Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4889: Avenue of Gods and Demons! Great road to sky!

He can give it a try.

His physical body is tyrannical and can be called invincible in the same realm.

There is another great witch back to heaven!

But soon, Chen Feng felt a little surprised: "Why only assess the physical body? The physical body is very important?"

"of course!"

Xu Jun said: "This formation can stimulate the blood of the gods and demons in the monks!"

"Only those who have the blood of gods and demons are qualified to embark on the path of gods and demons!"

"Become that powerful and boundless **** and demon body refiner!"

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment: "What is the blood of the gods and demons?"

"What is the path of the gods and devil and the body refiner of the gods and devil?"

This is the first time Chen Feng has heard these terms!

These few names alone made Chen Feng's blood boil over!

Very powerful!

Very mysterious!

There is a voice in his heart, constantly calling, let him embark on the road of gods and demons, and become a body refiner of gods and demons!

This is Xuan Huang Zhong Qian World!

The world is wider, and the training system is stronger!

Xu Jun laughed loudly: "You know! My monks practice cultivation! There are four ways!"

"Fairy, Buddha, Gods and Demons!"

"Left side by side!"

"Four roads, all open to the sky!"

Chen Feng was full of enthusiasm: "Four roads for immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons, and bystanders!"

"Which way am I going now?"

Xu Jun looked at Chen Feng's expression, smiled, and continued:

"The way of ancient gods and demons is mainly based on body refining!"

"At the end of cultivation, the physical body is tyrannical, picking the stars and taking the moon, breaking the sun, and immortal!"

"Do you know why?"

Chen Feng's face showed infinite yearning: "Why?"

Xu Jun laughed and said: "It is probably because of the ancient times, there were powerful creatures, and the aura of Zhong Tiandi was born. The name is: ancient gods and demons!"

"The creatures of the ancients were born with incomparable tyranny, and they possessed great power when they were born!"

"These ancient creatures are inherently different from the human race today."

"Or tall, like a mountain! Powerful and infinite, pull the mountain!"

"Or three heads and six arms, breathe in the wind and drink electricity! Take charge of the world's wind, thunder and rain!"

"Or eyes like the sun and the moon, palms resting on the world! There is the power of burning the sky and boiling the sea!"

Chen Feng's breathing suddenly became heavy.

Such an ancient creature is simply a **** in the myth!

Xu Jun continued: "Do you know where my human race comes from?"

Chen Feng shook his head, somewhat puzzled; "Isn't it a natural breeding, has it been there since ancient times?"

Xu Jun smiled calmly: "Of course not!"

"My human race is the blood of the ancient people from the collection of the emperor Wa, fabricating creatures!"

"With great supernatural powers and great mana, give my ancestors soul and flesh!"

"Since then, the prosperity of my human race has come!"

Chen Feng's eyes widened. It was the first time he heard that the Human Race was actually made up and created!

What a terrifying existence is that? Only then can the human race be created out of thin air!

Xu Jun continued: "Therefore, my human race has the blood of ancient gods and demons in my body!"

"So in my human race, what is the bloodline of the behemoths, ancient dragons, creation seven phoenixes, and so on, these ancient mythical creatures!"

"There is a trace in my human race!"

"Only our human race, because we have the blood of ancient gods and demons in our body, can practice the way of ancient gods and demons!"

Chen Feng listened and yearned for it.

How powerful is the Way of Gods and Demons?

Is it like the ancient creatures, the body is like a mountain, palms resting on the sun and the moon, breathing in the wind and drinking electricity, burning the sky and boiling the sea!

Xu Jun shook his head, slightly emotional:

"It's just that, since millions of years ago, I don't know why, the way of gods and demons has fallen and dried up!"

"Before, there were gods and demons refiners in every family and faction."

"The Galaxy Sword Sect is no exception."

He sighed: "However, over the past million years, the various gods and demons have been weak and unreasonable."

"Among my Galaxy Sword Sect, there have been 100,000 years, and no one has ever been alive and has stepped out of this little Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Formation!"

"The way of ancient gods and demons, in fact, very few people have been able to get through it now!"

Chen Feng was also a little strange:

"Since so many years, no one has succeeded!"

"Then why are there so many people who want to cultivate the way of gods and demons?"

Chen Feng was puzzled that the Way of Gods and Demons is powerful, but for so many years, no one has succeeded!

This shows that the way of gods and demons is difficult to practice, and it may even be impossible to practice!

There are so many people who want to cultivate this way of gods and demons!

While Xu Jun spoke, several more people were strangled by Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation!

Xu Jun sneered, "Do you think they haven't thought about practicing other ways?"

"That's just because other roads are not easy to follow!"

"Frankie Xiu, no matter how high his cultivation base is, his life will come to an end!"

"At the end, it is not the first life of cultivation, and it is dead and completely dissipated between heaven and earth!"

"Only by achieving inexplicable power, can we glimpse the opportunity for longevity!"

"It's just an opportunity for longevity, not immortality!"

Chen Feng's heart tightened.

The road to immortality sounds like a desperate road.

Xu Jun smiled and said, "But the Avenue of Gods and Demons!"

"Cultivation to the peak, the monk can be transformed into the body of the ancient gods and demons!"

"Living together with the world, striving for glory with the sun and the moon!"

"True immortality!"

"What's more, those who practice the Dao of Gods and Demons are more powerful than those of the same realm!"

"It must be several times stronger, even dozens of times stronger!"

"Anyone who has a choice will choose the Avenue of Gods and Demons, not Immortals!"

When Xu Jun said this, he shook his head again, his eyes revealed a touch of recollection.

"Millions of years ago, cultivating the Avenue of Gods and Demons was the mainstream!"

"It's just that since then, it has decayed and dried up, and the Avenue of Gods and Demons has declined!"

"No one can walk this path before being replaced by the fairy gate!"

"Now, the way of cultivating immortals is the mainstream!"

Chen Feng fell silent.

"The Avenue of Gods and Demons, is it really impossible to get through?"

Live the same life with heaven and earth, compete with the sun and the moon!

This is the pursuit of the monks of my generation.

Cultivating immortals is only a chance to gain a glimpse of longevity.

It is completely incomparable with the Avenue of Gods and Demons!

Chen Feng's heart surged: "The Avenue of Gods and Demons! I must take the Avenue of Gods and Demons!"

"This is the pursuit of my life!"

"That's the way I want to go in the future!"

Xu Jun glanced at Chen Feng: "Actually, if I can, I also want to follow the way of gods and demons."

"However, today's Tianshu Sword Sect can no longer lose any strength!"

Chen Feng nodded slightly, the current Tianshu Sword Sect was indeed in decline.

May disappear from the Galaxy Sword Sect at any time.

It is true that we can't afford to lose any strength.

"Here we are."

Xu Jun said solemnly.

Between the two people's conversation, they kept walking.

Soon, he was in front of the person responsible for the assessment.

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