Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4897: It turned out to be... him!

Facing everyone's laughter, the supervising elder of Tianshu Jianzong remained indifferent.

This is a cold and blue woman, quiet and quiet, with hidden edges.

This kind of ridicule has long been unable to influence her emotions.

She stared coldly, glanced at the laughter.

Just one glance, the laughter weakened unconsciously!

Tianshu Jianzong's momentum is not fake, but the more Xinlan is a person, it should not be underestimated.

She is the only woman among the five supervising elders.

Even younger than the elder of the Sky Jade Sword Sect!

Among the five supervising elders, the youngest is the youngest, but the cultivation base is just sitting and watching!

The more Xinlan, the disposition is indifferent, and he doesn't care about world affairs.

But in this way, the cultivation base is extremely high.

However, fortunately, she rarely pays attention to the internal affairs of Tianshu Sword Sect.

In this assessment, Yue Xinlan only heard of Chen Feng's name from Zhongli Yaoqin.

However, Chen Feng is only the peak of the Nine Star Martial Emperor!

Therefore, Yue Xinlan had no hope for him.

There was no possibility that Chen Feng could enter the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Sure enough, I heard so many names just now, except for Chen Feng.

"Presumably, Chen Feng has already died in the first few levels, right?"

"Not even the first level."

She shook her head and laughed at herself in a low voice: "Isn't it every year?"

Both she and Zhong Li Yaoqin wanted to change this situation, but...

Thinking of Zhong Li Yaoqin's injuries, she was darkened.

"Moreover, Sister Yaoqin and I are not the kind of temperament that can be held. They are too cold."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

The attention of the crowd moved away instantly.

"Who is this number one? It's so scary!"

"I'm not mistaken, I have rushed to the sixteenth level!"

"How much time has passed! The record of the Galaxy Sword Sect will probably be refreshed today."

Everyone's gaze swept across, looking at the supervising elder of Tianquan Jianzong.

"Such a rare genius in thousands of years, he must be the default candidate of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect."

Heavenly Sword Sect, the strongest Sword Sect in the Galaxy Sword Sect today.

It is the number one power of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

To say who could be more talented than Qi Zhuoyang selected by Kaiyang Jianzong, that can only be someone who is valued by Tianquan Jianzong.

"Is it Si Konghao?"

"That kid has always been alone, getting in earlier than the others in the test."

"Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Power Sword Sect could choose such a peerless genius!"

"Only what you value has this strength."

A few elders went directly to the high platform and directly expressed their compliments and congratulations:

"Congratulations to Elder Sun, Guizong has got another talent."

"This person, I'm afraid that Elder Sun is right? Elder Sun really has a unique vision."

However, on the high platform, the supervising elder Sun Boxong of the Heavenly Sword Sect looked ugly.

"No... the disciple ranked number one is not from our Heavenly Power Sword Sect."

In the galaxy hall, there was sudden silence.

His face was a little embarrassed, very embarrassing.

Elder Sun's face was dumb, staring at the light curtain, very ugly!

He also wanted to know who the one who broke through to the sixteenth level was!

Also, why did Sikonghao delay so long in the fifth level!

"Then, this person...Which Sword Sect will he be?"

A deacon spoke to ease the embarrassment.

At this time, someone finally saw the front figure clearly, and suddenly exclaimed: "This, this person, seems to be that Chen Feng!"

"What, Chen Feng?"

"The Chen Feng who wants to join Tianshu Sword Sect?"

"Isn't this person the only Nine Star Martial Emperor Peak? How could it be the first one?"

"Is it wrong?"

Everyone was shocked when he said this!

They cast their eyes on the light curtain.

Even Yue Xinlan's beautiful eyes flowed, looking towards the water curtain.

After that, everyone was even more surprised and speechless.

That person is indeed Chen Feng!

They basically know the name Chen Feng, after all, this is the only candidate disciple of Tianshu Sword Sect.

But I usually talk about it as a joke.

At the peak of the nine-star Wudi, the Heavenly Scroll Sword Sect can be valued, and participate in the assessment. This Tianshu Sword Sect is really declining.

Yue Xinlan was horrified instantly, suddenly got up!

"It turned out to be Chen Feng? This young man, so against the sky?"

You know, even Zhong Li Yaoqin was not optimistic about Chen Feng before.

But, the next moment, there was a burst of ecstasy in my heart!

Chen Feng's strength exceeded her and Zhong Li Yaoqin's expectations.

"Chen Feng is so against the sky, is it possible that my Tianshu Jianzong has changed the fate?"

Thinking of this, her whole body trembled slightly!

Turn around suddenly and leave quickly.

At this time, the matter is serious, she must go back and report it!

After she hurriedly left, everyone in the hall remained silent.

This incident made them very faceless.

Who would have thought that the disciples whom each of the four great sword sects fancy would be suppressed by the people of Tianshu Sword Sect!

It's just a mere nine-star Wudi who was treated as a joke before!

Could it be that Tianshu Sword Sect will rise because of this?

In the silence, someone saw a star elder wearing a star robe, leaving quietly.

After a while, he came back quietly.

Everyone's eyes flashed, guessing what he was doing.

However, everyone pretended not to see it.

No matter how their four major sword sects compete, the Heavenly Scroll Sword Sect will never improve!

This is their common understanding.

If there is any possibility, we must press it down!


At this time, Chen Feng has entered the sixteenth level.

In the sixteenth pass, Chen Feng unexpectedly saw a woman.

The sixteenth level is a beast forest!

Boundless, there are decayed and withered giant trees everywhere, the ground is a scorched black color, and the sky is a dead black.

It's like an abandoned world.

At the entrance, above the boulder, two big characters: Beast Forest!

Only through the beast forest can you continue to challenge the next level.

In the beast forest, dragons roared and tigers roared, sound waves shook the sky.

The earth is shaking!

Several first-grade demon gods rushed over.

Every monster has a strange shape, just like a combination of various monsters!

Chen Feng looked at it, and his heart shuddered!

"These demon gods are definitely not made naturally, but made by immortal cultivators!"

"What kind of existence? Can you create such a terrifying monster god?"

Although they are not born by nature, these monster gods are extremely terrifying, and their aura is unimaginable!

Like hills, exuding the ultimate murderous aura.

The first-grade demon god, the strength is equivalent to the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

"This son, please, help me."

The woman's blue silk is like black ink, her beautiful eyes are flowing, her figure is full and full.

There were tears in her eyes at this moment, and she was very pitiful.

Chen Feng's eyes instantly condensed, this woman is definitely not a disciple who participated in the assessment!

Her breath is wrong.

There was a wave in Chen Feng's heart, but it didn't show it.

He didn't even look at her.

For Chen Feng, it doesn't matter who it is.

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