Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 484: Fight all the way

The most obvious feature is that they encounter monsters condensed with various devilish energy more and more frequently.

Only five battles took place on the first day, and on the third day, Chen Feng counted and thirteen battles took place.

Not only the frequency of encountering monsters is getting higher and higher, but the strength of the monsters encountered is getting stronger.

On the first day, there was only one demon leader, but on the third day, the entire six-headed demon leader came across.

On the fourth day, Chen Feng found that the ground under his feet had changed from gravel to stone.

On this stone, there are countless cavities, each of which is not big, that is, the thickness of a person's waist, but I don't know how deep it is. There are countless black qi coming out of it and transpiring.

The front seemed to be shrouded in a black mist, but fortunately, it did not affect the line of sight.

Finally, they also encountered a stronger monster here.

This is a huge monster ten meters high, covered in armor, wearing a huge helmet with horns, and holding a huge dragon spear ten meters long.

The length of this dragon spear makes people wonder if it was made specifically to slaughter giant beasts.

And under the crotch of this demon monster, it is riding a huge rhino beast ten meters high, which is also completely condensed by demon energy, which looks extremely hideous.

This huge monster appeared quietly from the black mist in front of it. Everyone took a breath and held their breath, as if they were afraid of disturbing it.

The green-robed youth, who was called the boss of Qi by Yu Mu Haozun, slowly spoke, and said: "According to the division of the monsters formed by these demon energy from our way here, this monster is clearly above the command of the demon soldiers. I will He was named Marshal Demon Soldier."

"The strength of the commander of the demon soldier lies between the peak of the fifth floor of the gods and the early stage of the sixth floor of the gods. According to my observations, the strength of the demon marshal is definitely not lower than the first of the gods. Heavy ride on the six-story building."

"The end in front of us should have reached the peak strength of the sixth building."

After hearing this, Chen Feng felt awe-inspiring.

The Phoenix Girl should be the peak strength of the fifth building in the Divine Sect Realm. Yu Muhao is about the same as her, while the Qing-robed youth Qi boss and the purple-robed youth have fewer shots along the way, and the purple-robed youth has never taken any shots. So Chen Feng could not figure out the depth of their strength.

Boss Qi looked at Feng Nu and Yu Muhao, and then slowly said: "You both have injuries on your body now. Although they are not serious, they also have a great impact in the battle. Only 70% of the strength is left."

"We don't know how many battles and monsters remain in front of us. One point is worth one point. In this way, let's go back and rest for a long time before talking."

Yu Muhao listened to him very much and nodded.

Everyone retired and cultivated behind a sand dune.

It is strange to say that as long as they leave the range of the stone ground, the Demon Soldier will not chase after him.

After resting for a long time in the evening, everyone had recovered from their injuries and was full of energy, so they killed the Marshal of the Demon Soldier.

The Marshal of the Demon Soldier was extremely powerful. As soon as he shot, Chen Feng felt that he had indeed reached the peak of the sixth building in the Divine Sect Realm.

Yu Muhao, Qi Boss, and Feng Nu were besieging him, but the Demon General was able to deal with it easily. Instead, they beat the three of them to the left and right, only to parry, but not to fight back.

After a while, the three of them all hit the real fire, and each displayed their true ability to suppress the bottom of the box, and immediately suppressed the general demon soldier, and the situation reversed.

Chen Feng stared at the three of them and a monster unblinkingly, constantly watching.

He focused his eyes and looked very seriously, as if to write down all of their four weapons.

Although Chen Feng did not participate in the battle, it was just convenient for him to observe. He was observing the demon marshal's attacking methods and characteristics, because in the future he might have to face these monsters alone.

At the same time, he was also observing the characteristics of the other three people. The most detailed observation he observed was Yu Mu Hao. Seventy percent of his attention was focused on him.

At the time of life and death, Yu Muhao couldn't hide his personal secrets, so when he looked at it for a little while, Chen Feng knew him very clearly.

What are Yu Muhao's powerful martial arts, what habitual moves before the attack, when encountering an enemy attack, he is used to defending or avoiding, if he is avoiding, which direction he is used to fleeing... Chen Feng is very clear about it.

An hour later, the Marshal of the Demon Soldier fell to the ground, his body turned into demon energy and escaped.

As for Feng Nu, Qi boss, and Yu Muhao, they were all seriously injured, covered in blood, and only less than half of their strength remained. Either sitting or standing, panting heavily, they were obviously exhausted.

What surprised everyone was that the monsters in front were different. After the demon soldier's body dissipated, it was not nothing left, but a fist-sized black spar appeared.

This black spar seemed to be installed in the entire night sky, crystal clear, and people would know it was an extraordinary spirit treasure at a glance, it seemed that the sky was filled with stars.

When Chen Feng looked at it, he was naturally extremely greedy, but he didn't move. He knew that he was not qualified to take this piece of spiritual treasure as his own.

If he dares to move, he will be killed immediately, and no one will let him go.

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