Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4832: The role of abandoned children

Tan Jia yelled loudly as if he had caught the straw.

"Yesterday, Yan Changfeng asked the villain to go to his tent at that hour."

"If you say there are benefits to the villain, the villain is looking for him!"

Fang Wanjian looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head, his voice indifferent: "I didn't tell him anything."

"Sir, you know, I only meet with them once a day. Other times, I practice in my tent."

"Why do you want to meet him uncharacteristically?"

"What's more, I have been in the adult's account yesterday."

Fang Wanjian smiled slightly, nodded and said, "That's what Yan Changfeng said. I naturally believe his words even more."

Tan Jia was stupid. Looking at Chen Feng, she didn't dare to shout with confidence, "!"

Chen Feng shook his head, his face pale.

Looking at Fang Wanjian: "Tan Jia, after all, it is my subordinate."

"To do this kind of thing, I have a few words to say to him."

Fang Wanjian nodded.

With a wave of his hand, a soundproof protection is placed.

Chen Feng came to Tan Jia and looked down at him.

Tan Jia pleaded bitterly: "Yan Changfeng, please, you let me go!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I know you are not a spy."

In Tan Jia's eyes, there was a flash of extreme hope.

"You know I am not, please help me! Help me!"

"But I'm sorry."

Chen Feng smiled: "Whether you are or not, you have to die!"

Tan Jia's expression solidified: "Why?"

"As early as when you took the benefits from me and wanted to calculate me, this day was doomed."

Chen Feng turned and walked out.

Fang Wanjian's voice was cold: "Kill!"

In an instant, Xueliang knife light flashed.

Dozens of people were all beheaded.

They are all from the Tanjia group.

Chen Feng naturally knows that Tan Jia is not a spy of the Witch clan.

Even Fang Wanjian knew that Tan Jia was not.

However, you only need to convince others.

Just need to give everyone an explanation and an explanation.

Because, yesterday, someone needs to be this spy.

If there are no spies from the Witch clan, it means that the indestructible Bone Peak Camp will be easily broken through by the Witch clan powerhouse!

Then, Fang Wanjian will sweep the ground!

Even though he had achieved such great results yesterday, Fang Wanjian had to put an end to this trouble.

Therefore, he needs some people to become spies.

And it happened that Chen Feng also needed some people to disappear.

Now, there are hundreds of strong people who belong to him and close to a thousand people, but they are not under his control.

But in the control of Tan Jia.

Chen Feng needs him to disappear.

Next, in his plan, these idle warriors have a great effect.

Those who were killed with one of them all made friends with him and helped him control the hundreds of people.

Regarding Chen Feng as being taken advantage of, and at this time, the price they paid for it was their lives!

At this time, among the crowd, among the cheering idle warriors and righteous men.

But there are also hundreds of people with pale faces.

Looking at Chen Feng, his face was full of fear.

They are all followers of Tanjia.

Naturally, it was clear that Tan Jia had absolutely no guts, nor the ability to do things.

Now they understood the real reason for Tan Jia's death.

After understanding the truth, he was cold all over.

Before, they didn't feel awe of Yan Changfeng. They took a lot of benefits from Yan Changfeng and didn't pay anything.

Now, suddenly deeply afraid.

Realize that Yan Changfeng is truly terrible!

It makes their hearts tremble and fearful and panic.

In the evening of that day, outside Chen Feng's camp, hundreds of people knelt in a crowd.

They were all warriors who had taken advantage of him before.

Chen Feng walked out of the big tent and looked at everyone.

When everyone was about to talk, Chen Feng smiled slightly: "You don't need to say anything, I know what you want to say."

"I only have one sentence, what Yan Changfeng is after is your ability."

When everyone heard this, their hearts were uneasy, not knowing what it meant.

Chen Feng looked at everyone: "Give you a task."

"Each of you, go find someone to join me and work for me."

"Whoever can find 30 people first, the past, but forget the past, and will give you a thousand great merits."

Hearing this, everyone was instantly ecstatic.

Not only will there be a chance to let the past go, but it is also possible to get a thousand achievements!

That's a lot of money.

Chen Feng smiled: "But if you fail to make it within half a month, then I will have to settle the bill with you."

Everyone's hearts jumped, Chen Feng's words were both tempting and threatening.

They can't resist the temptation.

They can't resist the threat.

Then, Chen Feng didn't talk nonsense and turned around and entered the big tent.

But the beast slave of Tianchou came out and talked to everyone about the details.

For example, the martial artist to be recruited must be at least above what level, for example, must be strictly obedient to Chen Feng, and must not violate the slightest...

He already knew Chen Feng's purpose.

It is also known that Chen Feng wants to form a legion composed entirely of strong men and control the ambition of the legion in his own hands!

They may not be obedient in the future, but they must listen to the first order!

One time, enough.

Chen Feng turned and entered the handsome account.

Fang Wanjian saw him coming, with a wry smile: "You fellow, are you here for benefits?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "The handsome and wise."

"Yesterday, we killed so many Witch Clan demons, how should we count this credit?"

"How much more can I do on my books?"

"You, don't worry, you have made such a great achievement. How can I treat you badly if I value you so much?"

Fang Wanjian smiled slightly.

What happened yesterday made him attach great importance to Chen Feng.

It became even more eager to win.

"Yesterday, a total of one thousand witch demons and a thousand witch beasts were killed."

"Among them, ten people in the Star Condensing Realm..."

He always said something.

Then he said: "These, if they are converted into great merits, a total of three million great merits!"

"If you stand at 70% of the credit, how about giving you 2.1 million credits?

Two million one hundred thousand great merit!

This number can be described as appalling.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment.

Fang Wanjian's disposition was also quite fair.

He nodded: "Okay, then 2.1 million great merits."

Fang Wanjian called Kui She over on the spot, deducting the 700,000 merits that Chen Feng had borrowed from him.

Now, Chen Feng still has 1.4 million great contributions here.

Fang Wanjian smiled and said, "Yan Changfeng, I heard that you are very interested in that Witch Emperor's Destroying Sword."

Naturally, Chen Feng couldn't hide everything from him.

Unless you are in your own camp.

Both Chen Feng and Chen Feng were so gloomy that day in the Great Power Temple and in front of the Witch Sovereign Killing Sword.

He can guess it naturally.

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