Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4854: Chen Feng's true purpose

On the contrary, the power of this escaping sky thunder and destroying the world can restore their strength, increase their strength, and heal their injuries.

In an instant, the situation reversed!

Originally precarious, within an hour, the human army that was about to be destroyed, instantly turned the danger into peace.

The Wu Clan was almost overthrown.

Xiong Jie and other elite witches are still alive.

Even Zhan Xiu and others were not affected because they entered the battlefield relatively late and were far from the core area.

They all watched this scene blankly.

For a long while, I didn't recover.

Zhan Xiu stayed in place, muttering to himself: "How is it possible? The plan is not like this! How is it possible?"

After everyone came back to their senses, they all stared at Zhan Xiu and shouted: "Zhan Xiu! What is going on?"

"This is the ending you want?"

"Isn't that the human race is destroyed, let's follow it to make a big profit? How come the Witch race is destroyed now?"

Some people were crying and desperate: "It's over, everything is over."

"We have all been calculated by Tiancun!"

Until now, they thought that they were calculated by the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave.

I don't know that the person behind the scenes is Chen Feng.

Among them, someone has just completed the basic task of killing.

However, no one left, they chose to stay here and continue to wait and see.

This is due to the nature of the strongest in the sky.

They all want to get greater benefits in every task, and it is rare that they are soberly aware of the situation and leave quickly.

There was Xiong Jie, and he came back to his senses at this time.

He only felt the extreme pain in his heart, almost bleeding!

At this time, how he didn't know, this was a huge trap!

And now, there is the Xiong family in the whole, almost everyone is in front of him, and the death is extremely miserable!

He knew that with the Xiong clan, today it is very likely that it will completely become history!

He stared at Zhan Xiu and others from a distance, and let out a crazy roar: "Zhan Xiu, I killed you!"

But, soon, he couldn't care about Zhan Xiu.

Escape is the most important thing.

What was in front of him became extremely clear.

Fang Wanjian had already appeared suddenly, leading Ji Wanhao and all the strong human races to kill him.

He naturally wants to leave all Xiong Jie and others today!

Don't put anyone with the Xiong family back!

In an instant, the tens of thousands of people who had fully recovered their strength madly killed Xiong Jie and others.

Surround them with three layers and three layers outside.

At the top are hundreds of experts in the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm led by Xiong Jie.

As for Xiong Jie, he found Fang Wanjian first and got into a group with him.

You Xiong Jie madly ordered everyone to transform into a great witch **** body.

He knows that now is the most critical moment.

If the great witch **** body is still kept, it may not be used until death.

Give it a try now, and still have the power to work hard.

All the powerful witches, regardless of the root cause, turned into great witch gods again.

Now, the witch demons who are still alive are all top powerhouses.

The weakest is also at the peak of the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Although there are not many people, they are the most elite.

Transformed into a great witch **** body, soaring strength, actually blocked the offensive of the strong human race.

In an instant, the two sides fell into a fierce battle.

But everyone knows.

This is just a dying struggle.

Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave, who didn't know when they appeared, stood quietly on the edge of the battlefield, watching the ups and downs in front of them.

Chen Feng hooked his mouth: "This is what I want!"

It turned out that Chen Feng's real purpose was not to destroy the human race at all!

Instead, the entire Xiong clan will be wiped out, and there will be Xiong clan, this powerful Wu clan clan will be wiped out in this world!

Chen Feng was in the layout before he even entered the White Bone Peak camp.

He and Zhanxiu kept discussing strategies, and strived to get great benefits for both sides.

When he first entered the White Bone Peak camp, he was planning to slay the head of Jiuyin with a tyrannical posture, attracting Fang Wanjian's attention.

Then, he colluded with Zhan Xiu and asked him to bring a thousand powerful Wu clan to die.

Thus, it further won the trust and value of Fang Wanjian.

In fact, as early as that night, he told Fang Wanjian.

A few hours later, Zhan Xiu will lead the news of the arrival of a thousand powerful Witch clan.

At the same time, he asked him a question: Do you want the victory of these thousand people, or the destruction of the Xiong family?

At that moment, he was already preparing for today.

On that day, what Chen Feng told Fang Wanjian was not just what would happen that day.

He also has his own follow-up plan, these things to happen later!

He told Fang Wanjian that he would first invite Zhan Xiu to bring these thousand people to death, but at the same time he gave Zhan Xiu and the Wu clan behind Zhan Xiu, the Xiong clan, a huge benefit.

This benefit will make them desperate to attack the White Bone Peak camp with all their strength.

This benefit is the formation of the great battle against the world!

In fact, Fang Wanjian gave this array to Chen Feng himself!

Chen Feng persuaded Fang Wanjian in just one cup of tea.

Because, he clearly revealed his next plan to Fang Wanjian:

With the formation of the sky thunder destroying the world, the whole army of the Xiong family was attracted to attack.

Of course, Xiong's family is not a fool, and he won't put all his power here.

Therefore, at this time, they need the greatest opportunity for their entire army to suppress! Maximum motivation!

That is when the Great Array of Thunder and the World was broken!

Chen Feng told Zhan Xiu that he would cooperate inside and outside to break the Tianlei World Extinguishing Array, so that the Xiong family would destroy the Bone Peak camp in one fell swoop.

Xiong Jie is naturally tempted.

However, he was also more careful, and when he had doubts, he saw that the Heavenly Thunder Destroying Array was indeed broken, so he started.

The moment he did it, it meant that he had lost!

Fang Wanjian has long been under the thunder and destroying the world, and in the head of this giant beast, a huge array of absolute death has been set up!

Once that big formation burst open, it had extremely powerful and terrifying power.

Enough to kill most of the strong witches.

Fang Wanjian simply agreed.

Because the Wu clan has the Xiong clan, and they don't want to destroy the White Bone Peak Camp all the time.

And Fang Wanjian, why didn't he think about the destruction of Xiong's city all the time?

Once the Xiong clan is destroyed, Baigufeng Daying can guarantee hundreds of years of worry-free.

His prestige can also be greatly improved, and even become the master of the right way in the future!

This is a serial plan.

Then, this is the situation now!

In the whole process, Zhan Xiu was Chen Feng's pawn, Xiong Jie was Chen Feng's pawn, and Xiong Clan was the **** of Chen Feng!

Even Fang Wanjian, Ji Manhao, and the tens of thousands of powerful people in the Baigufeng Camp are Chen Feng's chess pieces!

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