Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4863: I want to see Zhongli Yangze

This is what it should mean, and all the blood of the witch race demons before is also his.

Fang Wanjian pondered for a moment and said softly: "I will give you 70%, and the remaining 30% will be useful to me."

Chen Feng simply said: "Okay, but there is Xiong Jie's blood, you have to give it to me."

Seventy percent has exceeded his expectations.

His original bottom line was 50%.

Fang Wanjian agreed.

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth hooked.

With this 70%, a total of tens of thousands of drops of the evil spirits of the Witch Clan, Chen Feng's Great Witch Returning to Heaven must be able to step onto a new level.

If Da Wu Hui Tian Gong can advance, it will also greatly help his next plan.

"Second, do these great achievements have to be counted for me?"

"Okay, there is no problem with this naturally."

Fang Wanjian agreed.

"The third..."

Chen Feng's voice suddenly became faint: "This is a request of mine. I hope you can meet it, my lord."

Fang Wanjian was immediately alert, squinting at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stared at him, saying word by word: "I want to see Zhong Li Yangze."

"What? Seeing Zhong Li Yangze?"

When Fang Wanjian heard it, he was clever.

Staring at Chen Feng, he exclaimed.

Who is Zhongli Yangze?

That is the Lord of Righteous Path, the head of the Immortal Gate of Destiny!

The Lord of Righteous Path, the Supreme Human Race!

The strongest in this world!

Rumor has it that as early as a hundred years ago, he was already at the peak of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Now, he has come to the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Even stronger!

For example, if Xiong Jie and Fang Wanjian add up, they will be easily killed by Zhong Li Yangze!

Fang Wanjian's eyes were filled with surprise in an instant.

Zhongli Yangze has always lived in the simple world and rarely sees people.

It is not easy for him to even want to see one side, let alone Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng stood here and made great achievements, he is also a famous figure in the Baigufeng camp.

But looking at the human race, it was just a junior with low strength and unremarkable reputation.

It is indeed very difficult to see Zhong Li Yangze.

More importantly, what did he want when he saw Zhongli Yangze?

What does he want to do? What is the purpose?

Chen Feng saw his concerns at a glance, and smiled and said, "My lord, you don't have to worry too much."

"In fact, when I see Zhongli Yangze, I have a little selfishness of my own, but I think more of it for you."

"You want to go further, and you have a deep relationship with me to see Li Yangze."

After all, he whispered something in Fang Wanjian's ear.

After Fang Wanjian listened, he was a little moved.

After a long time, he said softly: "I will do my best."

"But whether you can see it depends on luck."

Chen Feng smiled: "I believe you will make my luck better, my lord."

Fang Wanjian glared at him, waved his hand, turned and left.

Ji Wanhao also left in anguish.

Soon, the White Bone Peak camp was rebuilt.

The corpses of the evil demons of the witch clan were all processed and prepared to be transported to the rear to be exhibited everywhere to boost morale and increase confidence.

And 70% of the blood of the evil spirits of the Witch Clan was sent to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's big account.

Looking at the 7,643 drops of the blood of the Witch Clan evil spirit in front of him, a fascinating color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Compared with the previous time, the blood of the evil spirits of the Witch Clan has not only increased several times in quantity, but also increased in countless quality.

This is the blood of all the strongest among the entire Youxiong clan, among the twelve great clan of the Witch clan!

This is equivalent to having the Xiong clan as a whole, concentrating on helping Chen Feng cultivate the great witch to return to heaven!

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Tiancan, have you seen it? This is the power of wisdom!"

"With this kind of strength, so many powerful people, with the words of the two of us, we can kill for a hundred years.

"Even, being crushed to ashes easily by someone!"

"But now, I just did a few things, and didn't make much of it, so I gained a lot!"

When he has power, he uses his power to suppress others.

When he has no power, he strategizes and lays out cleverly, taking advantage of the situation everywhere.

The momentum borrowed is also one's own.

As long as you can kill the enemy and increase your strength.

No matter how long this borrowed momentum stays in his hands, Chen Feng will let Qi have the greatest effect!

Inside, there are hundreds of drops of fist-sized blood.

That is the blood of the warriors above the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

There is even a drop, one foot in diameter, and the whole body is bright golden.

Inside, there flashed an incomparably thick golden blood.

That is the blood of Xiong Jie!

This drop of blood is worth thousands of drops before!

Chen Feng's eyes were fascinated: "If I refine these essences and blood, then I don't know how much my strength can be improved!"

The stray strong camp below has completely dissipated.

These wandering powerhouses, taking advantage of the battle between the Xiong clan and Baigufeng Daying, basically had already run most of them.

They were afraid that they would be held accountable for the camp, and none of them would escape afterwards.

Fang Wanjian didn't care about them, he didn't even bother to chase them down.

As for the two of Chen Feng, he did not send anyone to monitor them.

Even, still let the two of them live in the big tent next to him.

Since no one disappeared directly in front of Fang Wanjian, he didn't know that people like Chen Feng could leave this world at any time.

In his opinion, Chen Feng is completely under his control.

He can't run, he can only work for himself.

The Tianchou Beast Slave curiously asked, "Brother, what did you say to Fang Wanjian?"

"Are you going to meet Zhong Liyangze, to speak for him and help him get to the top?"

Chen Feng laughed and said lazily: "You lied to him."

"If I don't say that, how can he do his best to help me meet Zhong Li Yangze?"

One day passed quickly.

The moon is in transit.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are scarce.

The white moonlight sheds light here and shines through.

The wind strikes gently, very peaceful.

It seems that the fierce battle during the day is just an illusion.

In the big tent, Chen Feng began to practice Dawu Huitian Gong.

The Great Witch's Return to Heaven works and instantly transforms into the body of the Witch Clan.

In the dantian, the great witch blood pool surged.

Before, Chen Feng became a great witch **** body for quite a long time.

Therefore, more than half of the witch blood in the great witch blood pool has been consumed.

With the Great Wu Huitian Gong quietly operating, huge suction power came again.

The blood of the Witch race floating in front of Chen Feng was absorbed and entered at an extremely fast speed.

Almost instantly, the Great Witch Blood Pool had become full again, and it was about to overflow.

And Chen Feng did not stop, and continued to absorb it.

The blood of the witch race had obviously exceeded the burden of the great witch blood pool.

However, it is very magical, and there is no overflow.

But it brought great pressure to Chen Feng.

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