Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4848: Muddy water makes it easy to fish

Their bodies of demons, their bodies of great witch gods, all they pursue are the ultimate physical power!

He faced the Tianlei World Destroying Array, his sight seemed to travel through space, staring straight at Fang Wanjian's body.

"You humble human races, can anyone dare to fight me?"

Fang Wanjian took a deep breath and gave Chen Feng a deep look.

Then, his body suddenly violent, and he let out a wild roar: "A mean beast, how dare you provoke?"

Above the body, there was endless purple brilliance.

Cut down with one sword!

No nonsense.

Xiong Jie laughed wildly: "Fang Wanjian, it's you again!"

His body flickered, and instantly he and Fang Wanjian became a ball.

The two of them have been enemies for many years.

For hundreds of years, I don't know how many times I have fought, and I am already very familiar with the opponent.

When I first came up, I used my strongest moves to fight life and death.

The two martial artists of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, their incomparable offensive made up for the sky, almost smashing the sky.

Incomparably powerful force, madly escape everywhere.

Even if it gets a little bit, I'm afraid it will be broken!

Chen Feng thought secretly.

Fang Wanjian already has such strength, so what kind of strength is the Lord of Righteous Path, the head of the Immortal Gate of Destiny?

At least, it has reached the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

"It seems that our estimate of the strength of this world is somewhat low!"

At this time, Fang Wanjian faced You Xiong Jie.

The strong third floor of the Human Star Soul Martial God Realm, against the strong third floor of the Witch Star Soul Martial God Realm.

The tens of thousands of people and the powerful witches below killed them heartily.

However, it seems that Baigufeng Daying is completely dominant.

This offensive by the Witch army is more like that crazy and futile effort after knowing that there is no hope!

At this time, for Chen Feng and Tianchou Beast Slave, it seemed that it was the best chance to go to the battlefield below to kill the enemy and obtain the source of supernatural power.

However, he did not do so.

Just took a breath and looked around.

At this time, Daying, next to the handsome account.

Fang Wanjian is not there, nor is Ji Manhao.

There were only two of them and some of Fang Wanjian's black guards.

Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng: "Big Brother, what shall we do?"

"Of course, to make them mess up."

Chen Feng smiled lowly: "The muddy water makes it easy to fish."

He looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes far away: "After raising them for so long, it's time to use them."

Tianchou beast slave knows.

He was also extremely excited.

"Big Brother has been planning for a long time for this and will finally close the net today!"

His hand quietly fell into the sleeve.

With a ‘pop’, a purple jade slip was gently crushed.

If there is Dragon Vein Continent, if Chen Feng's friend is here, he can probably recognize it.

This purple jade slip is called "Zimu Lianxin".

It was what Chen Feng used frequently when he was on the Longmai Continent.

Many of his friends have been left, as long as they are crushed in danger, Chen Feng can feel it.

Now, it appeared in the hands of Tianchou Beast Slave.

In fact, it is not so strange to appear in the hands of Tianchou Beast Slave.

But the problem is that this thing also appeared in the hands of several people in the lower camp at the same time.

That's right, it's below the Tianlei World Destroying Array and above the ground.

In the camp where hundreds of thousands of wandering powerhouses were placed.

Almost at the same moment, there were several people, and at the same time, the mother-in-the-child heart symbol appeared in their hands.

At the same moment, they all burst into pieces.

They suddenly felt awe-inspiring.

After looking at each other, they all saw a weirdness in each other's eyes.

Then, several people each whispered a few words to the person next to them.

The people beside him spread to the side again.

Almost in an instant, there were thousands of people who passed a certain message.

At this time, below, in the White Bone Peak camp, hundreds of thousands of wandering powerhouses were all outside the camp, standing in a queue, waiting for orders at any time.

Just give an order, and they will also participate in the war.

These wandering powerhouses are generally much weaker.

Therefore, one by one was frightened.

In the past few days, they had seen many servants of the Witch Clan, coming up to die.

Naturally, they understand in their hearts that if their strength is on the battlefield, only that one will end.

I'm afraid it won't be used up for a while.

There was fear, sadness, and anxiety in everyone's hearts.

On the side, there are hundreds of strong people from the White Bone Peak camp.

Since it is surveillance, if there is a war later, it will lead them to participate in the war.

Or to be precise, to die.

This uneasy emotion grew deeper and deeper.

Like a turbulent volcano waiting to erupt, it seems that a little spark can ignite.

At this moment, suddenly, among the crowd, a roar came to mind:

"Damn, I don't want to be cannon fodder, I don't want to die!"

The speaker is a rough man.

Friends are vast, and among these wandering powerhouses, they are quite prestigious.

And more importantly, he is one of the many leaders under Chen Feng's ninth thousand people.

He stared at the guarded Bai Bone Peak strong man, and shouted sharply: "Now open the big formation and let the Laozi go!"

"I don't want to be cannon fodder here, I don't want to die!"


The people next to him also shouted loudly: "You gods are fighting, don't bring us mortals in and suffer."


The moment this person spoke, hundreds of people clamored loudly.

And there was someone who yelled at all the wandering powerhouses:

"Everyone, you have seen the fate of those servants of the Witch Clan a few days ago!"

"How miserable one is to die!"

"Let's go up, I'm afraid we will die in half an hour!"

"Furthermore, it has no effect on the war. If you die, you will die for nothing!"

"You said, what use is there for us to stay here?"

These words are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Suddenly, everyone was clamoring.

Thousands of people shouted.

And the wandering powerhouses here are just hundreds of thousands.

Thousands of people clamored in it, and almost instantly, the emotions spread to everyone.

This volcano, with a bang, was exploded!

Everyone yelled crazy.

Someone even rushed out.

Prepare to attack the Lei Mieshi Great Array that day, leave here.

They are not stupid either, the direction they ran towards was the west.

You know, the evil demons of the witch race are attacking from the southeast.

On the west side, there is neither the Witch Clan demons compulsory nor the White Bone Peak stronghold!

In an instant, there was a mess under the great formation of Tianlei Destroying the World!

And the more than a hundred strong Bai Bone Peak big camp leaders who were in charge of them had not recovered yet, they were all stunned.

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