Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4836: Attack the White Bone Peak Camp in advance!

Looking closely, there was a burst of light shining above the array, shining directly into his mind.

Showing this pattern is absolutely true.

In an instant, countless huge amounts of information melted into his spirit.

This huge flood of information shocked his spirit, causing You Xiong Jie to sway heavily and almost fainted.

There was a strong Xiongshi city nearby, and asked urgently: "My patriarch, is it true?"

After a while, Xiong Jie slowed down and nodded sinkingly.

"It's true, the formation of the Tianlei World Destroying Array!"

Everyone was in an uproar!

Then, there was a huge shout of joy!

With the formation of the Thunder Destruction World Formation, if they had broken the Bai Bone Peak camp by only 20%, then it has now increased to 60%!

It's such a huge change!

With the array map, you can refer to the array map.

Attack its weaknesses and overcome its imperfections.

It's not desperate to see nothing.

Xiong Jie stared at Zhan Xiu: "Where did you get this pattern?"

Zhan Xiu smiled reservedly, with a calm smile on his face.

"In fact, this pattern is our real goal this time."

"The thousand strong men who died before were just to get a cover for the formation."

You Xiong Jie stared at him firmly: "You mean, in the name of the thousand strong, you said that you want to give me a proof."

"Prove that you are there and have a strong enough internal response, strong enough to allow thousands of you to enter it, come and go freely."

"But actually, your purpose is this thing?"


Zhan Xiu smiled: "I'm afraid there are spies among our own people, so I didn't tell you about this to the commander."

"Is this surprise big enough?"

There is Xiong Jie silently, and the others who have the Xiong family are also silent.

Exchange the life of a thousand tribesmen for this formation.

It seems that it is not so unacceptable.

Xiong Jie was silent for a moment: "To elaborate."

"it is good."

Zhan Xiu said: "Actually, the purpose of my friend from Baigufeng Camp is the formation of the thunder-destroying world."

"The reason why I asked you for a whole thousand people is because at least these people can make a big enough noise in the White Bone Peak Camp."

"In order to force Fang Wanjian to leave his big account and take action."

"Therefore, let my friend have the opportunity to steal the formation of the thunder and extinction of the world."

"Actually, my friend is so good, you should have seen it now."

"In the end, those of us were surrounded and couldn't come back. It was him who made me wait to come back."

"How concealed is Fang Wanjian's formation on this day of the Lei Destroying World Array? How can his handsome account be for everyone to go? My friend still took this thing out."

"Now, what do you still do not believe?"

Everyone was silent, feeling that although Zhan Xiu's words were a bit strange, they really made sense.

Xiong Jie said coldly, "What's the point of proving that you have such a great friend?"

"Of course it works!"

At the next moment, Zhan Xiu said something even more shocking.

"It proves that he is so powerful, then we don't need to wait for the reinforcements of our sect. Now, we can do it!"

"Attack the White Bone Peak Camp!"

"My friend, can help you destroy the Tianlei World Destruction Array!"

He stared at all the strong men of the Xiong clan, and said word by word: "Let you, you can kill this righteous way in one fell swoop!"

Everyone was in an uproar!

Then shocked!

Then ecstasy!

Then, the breath became heavier countless times!

Break the White Bone Peak camp!

Get rid of this righteous force in front of you!

This is their long-cherished wish for the Xiong family for thousands of years!

For this reason, I don't know how many people died!

Now, this opportunity lies in front of them!

And the friend of Zhan Xiu also proved that he does have such strength!

The strong man on the top of the sky, seeing this scene, suddenly thought of four words:

See you poorly!

"It turns out that Tian Can and Zhan Xiu's purpose is to break the White Bone Peak camp!"

"Heaven is here, their ambitions are so big!"

"Break the White Bone Peak camp, how much benefit will it get!"

Many people with the Xiong clan look to Xiong Jie.

And Xiong Jie was weirdly silent.

Standing there, groaning silently.


Of course he is heartened!

Without resorting to other reinforcements, make such a huge contribution!

So, the seat of the high priest is almost a sure thing to him!

However, he is the patriarch of the Xiong clan.

He has to consider Xiong's!

He has to consider whether this is a trap, and whether it will put all the Xiongs in it.

Tonight, there is Xiong’s injury, which is huge enough,

As a result, to the point where You Xiong's family could not bear such a loss again.

And then, if you use the power of the whole family to attack the White Bone Peak camp, if there is a change, the loss will be even greater!

You Xiong Jie suddenly looked at Zhan Xiu: "If I attack the White Bone Peak camp, how many troops will you need to destroy the camp?"

Zhan Xiu smiled slightly: "I don't need one."

"You just have to attack normally, and then leave an elite team on standby."

"Our friend at the White Bone Peak camp, after helping you destroy the big formation, you can come in!"

"it is good!"

There was a flash of excitement in You Xiong Jie's eyes.

You don't need to do it yourself, which is totally acceptable.

He will press the whole army and attack the White Bone Peak camp.

But he won't give Zhan Xiu any more manpower to take risks. At that time, if the big formation is not destroyed, he can retreat calmly.

If the big formation is really broken, it is naturally better.

"Zhan Xiu, I will believe you for the last time! Don't let me down!"

"If this time, you can't do it!"

His face was full of hideous expressions: "You people, all of you are going to die!"

Zhan Xiu is confident: "Don't worry, patriarch, my friend, absolutely reliable."

At this moment, Xiong Jie suddenly smiled and grabbed his right hand.

In an instant, a long and faint aura drifted out from the palm of the hand, covering the people of Zhan Xiu and others on the top of the sky.

Then, everyone saw that there was a shadow above Zhan Xiu and others' heads, quietly casting out.

Looks like them.

It's just a shadow.

It was extremely thin and light, and instantly, it fell into the palm of Xiong Jie's hand.

Zhan Xiu and the others were startled and quickly sensed it.

But he felt that there was nothing unusual about his strength and other aspects.

But the whole body was uncomfortable again.

It was even more of a momentary trance, and lost his soul.

Xiong Jie smiled slightly: "Among your three souls and seven souls, there is already one soul, which I caught in my hands."

"At that time, if you dare to have any wrongdoing."

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