Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4852: Time to close

Many human powerhouses have risen in the air, wanting to leave.

However, they will immediately become the biggest target and be beheaded.

However, as more and more human powers flew up, the Wu clan powerhouses were also a bit stretched to pursue them.

After all, they are not good at flying.

Looking at it, it may be possible to keep most of the strong humans, but at least several thousand people will be run away.

At this time, far away, in the Witch Clan demons camp.

Zhan Xiu and others stood there, staring at this scene, dumbfounded.

Xian Yu Wan Beast suddenly looked at Zhan Xiu, with awe-inspiring expression on his face: "Awesome! It's such a big deal, you can do this!"

The eyes of Situ Meng looking at Zhan Xiu were also full of awe.

At the moment, they are extremely convinced of Zhan Xiu.

Zhan Xiu knew that this was not his own credit, but the credit of the person in the White Bone Peak camp.

It's just the admiration and admiration of the people, but he didn't say this.

Just smiled and looked calm.

It was as if all of this seemed to be what he did.

His heart was also extremely shocked.

"It turns out that the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave turned out to be such a purpose, but why?"

At this point, everything is clear.

It turned out that Chen Feng was actually going to cooperate with the Witch Clan demons army to completely destroy the Bone Peak Camp.

Why did he do this?

What good will it do for him?

Xian Yu Wan Beast geared his hands: "Now is the best time to fish in troubled waters, don't forget, our mission has not been completed yet!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, nodded, and looked at Zhan Xiu.

Zhan Xiu pondered for a while, and suddenly shouted coldly to the dozens of powerful Wu clan who stayed beside him:

"You protect me now and wait to go to the battlefield."

"Meet with the patriarch."

Basically, the Wu Clan has a little bit of strength, and they have already joined the battlefield.

Those who are still here now are not worth mentioning.

But even if it is not worth mentioning, it can be regarded as combat power anyway.

Hearing Zhan Xiu's words like this, the remaining dozens of powerful Witch clan leaders stared, and suddenly turned their faces.

Zhan Xiu sneered: "Why, the patriarch told me to wait. After the plan is successful, I will go in and join him. He has important things to order!"

"Are you going to disobey?"

I heard the four words of Lord Patriarch.

Suddenly, this powerful Wu clan, afraid to let go, nodded quickly, escorting everyone into the battlefield.

Zhan Xiu and others also began to quietly show their strength.

Kill a few strong human races who have slipped through the net and begin to complete their mission.

At this time, Xiong Jie returned to the Wu Clan camp with hundreds of people.

Then, an order was given.

In an instant, those dozens of powerful men came behind those huge war machines.

Those huge war machines, up to ten thousand meters high, are made of thick metal, and they are extremely powerful.

Even the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm requires several people to control one.

In the next moment, they activated the war machine one after another.

In an instant, the huge war machine, with a long swing arm tens of thousands of meters long, slammed forward fiercely.

At the end of the swing arm, there is something like a spoon.

And as the tyrannical force drove the rocker to eject, in an instant, a thick black light spilled out of the huge spoon.

The black light stretched out in the air.

Upon closer inspection, it turned into a giant net.

This giant net has a radius of thousands of miles, and the whole body is transformed into black light.

There are huge meshes on it. When others look at it, they feel that this huge mesh is extremely heavy and can seal the sight.

In the next moment, the giant net fell precisely.

Directly cover the battlefield with a radius of thousands of miles!

When this giant net fell, everyone suddenly felt their bodies sink.

The air seemed to become rigid and solid.

Flying on it has also become a lot more difficult.

The next moment, another big net fell.

Then there is another side!

In an instant, the five nets fell down fiercely.

In the sky, it seemed that there was an extra layer of black cloud and mist, covering everyone below.

The human powerhouse was shocked to discover that they could no longer fly in the air.

The sky seems to be locked.

Not only that, their speed has also been greatly affected.

The body is extremely heavy, and the strength can be displayed by less than 50%.

Although, the powerful Wu clan felt heavy, but it had little effect on them.

They themselves are not good at flying, they are better at fighting on land, and they are powerful and powerful.

Xiong Jie sneered and said, "You humble humans, still want to escape?"

"Tell you, today, none of them can escape!"

The many evil demons of the witch clan are even more excited and curious.

Towards the human powerhouse whose combat power was greatly reduced in front of him, he wanted to kill.

It seems that his purpose of bringing these engineering equipment is to use them at this moment.

He is thinking of destroying all human warriors here!

In an instant, the human army of about 20,000 had been killed and injured, only about 15,000 remained.

In so many days of fierce battle, the human army was killed or injured in the hundreds.

Today, deaths and injuries are ten times greater than in the past.

Moreover, it is still increasing at an extremely fast rate!

Seeing these strong human races, at most they can only support less than an hour.

After an hour, all will be killed!

The strong human race fell into despair.

Moreover, at this time they discovered that their coach Fang Wanjian had disappeared unexpectedly.

Only Ji Wanhao, who leads more than a hundred famous martial artists in the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, is still struggling to fight.

At this moment, where is Fang Wanjian?

The head of the giant beast, in the inner space.

Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave are here.

Suddenly, Fang Wanjian also appeared.

Chen Feng broke through the sky thunder and destroying the world, causing the human power to fall into this situation now.

It stands to reason that Fang Wanjian should hate him for his bones, and he will be killed soon.

But by the way, Fang Wanjian looked at Chen Feng at this time.

His face was indifferent.

Fang Wanjian's mouth suddenly showed a strange color: "How many witches and demons are there here?"

Chen Feng looked around and said lightly: "Is it fifteen thousand?"

"Fifteen thousand, plus the thousands of deaths and injuries before, the total is almost 20,000."

Fang Wanjian said leisurely.

"There is the Xiong clan, although it is a large clan among the Witch clan."

"However, the available force is only about 20,000."

"This is already the strength of their entire clan."

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

Fang Wanjian looked into the distance, his eyes melodious: "Since the fish are already in the net, then!"

He smiled slightly and uttered four words: "It's time to close the net!"

Just now.

Suddenly, there were five huge tremors outside.

Then everyone felt the pressure increased several times.

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