Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4914: Zhongli Yaoqin is here!

Then, his body shook heavily!

He has reached the limit!

However, the great sword intent came straight down with the thousands of divine swords.

He was not allowed to escape or rest.

Layers of sword light illuminated half of the sky.

Where the sword intent is, the void is broken!

Power increased again!

It's tripled again!

Now, the power is already twenty-seven times that when Chen Feng first entered!

Chen Feng shouted wildly, without any fear!

In an instant, the great witch blood pool in the body was directly burned dry!

The Eucharist of the Great Witch has moved to the extreme!

The endless power of the great witch is burning, attacking the small Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Array, which is 27 times more powerful!


Countless sword intent penetrated Chen Feng's body!

Thoroughly penetrate!

Chen Feng smiled sadly.

He Chen Feng, is he dead here?

Do not!

"I can not be reconciled!"

"I'm not reconciled!"

He yelled up to the sky and danced wildly with blood.

Taiyi Immortal Gate is not dead!

No revenge!

Unfulfilled ambitions!

How could he just die!

At this moment, thousands of divine swords have arrived!

In the next instant, Chen Feng will be cut into blood mist!

Just like the person he saw when he first entered here!

But at this moment!

The reincarnation jade card suddenly moved.

The place where Chen Feng was, burst out incomparably dazzling light!

A drop of incomparably dazzling, splendid blood, unexpectedly appeared automatically, and quickly submerged into Chen Feng's body.

"This... is that drop of blood of the Great Demon Yan Yang!"

Chen Feng opened his eyes wide.

It was about the size of a fist, with golden colors in the black, and even more **** colors.

This is a treasure of the same level as the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and the relic of the ancient Buddha!

It was originally obtained in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, the blood of that Yanyang Great Demon!

The Yanyang Great Demon is extremely terrifying, and its strength is far beyond the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

I saw that drop of black and golden natural blood, faintly beating, showing the meaning of closeness and urgency, quickly integrated into Chen Feng's body.

The limbs and hundreds of skeletons, all meridians, felt the majestic power in an instant, like a tsunami.

In an instant, Chen Feng felt the terrifying power!

All the injuries inside and out, up and down, were repaired in an instant!

Not only that!


Chen Feng felt like he was about to explode!

This drop of blood from Yanyang Great Demon is too terrifying!

It is as strong as the sacrament of the great witch, and it can't stand it.

Urgent need, rushing out!

Chen Feng stood above the void, his physical injuries were restored!

The power has reached its limit!

The eyes burst into golden light, and the hair stood upside-down.

He screamed.

"Give... me... broken!"

This roar was comparable to the humming sound of thousands of divine swords.

Go straight to the sky!

The nearest floating mountain was instantly shattered by sound waves!

The troubled times are blasting all over the sky, but the huge boulders spattered out of fragmentation are too late to fall!

They formed a frantic storm!

Actually swept towards Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation.

At this time, Chen Feng threw a punch.

A punch is like breaking the world!

Another example, destroy the world!

Everything fades.

Countless Excalibur is shattered!

The situation reversed instantly!

Inside the galaxy hall.

Zhongli Yaoqin and Yue Xinlan hurriedly arrived.

At this moment, Zhongli Yaoqin, with red clothes as fierce as fire, graceful and slender figure, but his face is extremely ugly.

A moment ago.

On the floating mountain where Tianshu Sword Sect is located.

Zhong Li Yaoqin was standing in front of the valley waterfall, extracting the power of the inner core of the stars.

Suddenly, Yue Xinlan arrived in a hurry and quickly informed the situation in the assessment world.

After listening to Yue Xinlan's words, Zhong Li Yaoqin was stunned.

He turned around fiercely, and his face showed ecstasy.

Even more, I can't believe it!

This Chen Feng was beyond her expectation!

However, her joy did not last long, and her face suddenly changed!

She looked at Yue Xinlan.

"You are gone, are there other people from the Tianshu Sword Sect in the Galaxy Hall?"

Yue Xinlan reacted, her face also changed.

"not good!"

Zhong Li Yaoqin stepped out, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

"Go back!"

However, it was still a step too late.

They did not see Chen Feng in the water curtain.

Zhongli Yaoqin glanced over the entire galaxy hall.

Not presumptuous!

"Where is Chen Feng?"

Elder Zhao, the supervisor of the Kaiyang Jianzong, stood on the high platform, looking down at Zhongli Yaoqin.

Skin Xiaorou said without a smile: "Then Chen Feng, who deserves to be the person whom Tianshu Jianzong fancy, dares to challenge Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation."

Elder Sun also stroked his beard and smiled faintly: "Chen Feng is brave, and the future is limitless!"

In the hall, everyone was holding back a laugh.

The words of these two are really poisonous.

Also sprinkle salt on Zhongli Yaoqin's wound.

All have entered the Xiaozhou Tianzhu Excalibur Formation, where is the future?

I'm going to die soon!


Yue Xinlan and Zhong Li Yaoqin were shocked.

In an instant, his face became extremely ugly!

"Chen Feng, went to Xiao Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Formation?"

"For no reason, challenge Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation!"

Zhongli Yaoqin walked towards the water curtain.

All the star elders around couldn't help but make way for her.

She came to the water curtain in three steps and reached out.

The supreme power poured into the water curtain.

The entire galaxy hall was instantly illuminated by the burst of light!

This is the strength of the Sect Master of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

In the lighted water curtain, the picture instantly turned around.

Zhong Li Yaoqin has seen it directly from the beginning!

The screen speed jumped quickly, Zhong Li Yaoqin watched effortlessly.

Soon, she learned everything.

Including the soul cracking sky thunder on the ancient starry sky road.

Including the sudden announcement of the end of the assessment.

It also includes Qiu Ruhai's sudden attack.


Zhong Li Yaoqin was furious, her eyes were extremely cold.

At this time, she regretted her heart greatly.

When Chen Feng insisted on entering the Galaxy Sword Sect, she should have thought of it.

How can a person who can find her father's suicide note be a mediocre person!

Not the fairy root, so what!

Faerie root, is it amazing?

More, it is guilt.

Chen Feng represented their Tianshu Jianzong and participated in this assessment.

Not only did he fail to help him, but he didn't know at all when he encountered various unfair treatments.

With such a talent, he could definitely enter the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Maybe, it can really revive the Tianshu Sword Sect.

And now, it's too late!

Chen Feng entered the Xiao Zhou Tianzhu Excalibur Formation.

Zhong Li Yaoqin only felt that the hope that had just risen from Tianshu Sword Sect was instantly shattered.

Even Chen Feng's performance shocked everyone.

However, she did not think that Chen Feng could survive the Tianzhu Excalibur Formation.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li Yaoqin's eyes were cold.

Qiu Ruhai's eyes fell in the light curtain.

"This person, **** it!"

Facing the light curtain, he turned his hand to kill Qiu Ruhai.

"Zhongli Sect Master! No!"

Everyone stepped forward to block it.

Among them, a star elder wearing a star robe came over.

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