Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4916: Shocked! Extreme shock!

It doesn't matter if there are other people in the galaxy hall.

Asked directly.

I have never heard that there are such peerless geniuses in the world!

Moreover, this kind of genius is still a member of their Tianshu Sword Sect!

When she thought of this, Yue Xinlan trembled slightly.

The coldness of the past is gone.

She is so excited!

Tianshu Jianzong, the rise is expected!

No, more than hope.

No one can stop the rise of Tianshu Sword Sect!

Inside the galaxy hall.

Except for Zhongli Yaoqin and Yue Xinlan who arrived in a hurry, everyone else was stupid.


Chen Feng, actually broke the small Zhou Tianzhu Excalibur Formation?

Is that human being?

This is too strong!

At the next moment, they suddenly realized one thing: Chen Feng, there is definitely a bloodline of gods and demons!

Moreover, the level is not low!

Breaking through Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation means that he has a powerful bloodline of gods and demons!

Having the blood of the gods and devil in his body means that he can become a powerful **** and devil body refiner in the future!

A **** and demon body refiner that is dozens of times stronger than the immortal cultivator of the same level!

The Galaxy Sword Sect has been rare to see for thousands of years, the **** and demon body refiner!

Everyone was shocked to silence!

Then, many people looked embarrassed.

Even, many people regret it a bit.

Among the four sword sects, there are not many who really have grievances with the Tianshu Sword Sect.

There is only Heavenly Power Sword Sect.

However, the former Tianshu Sword Sect was too powerful.

After Zhongli Changfeng disappeared, everyone stepped on the Tianshu Sword Sect subconsciously.

After all, this is a world where the strong are respected.

Without the strong, there is nothing!

But now, many people regret it.

Regrets that when I started to seal it, I didn't stop it.

I regretted that when Tianshu Sword Sect was in decline, he chose to fall into the trap.

Tianshu Sword Sect, time has come.

This is something no one would have thought of.

There is a child like Chen Feng that almost everyone can see.

In the near future, Tianshu Sword Sect will surely rise again.

Hey again!

Even regain control of the entire Galaxy Sword Sect!

"This is impossible!"

Feng kept hissing and roaring.

This sudden change made it hard for him to accept!

Behind him, the four supervisory elders on the high platform were equally unacceptable.

Obviously a second before, they were watching coldly.

The non-stop attitude is precisely their collective attitude.

Long before Zhongli Yaoqin arrived, they had already breathed.

After that, they watched Zhong Li Yaoqin frustrated and mad.

Who would have thought that Feng Shui would take turns.

In the next second, it was their turn to be aggrieved.

Chen Feng's achievements against the sky are no different from a slap in the face of Tianshu Jianzong.

Slapped on each of them severely.

Everyone’s face is hot.

I feel aggrieved, jealous, and even crazy.

There is also Qiu Ruhai and others in the assessment world.

They are right there and feel the most directly.

When Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Array was in operation, they just stood outside the large array, and they were forced to retreat again and again by the turbulent sword aura.

This is true outside.

Now, who would dare to say that Chen Feng passed the assessment by some invisible means?


Chen Feng is strong!

Being able to survive Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation is proof of strength!

There is the blood of gods and demons!

There are endless possibilities!

No one can touch him! Don't dare to move him!

Looking at Chen Feng, who was slowly landing in front of him.

Qiu Ruhai's face was pale, and his whole body was shaking.

In an instant, he thought of countless... and suddenly, thought of the most terrifying possibility!

"Chen Feng has such a talent, and before, I had to frame him twice!"


Si Konghao roared wildly, his face flushed with excitement.

The picture in front of me is too shocking!

Thousands of divine swords shattered, that figure came out of the sky!

Very powerful!

Like a god!

Jiang Yunxi's face flushed, and his body was trembling. He felt his blood boil, and could hardly help but hug.

Chu Qianzhong and others were all pale.

Looking at each other, they all laughed miserably.

I just feel that my behavior before waiting for someone is simply ridiculous.

"Chen Feng, such a peerless talent! With the blood of such a powerful **** and devil!"

"We still try to suppress him? Still want to suppress him? Still want to compare with him?"

"Does it match?"

Chu Qianzhong, Ji Xingyuan, Qi Zhuoyang!

Are you worthy?

The voice of Huang Zhongda Lu was powerful and spread throughout the Galaxy Sword Sect.

On the highest floating mountain, everyone stopped their movements.

Everyone unanimously agreed, looking in the direction of the small Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Formation.

"what happened?"

On the highest floating mountain, there is a deep hall.

The master of the Galaxy Sword Sect, sitting in the highest hall.

This is a thin middle-aged man, dressed in a simple cyan robe without any ornamentation.

His eyes were half-open and half-closed, and his expression was neither sad nor happy.

Suddenly, Huang Zhong and Dalü's voice made a great deal.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and gave a soft hey, like some policemen.

Then, his eyes looked far away indifferently.

But it seems to be able to penetrate the void.

Waved, a glittering light curtain appeared in front of him.

This light curtain is countless times larger than those on the Galaxy Hall!

Clearer countless times.

He waved his hand again.

Back in time!

What Zhong Li Yaoqin can do, he can do the same.

Moreover, it is more relaxed than Zhongli Yaoqin.

Quickly looking back at everything that happened in the assessment world, he was surprised, but he flashed a strange expression.

A smile is not a smile.

"It was him..."

With a soft groan that seemed to exist, it drifted in the hall with the wind.

The doorkeeper seemed to see something.

He looked at the blood-covered Chen Feng in the light curtain.

The look in his eyes was obviously interested.

"This little guy, it's interesting."

He raised his eyes and looked outside the hall.

"Come here."

Just a whisper, but it can reach far.

Soon, an old man came in with white beard and hair, and his body was actually extremely tyrannical.

The robe on his body was embroidered with countless stars, but it was not the same as the robe of the elders.

The stars turned into a river of heaven, pouring down!

This turned out to be an elder Tianhe!

Put it outside, even if the elders of the stars saw him, they would kowtow and kneel.

The identity of this person is not even inferior to that of an ordinary suzerain!

But in front of the thin middle-aged, he was extremely respectful.

Bend down and walked closer and obeyed the orders.

On the floating mountain dedicated to the assessment.

Chen Feng's three-color light lingered all over his body.

It took a long time to disperse.

He finally let out a suffocating breath and opened his eyes.

In his eyes, there was an immense shock, excitement, and surprise!

"Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly, the real Yanyang Demon's body turned out to be that tyrannical existence!"

"And I, at this time, I also have that terrifying blood of the gods and demons!"

However, this is not the time to think about this!

"Anyway, let's end it first, this grievance!"

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