Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4857: It turns out that you are the deepest one!

With a punch down, Zhan Xiu let out a desperate mad roar.

Suddenly, he played his last hole card!

Red light surging, strength skyrocketing!

In an instant, his strength reached the pinnacle of the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Not much weaker than Chen Feng now!

Chen Feng frowned.

Zhan Xiu deserves to be the strongest. He estimates that he needs two punches to solve the problem.

But it was just two punches!

With a punch, Zhan Xiu vomited blood again and again, backing a few steps.

He stepped forward, and another punch fell.

At this time, the Tianchou Beast Slave was dozens of steps away.

Other strong human races are watching the excitement nearby.

No one is involved in this battle.

At this time, the nearest next to Chen Feng was Cui Jiuxi instead.

However, Chen Feng's attention seemed completely attracted by Zhan Xiu.

At this moment, no one noticed when Cui Jiuxi sneaked behind Chen Feng!

Then, in his eyes, there was a flash of weirdness.

Cui Jiuxi moved suddenly!

In his right hand, there was a strange black light.

The black light seemed to be an endless shrinking vortex.

The body is endlessly small, only as big as a teacup.

Appeared in his palm, but the quality seemed endlessly great.

It seems that everything will be sucked in and crushed to pieces.

And most importantly, an extremely terrifying and powerful destructive force came from it!

The destructive power made the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slaves look at it, and they couldn't help feeling palpitations.

He felt that, let alone himself, even if the martial artist of the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm was hit by this black vortex, his body would be dead!

What a terrifying power this is!

Even now, Chen Feng's transformation into a great witch divine body is absolutely unstoppable!

The slightest, but also severely injured.

Even, it will be destroyed by life!

The strength of Cui Jiuxi! It is so terrifying to such a situation!

He didn't even show it until this moment!

It turns out that he is the strongest person to enter this world this time!

Before Chen Feng was promoted, neither was his opponent!

Cui Jiuxi spread forward silently like a poisonous snake.

The palm of his right hand, seeing the next moment, was about to stick to Chen Feng's back.

And as long as it is posted behind Chen Feng, then Chen Feng will either die or be seriously injured!

Cui Jiuxi's face was pale, and his forehead was sweaty.

His face is rapidly aging.

Last moment, he was still a handsome boy.

In the next moment, he has become a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s.

In the next instant, he has turned into an old man!

Obviously, using this magical power is also a huge burden for him!

What consumes is his vitality!

Cui Jiuxi has always looked cold, without sadness or joy.

But at this moment, his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of joy and ridicule.

"Chen Feng, I admit that you are very strong, very powerful!"

"You almost did it to the extreme!"

"But in the end, don't you still want to make everything cheaper for me?"

"Chen Feng, everything you do is to make wedding clothes for me!"

"And I will still keep my record!"

In his eyes, a touch of extreme strangeness, viciousness, and arrogance flashed: "My destiny title, but: no one lives!"

It turned out that he was the real man behind the scenes!

He has been hiding until now!

The man behind Zhan Xiu is him!

He has dominated all the past cooperation with Chen Feng!

But he has been forbearing till this moment before he makes a move!

In order to kill Chen Feng and put all the benefits into his own pocket!

The Tiancun Beast Slave screamed wildly: "Brother, be careful!"

He rushed forward, Jiang Ran wanted to use his body to block behind Chen Feng!

But it's too late!

All this happened too fast.

When his voice fell, the black hole was already close to Chen Feng's heart!

But the next moment, the triumphant expression on Cui Jiuxi's face solidified.

It turned out that at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned his head.

As if waiting for him, he smiled slightly: "Cui Jiuxi, come down, wait a long time!"

As these words fell, there was Chen Feng's huge dark golden fist!

It hit Cui Jiuxi's face severely, then ran over his face, and hit his torso again!

And Cui Jiuxi's right hand was several meters away from Chen Feng.

It's not enough at all.

Everyone heard a voice:

It was like a lump of meat, which was photographed on the chopping board.

It's so pulpy!

Everyone couldn't help but jumped at the corner of their eyes.

Cui Jiuxi, but the black hole in his palm is extremely threatening.

But in fact, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is far inferior to Chen Feng now.

And when Chen Feng avoided the black hole, he could not cause any damage to Chen Feng.

By this punch, he hit his body severely!

Suddenly, all his bones were almost bursting.

I heard crackling and cracking sound in my ears.

Countless wounds exploded on the body.

The blood burst out like a fountain.

The whole person was like a punctured blood bag, slammed to the ground fiercely, making a scream!

Can't stand up!

With a punch, Chen Feng directly lost his combat effectiveness!

He fell to the ground and was directly injured.

Tiancun Beast Slave let out a long sigh of relief.

In the field, two people exclaimed at the same time.

It is Zhan Xiu and Cui Jiuxi.

Zhan Xiu looked at Chen Feng in disbelief: "How is it possible, how can you tell?"

And Cui Jiuxi also ignored his physical injuries.

Just widened his eyes and looked at Chen Feng.

"You, how can you tell? I'm obviously concealed!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and first signaled several human experts to stand in a group with Zhan Xiu, lest he leave the fighting state.

Then, let a strong human to entangle Cui Jiuxi.

Smiled and said, "Cui Jiuxi, I have been waiting for you for a few months, and I have endured it for so long."

"You really didn't disappoint me!"

"Really, really, you are the one who hides the deepest!"

Cui Jiuxi panted roughly, "Tell me, tell me! How did you see it!"

"If you don't tell me, I won't be stunned by death!"

Chen Feng smiled: "Okay, then you won't be stunned!"

After that, he patted Cui Jiuxi with a palm.

There is no hesitation, no mercy.

It seems that I don't want to have any nonsense with Cui Jiuxi, nor do I want to know what secrets Cui Jiuxi has, or what his purpose is.

It seems that Cui Jiuxi is worthless to him.

The only value is to be killed by him and turned into a jade card of reincarnation.

Cui Jiuxi was stupid. For the first time he encountered an opponent like Chen Fengfeng.

In fact, Cui Jiuxi has never been unfavorable.

He has also encountered a very perverted opponent before.

After taking him captive, because he wanted to ask something out of his mouth, he killed him.

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