Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4840: First day

But when compared with the Tianlei World Destroying Array in front of him, it was nothing.

The Tianlei World Destroying Array, the head of the giant beast's bones, in the Bone Peak camp.

At this time, the manpower in the White Bone Peak camp was already much less.

Originally, there were about 20,000 righteous people in the White Bone Peak camp.

It is a more reasonable equipment to face the 10,000 witch demons against the opponent.

After all, the individual strength of the strong human race is far inferior to the evil demons of the witch race.

It takes about two to fight one, even with the realm.

Now, about 10,000 or so human race powerhouses have entered various battle positions in the Tianlei World Destroying Array.

He practiced directly there, and even carried a large amount of pill supplies and so on.

It can be said that each strong person above each combat position is a separate defensive position.

In the camp, there were only 10,000 left at this time.

These people serve as a reserve team for emergencies.

But based on past experience, there is no need to even use this ten thousand reserve team.

At the core of the big camp, just under the giant beast unicorn, is Fang Wanjian's handsome account.

Chen Feng's tent is not far from his handsome tent.

Next to it is the Hall of Merit.

It seems that these three things have become the three most precious places in the camp.

Yan Changfeng's detached position in the camp also made many people dissatisfied.

But being suppressed by Fang Wanjian, no one dared to speak out.

At this moment, the two stood side by side, looking into the distance.

Among the army of witch demons, the towering war machines resembled steel crossbows magnified countless times.

A thick crossbow arm is as thick as a mountain beam, and its size reaches tens of thousands of meters.

The whole body is pitch black, and there are speckled gold.

At first glance, it is made of extremely powerful metal materials.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Every time the Witch Clan demons come to attack the White Bone Peak Camp, do they have to build such a huge siege weapon?"

"Is this one expensive?"

Fang Wanjian looked at Chen Feng with deep meaning in his smile:

"No, they came before and never brought this thing."

"Want to come, this time..."

He said leisurely: "It's aimed at our large array of thunder and destroying the world. Some weaknesses come from?"

Chen Feng smiled: "This time, it's really extraordinary!"

The two looked at each other, and there was an unspeakable smell in their eyes.

After the formation of the Wu Clan camp, thick clouds suddenly escaped from the camp.

In a blink of an eye, these thick black clouds turned into a semicircular cover.

The large camp of the Witch tribe in a radius of hundreds of miles is firmly buckled below, blocking the line of sight and even perception.

The powerful people of the human race could not see what happened in the Witch camp.

After the camp, the war is about to start.

Under the body of the giant beast, in the camp of the wandering strong, everyone was nervous.

But many Bai Bone Peak big camp powerhouses didn't care.

Early the next morning.

Early in the morning.

With a long and thick horn sounded.

The entire Witch Clan camp came alive in an instant.

After an hour, countless huge tens of thousands of troops appeared constantly.

Ten in all appeared.

One hundred thousand strong servants came forward quickly following the order.

Soon, before the Tianlei World Destroying Array.

Then, as these generals roared one after another, 100,000 strong men rushed over.

Murderous intent is all over the sky, extremely fierce!

The war begins!

These powerful men rushed to the periphery of the blue light barrier of the Tianlei World Exterminating Array, and launched their own powerful offensives, wanting to break the blue light barrier in front of them.

Their strength is not particularly weak, although they are not as good as the Witch Clan demons, there are also a large number of Nine Star Martial Emperors, and there are even some Star Soul Martial God Realm first buildings!

Boom boom boom...

The intrepid offensive continued to blast above the blue light barrier, but the force fell on the blue light barrier, and it was like a clay cow into the sea.

Even the slightest reaction of the blue light barrier can't be remembered.

And behind the Qingguang barrier, came the joking laughter of countless human experts.

"With your strength, you can't even react to the great battle of Tianlei Destroying the World!"

"Just playing for a hundred thousand years like this may break our formation!"

The sound of laughter is endless.

For this kind of offensive, many human race powerhouses don't care at all.

Hehhhhhh, very relaxed.

They have seen a lot.

In the past thousand years, the evil demons of the Witch Clan came to fight the White Bone Peak Camp many times. They alone have experienced it seven or eight times.

Every time, it was such a purposeless beating, which hurt the soldiers and defeated the generals.

And they can even guess the ending:

After a few days, the manpower was severely damaged.

The servants are almost dead, and a large number of their own Witch clan powerhouses have also died.

Morale is low and tired.

At this time, he heard the news of the human reinforcements coming, so they retreated one after another and returned without success.

They have been through it several times and they don't care anymore.

These people aimlessly attack everywhere, which shows that they don't know where their weakness is.

No matter how many such offensives, it will not have any impact on the Tianlei World Destroying Array!

Many strong human races seem to be watching a joke.

After a while, it seemed that many of them were bored.

As a result, there is a force quietly rising in the body.

With a palm of your hand, pat on the blue light barrier in front of you.

Suddenly, on the blue light barrier, countless blue lights burst out.

It smashed **** the bodies of those servants.

In the next moment, many servants screamed screamingly, and they were directly smashed in many places.

Suffering serious injuries, he fell heavily to the ground from a height of 10,000 meters.

Fortunately, their cultivation base is not low, their strength is strong, and they are not dead.

But he was seriously injured and couldn't stand up.

Yes, they are not dead.

But they were all seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness.

And this is what the strong humans deliberately do.

Kill them, then you can only kill him.

And if he is severely injured, that kind of severe injury that takes months to recover, then two or even three people may be destroyed.

Someone must take care of them, and someone must guard them.

These wounded soldiers can bring a greater burden to the Witch Clan demons than the dead.

However, the strategy of the strong human race did not succeed.

After a while, thousands of knights riding witch beasts hurried out in the Witch Clan camp.

Came among these seriously wounded servants.

Then, the black spear in his hand flashed one after another.

Wherever he went, the servants who were screaming again and again, all their breath disappeared.

But for a moment, these 100,000 severely wounded powerhouses have been slaughtered by their masters, by these witch race demons powerhouses!

This scene shocked many human experts and lost their voices.

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