered.

"It's over, as soon as the surnamed Wei takes the shot, what's the matter with us."

"Damn it, he was one step ahead."

"What's the use of being furious? Can you beat that surname Wei?"

"I can't, our boss Chu can do it."

"Come on, your boss Chu didn't show up for three days since he was beaten last time, when I didn't know?"


Hearing the surrounding discussion, the bald man's face was unabashedly proud.

He looked at Chen Feng in front of him again.

But seeing Chen Feng's expression faint, he didn't bother to pay attention.

The bald-headed man suddenly became angry.

Ignore directly!

The bald man had colder eyes: "Boy, are you deaf?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Hand over what?"

"Nonsense, of course it is the order of the gods and beasts."

There were a few people around the bald sweat, their faces mad.

"Are you stupid? What is valuable besides this all over you?"

"Hurry up, while our boss has patience."

"Otherwise, you will be abolished directly."

Chen Feng looked at the giant bald man, and smiled slightly: "Is the imperial **** and beast order?"

When he stretched out his hand, the token was in his hand.

Everyone burst into laughter instantly.

"It's just a foolish kind, so I'll admit it so soon."

Some people even murmured: "It's great! You have the foresight, so quickly call the boss a few more times. Brother Wei might even accept you as a younger brother."

Chen Feng looked at the brawny bald man in front of him.

The brawny bald man looked at the crowd with a smug face, haha ​​laughed wildly: "I will sit here in the future for the position of the palm courtyard!"

He stretched out his hand to get the Imperial God Ten Thousand Beasts Token, but he caught nothing.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Boy, are you kidding me?"

The brawny bald man stared at Chen Feng viciously.

Gritting his teeth, the whole body is ready to go.

Will shoot at any time.

The cultivation base of the Star Soul Martial God Realm is magnificent.

However, in Chen Feng's view, it is not worth mentioning.

With this kind of strength, he can knock down a lot with one punch.

His eyes swept over the more than 300 handyman disciples in front of him at random.

These more than 300 handyman disciples, in groups, stood in different positions in the hall.

Sit on the sidelines.

Soon, he knew it in his heart.

There are a dozen small gangs in the A-type courtyard.

The brawny bald man in front of him is the head of one of the small gangs.

The small group that the bald guy belongs to is the one with stronger overall strength among these small groups.

But that's it.

A total of more than three hundred people, only seven or eight of them were relatively not weak, and they were all the second highest building in the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Each one is the leader of a small gang.

This bald giant is just one of them.

The others, not even their heads, just watched coldly.

Such a group of handyman disciples dare to be so arrogant.

Chen Feng really didn't know whether to laugh at their ignorance, or to laugh at them who didn't know was fearless.

"Boy, don't think that Elder Bai makes you the head of the courtyard, you are really the head of our A-shaped courtyard."

"But Jiuxing Wudi, are you worthy!"

The brawny bald man approached, the saliva and stars almost sprayed onto Chen Feng's face.

Among all the handyman disciples of the Jiazi Academy, his strength ranks in the top ten.

At the same time, his worth and status are also considered to be a front among these disciples.

Because of this, he has always been domineering in the A-character courtyard.

Who dares not accept?

Fist speak.

"The Order of the Gods and Ten Thousand Beasts is not something you are qualified to take with rubbish."

Wei Bald sneered:

"Well, I'll give you a chance, lest we bully the newcomer."

"If you can beat us, I will recognize you as the master."

"But, if you lose, obediently give me the Royal God and Ten Thousand Beasts, then kneel down and knock my head three times to Grandpa."

"From now on, whenever Grandpa speaks, you will have to do the same."

In the entire hall, everyone was shaking their heads.

There are many more people, Xinzhai Lohas.

In their opinion, Chen Feng was just a nine-star Emperor Wu, and he would definitely be beaten to death by one punch.

Chen Feng listened to the comments of the people around him but did not answer.

The bald giant saw him silent, his eyes sneered even more.

"Why? Not dare to fight?"

"Haha, then I'll make you one more time."

He turned his head and looked at a tall and thin man behind him.

"You, fight for me."

"Just don't kill it."

A tall and thin man, his cultivation is also the first building in the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

In the eyes of the giant bald man, it was enough for him to deal with Chen Feng.

"Yes, boss!"

The tall and thin man walked out and forced him towards Chen Feng, his eyes gloomy.

He flexed his hands, moved his joints, and his whole body exploded in an instant.

"Chen Feng, right? I'll be merciful."

Before the words fell, the tall and thin man suddenly punched!

Everyone around is accustomed to the sudden attacks of tall and thin men.

Some people don't even look good.

It seems that it has suffered.

"Die to Grandpa!"

The tall and thin man had a hideous face, and while he was talking, his fist had reached Chen Feng's facade.


The whole hall, all the sounds stopped abruptly.

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