Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4881: I will give you a chance!

After a while, Che Xianshi did not react at all.

Xu Jun sighed long beside him.

Looking at Chen Feng with some regret.

There was no response from the Xianshi, which meant that Chen Feng had no fairy roots at all.

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "Sure enough, I really don't have fairy roots!"

He gritted his teeth and let out an angry growl in his heart: "God, you play with me!"

The first time he knew the three characters of Xianlinggen, Chen Feng paid attention to it, and soon understood what Xianlinggen is!

Moreover, when he was on the top of the sky, he spent a price to test his fairy root!

absolutely not!

Chen Feng knew about this a long time ago, and he was also well prepared!

Even, I thought about everything I should say.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly, his face showed stern disappointment.

"Is there really no way?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin was also embarrassed. He pondered for a while before shook his head: "The fairy root is the final test, and the sect is unified."

"Without the fairy roots, even if you have passed before, it is impossible to worship my Galaxy Sword Sect."

Chen Feng said indifferently: "Don't you think you can be the supreme master?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin's face changed drastically.

Xu Jun also jumped in his heart.

This is what Zhong Li Yaoqin is most reluctant to mention.

Xu Jun whispered: "Chen Feng, stop talking!"

Chen Feng refused to give up and looked at Zhongli Yaoqin tightly: "I have great favor to you Zhongli clan and Tianshu Sword Sect."

"Isn't this request too much?"

"I, Chen Feng, am not someone who doesn't know what is good or bad."

"My request is not excessive, it can even be said to be very low!"

He sneered and said: "Just now, Senior Zhongli Changfeng promised himself that his descendants will repay me, that's how he repayed?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin was speechless.

What Chen Feng said was correct.

In fact, if the Tianshu Sword Sect was in its heyday, Chen Feng could join the Galaxy Sword Sect with a word of hers.

Unfortunately, Tianshu Jianzong is now declining.

Zhong Li Yaoqin's disgust towards Chen Feng increased a bit, but Chen Feng's words also aroused some anger in her heart!

"It's not that there is no way."

Zhong Li Yaoqin said coldly:

"Before testing the fairy roots, there are two more assessments."

"If you can pass the first two assessments."

"I have put this face together, and I will also fight for a place for you."

"This face is still there."

When the voice fell, the big rock hanging in Chen Feng's heart crashed to the ground!

It's done!

His expression remained unchanged, and he said solemnly: "So, thank you very much."

"Below, I will not let you down!"

Chen Feng will never give up this opportunity.

Even if it is one in ten thousand chance, he has to become ten percent.

Zhong Liyaoqin was expressionless:

"You have a great kindness to me, you have to report it."

"you deserve this."

"Xu Jun, take Chen Feng down."

"Just say that I said, let Chen Feng participate in the next two assessments."

Xu Jun looked solemnly: "Yes, suzerain."

Zhong Li Yaoqin nodded slightly and watched Xu Jun take Chen Feng away.

But she immediately took out the Galaxy Supreme Order and Huang Jian, and quietly disappeared, seeming to be anxious to practice something.

Xu Jun whispered: "Chen Feng, you just angered the Sect Master."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, his mind was careless.

"If my guess is correct, then, I am afraid that the lord will never hate me, and will even be grateful to me! I owe me a favor!"

He smiled slightly: "This favor is very valuable!"

Xu Jun left the Galaxy Sword Sect and came to a big city outside the mountain.

The City of Stars!

Here, guard the main way to enter the Galaxy Sword Sect.

The city is huge, with a radius of thousands of miles, row upon row, and extremely prosperous.

There are countless aristocratic powers attached to the Galaxy Sword Sect in the city.

There are many foundations created by the disciples of the Galaxy Sword School.

The city is under the control of the Galaxy Sword Sect, and there are warriors from all directions coming together.

Here, is the extension of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Xu Jun took Chen Feng directly into the city.

This is a floating city, not built on a floating mountain, but everything in the city is floating.

Houses, palaces, buildings, all are like this.

The entire city is three-dimensional.

The ups and downs are quite dreamy.

At this time, it was night, countless lights, like a river of stars.

Xu Jun took Chen Feng to a palace to settle down.

The five great sword sects all have palaces in the city, but the palaces of the Tianshu sword sect are in dilapidated conditions.

At a glance, it has not been repaired for many years.

The situation of the Tianshu Sword Sect in the Galaxy Sword Sect is indeed extremely bad.

Chen Feng shook his head. Of course Zhong Li Yaoqin had an unspeakable concealment, but she hadn't done well all these years.

Xu Jun asked Chen Feng to sit down and offered the spirit tea brewed with fairy grass.

"To be honest, Chen Feng, I am not optimistic that you can pass the entry assessment."

"Unfortunately, it's no better than before, if it is..."

The latter words were not said.

But silently said in his heart:

"If my Tianshu Sword Sect is as prosperous as before."

"A word from the Sect Master alone is enough to join my Star Sword Sect."

Chen Feng naturally knew what Xu Jun had not said in his heart.

However, he doesn't care very much.

With his ability, if he fails the test, he can only say that the people of the Galaxy Sword Sect are all blind.

He smiled slightly: "I feel that the cultivation base can be restored soon."

Xu Jun looked at Chen Feng with a hint of pity.

To get that kind of strange disease, for a monk, it is really the biggest torment.

However, there is some admiration in my heart.

Not everyone, in this situation.

Still able to continue practicing.

If it weren't for the extreme tenacity of the mind, I'm afraid it would have long since abandoned himself.

Xu Jun said solemnly:

"It is said that there are two assessments, but in fact it can only be regarded as one."

"The first item, only the strength can reach the peak of Jiuxing Wudi or above."

"Only qualified to participate in the next assessment of my Galaxy Sword Sect."

Chen Feng nodded.

This is the intended meaning, the screening of the realm.

"So, during your recent period, it's best to re-train your strength to above the peak of Nine Star Martial Emperor."

"Otherwise, you don't even have the qualifications to participate in the second assessment."

Chen Feng nodded slightly.

If needed, he can restore his state at any time.

The power of ninety-nine and eighty-one stars has been completely condensed and completed.

Before, deliberately suppressed.

Since the first requirement of the assessment is the peak of Emperor Wu Xing, and above.

Then, there is no need to deliberately suppress it.

Xu Jun nodded: "If so, naturally the best."

"The second assessment is the top priority of my Galaxy Sword Sect's entry assessment."

"Need to assess the strength, talent, temperament and adaptability of each warrior."

"It's just that I don't know the specific content of the assessment."

"You need to wait until the day of the assessment before the sect will announce the content of the assessment."

He paused: "However, in previous tests, we have focused on physical strength!"

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