Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4850: Desperate!

As if something was broken directly.

In an instant, the flame became much weaker.

Then, Chen Feng, the Great Witch Huitian Gong, turned into a witch demon and further transformed into a great witch **** body.

With a low growl, palms shot out.

The blood-red power with strong earth power that belonged to the evil demon of the witch clan slapped fiercely on the blue flame.

This time, the cyan glow struggling for a while, it broke directly.

Chen Feng suddenly returned to his original state.

At this point, Chen Feng's eyes were completely shattered by Chen Feng!

The sky thunder destroys the world big array, from the cyan flame, spread out with the power of the formation, and it is built with the bones of the ancient beast.

Of course very powerful.

But its core is extremely fragile.

Breaking from the outside is naturally difficult.

But to get rid of it from the core is simply unimaginable.

Chen Feng first shattered his spirit with the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar, and then annihilated him with the power of the evil spirits of the witch family.

Everyone would guess that that huge unicorn is the core of the entire array.

But, who could have thought that the real hub of this big formation, the real core, turned out to be here?

The enemy will not deliberately attack here.

Of course, Fang Wanjian could not be unprepared.

After all, if the enemy is evil, lucky, and by chance, if you storm this place and break it, wouldn't it be wrong to lose?

Therefore, there are two hubs.

One was in Fang Wanjian's handsome tent, under the little idol.

One place is here.

The possibility of two places being broken at the same time is close to zero.

However, it was still destroyed in Chen Feng's hands.

As the sky thunder destroys the world, the front eye is broken.

At this time, the situation outside the battle suddenly changed drastically.

Everyone was fighting fiercely, and suddenly felt the sky thunder destroying the world, shaking violently.

Then, the earth shook violently.

Those blue light barriers, those blue thunder groups, and even the bones of the giant beast were shaking violently.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help slowing down their hand movements.

Focus on the Tianlei World Extinguishing Array.

However, the difference is that the powerful Wu clan is full of surprises.

And the many strong human races are unspeakable panic.

The next moment, with a loud bang.

A crack appeared on a blue light barrier.

And there, no witch clan evil spirit powerhouse is attacking.

The next moment, the fissure suddenly enlarged and spread to the surroundings.

Then, with a boom, it spread to the entire Tianlei World Destroying Array.

At this moment, the entire sky thunder destroys the world, with cracks all over it, and its momentum and defensive power dropped rapidly.

Everyone exclaimed in disbelief.

And many strong human races are even more flustered.

In the next moment, their most worried scene happened.

With a loud bang, the blue light barrier of the Tianlei World Destroying Array collapsed!

That's right, it just broke up!

It turned into countless cyan light spots and disappeared.

And those cyan thunder regiments are splashing everywhere, breaking up everywhere.

There were bursts of explosions.

But it was not only the Witch clan powerhouses who were killed by them, but also a large number of human clan powerhouses!

This also means that these cyan thunder regiments have completely lost control!

be quiet!

In an instant, on the entire battlefield and around the entire Tianlei Destroying Array, there was a moment of silence.

Suddenly, the many powerful Wu clan seemed to realize something.

Suddenly, there were bursts of crazy cheers!

The strong human race is desperate.

Then, it turned into a deep fear, and morale fell sharply in an instant.

Even, the desire to fight disappeared instantly, looking around, almost want to escape!

It's very simple, because the Great Thunder Destroying the World Array is broken!

The Tianlei World Destroying Array was shattered, shattering their courage, confidence, and desire to fight together!

Because everyone is very clear.

They can stop these powerful Witch Clan demons army, relying on the Heavenly Thunder Destroying the World Array.

No matter how big the gap is, it is because of this, the Marshal wants to become a **** wound from the Witch Clan demons.

If you want to make up, you can make up at any time.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as they hide in the Tianlei World Destroying Array, they can easily kill the opponent by various means.

Everything comes from the Tianlei World Destroying Array!

And now, the big array is broken!

Their biggest and only reliance is gone!

The destruction of the Tianlei World Destroying Array will have disastrous consequences.

Almost instantly, the strong and the weak changed hands.

Originally a strong human race, he had the upper hand, not in a hurry.

After losing the shelter of the Heavenly Lei World Destroying Array all of a sudden, the Witch Clan powerhouse went crazy.

One after another they turned into great witch gods and attacked fiercely.

For an instant, the screams were endless.

Most of the dead and injured were human powerhouses.

In an instant, thousands of casualties were extremely heavy.

It was severely crushed and beaten.

The human warrior is hesitating and has nowhere to go.

Many people even left the battlefield and wanted to escape.

At this moment, Fang Wanjian above the sky saw this scene, and his pupils contracted sharply.

There was a huge shock on his face, even a bit confused!

That is what I have always believed in, the confusion after disappearing!

Finally, it turned into a frightened roar: "How is it possible! @"

However, he also reacted extremely quickly, instantly calming down his mind, with a gloomy face, playing his strongest offensive, and Xiong Jie will temporarily retreat.

Then, he quickly moved down.

Loudly shouted: "Everyone, listen to my orders! Gather towards the head of the giant beast!"

Hearing his orders, the many strong human races seemed to have the backbone.

Quickly roared and gathered towards the head of the giant beast.

But everyone is frightened and depressed.

Everyone is very clear: today, lost!

Moreover, it will be a fiasco!

If you are lucky, there will be a thousand remnants left and escape.

However, the White Bone Peak Camp was also completely lost.

And if it's bad luck...

Thinking of this, many people shudder cleverly.

If you are unlucky, all of them will explain here today.

The White Bone Peak Camp will wipe out the entire army!

Xiong Jie didn't care about Fang Wanjian's escape.

Even to cooperate with him, he was forced to retreat.

Because, at this time, his heart is already occupied by unparalleled great ecstasy!

"Hahaha, Zhan Xiu didn't lie to me!"

"Sure enough, he has the means to break the Tianlei Destroying Array, and he didn't use my own hands!"

"Great, great!"

He laughed wildly, his voice shook everywhere.

All the powerful evil demons of the witch clan can hear clearly:

"Today is the best opportunity to turn into a great witch divine body at all costs and kill me! Kill! Kill!"

Many powerful witches, laughed wildly and transformed, and went crazy to kill.

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