Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4845: Guards ability! The origin of supernatural powers!

Fear flashed in the eyes of the strong witch race evil demon.

He finally realized that he couldn't stop this trick.

There is no way to deal with it, and how long it takes to kill himself depends purely on the power of this weird hand bone.

"What kind of evil is this?"

He was completely frightened, turned around and fled!

He dared not fight again.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

It is the celestial beast slave.

With a wild roar, golden light gleamed all over his body.

A punch came out.

This powerful evil demon of the witch clan growled dullly: "Get out of my way!"

But the Tiancun Beast Slave was not afraid, and instead greeted him.


With a punch, he shot out fiercely.

Above the body, golden light shined.

With a bang, the two crashed together.

The Tianchou Beast Slave was hit and flew out several hundred meters, hitting the huge rib.

Pain all over, like falling apart.

Instead, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, happy!"

After the witch demons were blocked by him, they stagnated for that moment.

So the next moment, his figure was completely frozen there.

In the next instant, with a soft bang, his entire body disappeared as a faint flying ash.

Endless blood, all absorbed by the human emperor's hand bones.

In an instant, on the human emperor's hand bones, there was a burst of emotion called ecstasy.

Almost all Chen Feng's spiritual world was shaken.

For the first time, he has absorbed such a sweet, pure, rich and endless blood!

Chen Feng felt very clear about such happiness.

At this time, Chen Feng also said three words coldly: "The third blow!"

The whole process lasted about ten breaths.

At the same time, he already felt his head start to ache.

It means that his mental power is being consumed a lot.

With a brush, the human emperor's hand bone returned to his palm.

Chen Feng immediately took it back, so that no more mental power was lost.

He felt for a moment, and his eyes flashed a little.

"Killing this badly wounded Star Soul Martial God Realm third floor martial artist, used three attacks from the human emperor's hand bones."

"And when dealing with this level of power, I control the human emperor's hand bones, and the loss of mental power will increase three times."

"In other words, I was able to control the human emperor's hand bones for a hundred breaths. Now, if I deal with the third-tier powerhouse of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, I'm afraid I can only support 30 breaths."

"If you deal with the stronger, the time will be shorter!"

It also meant that if Chen Feng controlled the human emperor's hand bones, he would deal with the powerhouse of the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Only able to deal with three or so, the mental power will be exhausted!

Right now!

In the minds of Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave, the vast voice of the Lord of Heaven rang.

"Reincarnation fairy Chen Feng, kill a martial artist in the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, and reward a supernatural power source!"

"The origin of supernatural powers?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows: "What is this?"

But then, his heart shook wildly.

It turned out that what followed was an explanation of the origin of supernatural powers by the Lord of Heaven.

After reading this explanation, Chen Feng was silent for a moment.

In the next moment, he was so excited that he almost screamed out loud!

He never expected that the reward for killing high-level warriors would be so generous!

The source of this supernatural power is so perverted!

It turns out that the source of magical powers is extremely rare even at the top of the sky.

And its usefulness is to raise the martial artist's supernatural power level!

For example, Chen Feng's Buddha's angry eyes lion roar exercise only reached the first level.

At the same time, he also possesses a source of magical powers.

Then, Chen Feng could be in a special place on the top of the sky, branding the source of supernatural powers on his Buddha's screaming lion roar.

In that case, his Buddha's Angry Lion Roar skill can be directly promoted to the second level!

That's right!

No need to practice!

There is no process!

Don’t wait long!

No need to painstakingly comprehend!

Eliminate all troubles, as long as the source of this supernatural power is imprinted on it, after the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar kung is absorbed, this supernatural martial art can directly improve a realm!

Chen Feng slowly exhaled a suffocating breath: "This usefulness is really a bit too much against the sky!"

He has cultivated himself for so many years, naturally, he is very clear.

Like them, the high-level supernatural powers they cultivate are so difficult to break through!

It takes decades and hundreds of years of painstaking practice at every level.

Even with the insight of chance and coincidence, it can be done.

And now, with this source of magical power, all this can be avoided!

Chen Feng's heart was agitated, extremely happy.

At this time, I deeply realized what Fairy Yuheng said to himself that this place is the true meaning of a place where dreams come true!

Just look at the treasures of the level of the source of magical powers, and look at the mysterious yellow world, I am afraid that even the top adults may not be able to get it!

But you can get it when you are on top of the sky.

Moreover, this time you can get more than one mission!

Chen Feng roughly knows why.

Presumably, in the eyes of the Lord of Heaven, the biggest storm that people like themselves may have when they come to this world is to encircle and annihilate a battle team of witches and demons.

Or it was just dozens of people who wiped out the strongest of the White Bone Peak.

The strongest person who can beheaded is just the second-tier strongest person in the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Lord of Heaven, it would be extremely overjoyed if he and others were able to kill the martial artist of the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Even, it can be said that it completely exceeds the set goal and one's own ability.

Heaven dominates, always just.

If you complete it in a satisfactory manner, you can only get a satisfactory reward.

If he is overjoyed, he will be able to get a generous reward!

The fact is also true.

If someone of the same level as Chen Feng came here, he would definitely not be able to do this.

It was even extremely difficult to complete the task of killing the second strongest in the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

It may be necessary to do everything possible.

It's not that the source of magical powers is easy to get, it's that Chen Feng is too bad!

Chen Feng whispered about the origin of supernatural powers to the Celestial Beast Slave, and the Celestial Beast Slave was also extremely excited.

The two looked at those witch demons.

In the eyes of both of them, these evil demons of the witch clan had become a golden source of magical powers.

Chen Feng chuckles: "The first question has been resolved, so now it's the second question."

Chen Feng just felt that after the human emperor's hand bones absorbed the blood of the martial artist of the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, there was still a little bit of meaning.

Explain that it has not reached the upper limit!

"What is your upper limit?"

The next moment, Chen Feng and the two entered the battlefield silently, looking for the next target.

At this time, their goal is only the opponent's Star Soul Martial God Realm third floor powerhouse!

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