Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4828: Two thousand drops of witch blood!

After Zhan Xiu and others left.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and looked at the corpses of thousands of Wu Clan demons around him.

No, to be precise, looking at the thousands of drops of blood floating above their bodies!

Or, to be more precise.

It is a total of two thousand drops of the blood of the Witch Clan demons!

In addition to the thousand evil demons of the witch race, the thousand witch beasts also condensed a drop of blood!

This is a huge surprise far beyond Chen Feng's expectations!

Every drop of blood is as bright as a ruby.

There is an extremely powerful and surging power in it, condensing it.

Like volcanoes about to erupt!

This kind of blood that has just been condensed gathers the power of their blood, the power of the race, and the inheritance of their talents!

Even, all cultivation bases!

Every drop is extremely scary and precious.

Chen Feng laughed, very pleased, and whispered to himself softly: "With these thousands of drops of essence and blood, my great witch's return to heaven can be improved to an unknown extent!"

"Will it break into the second level, and what kind of witch body can it turn into?"

At this moment, Fang Wanjian's gaze was also swept towards the two thousand drops of Witch Clan demons' blood.

It suddenly dawned on him: "Yan Changfeng, it turns out that this is your goal."

Time goes back three hours ago.

Chen Feng stepped into the handsome account and said lightly:

"Marshal, today is the day when I will repay your 700,000 great merits."

"The day to witness that I two are definitely not spies has arrived."

"It's time for me to hand you a certificate of submission!"

Fang Wanjian stood up suddenly, his face full of excitement.

He had been looking forward to this day.

He said half a month before Chen Feng, at this time limit, he had already guessed a little.

Chen Feng will definitely make a big move within half a month.

Today, this day, finally arrived!

He stared at Chen Feng closely: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and leaned forward to say a few words in a low voice.

Even Fang Wanjian's Xinxing City Palace, after hearing these few words, couldn't help but suddenly change in color.

His expression was cloudy and sunny for a while, and then he slowly stared at Chen Feng: "What is it you want?"

At this time, Fang Wanjian finally knew what Chen Feng's purpose was.

He stared at Chen Feng with a deep gaze: "Presumably, you need a lot of witches and evil spirits in your cultivation, right?"

Chen Feng nodded lightly.

Before, he bought the blood of the witch race demons in the big camp, how could he hide Fang Wanjian?

Fang Wanjian shook his head: "Those witches and demons collected blood."

"The quantity is very small, and the quality is low. Even if it is harvested for decades, I am afraid it will not be better than today's harvest."

"good job!"

Chen Feng smiled: "It's still thanks to the marshal."

He said leisurely: "Marshal, you promised me three conditions before, do you remember?"

Fang Wanjian naturally remembered clearly.

One of the conditions is that from today onwards, all the blood of the Witch Clan demons obtained in the big camp belongs to Yan Changfeng.

He was even more shocked.

"This Yan Changfeng's scheming is really deep to the extreme."

"So from that moment, I was waiting for today."

He was also very greedy for the two thousand drops of blood of the witch race evil spirit.

But before, since Chen Feng had promised, naturally he would not break his promise.

Shen Shen nodded: "Okay, all these essence and blood belong to you."

Chen Feng laughed, beckoned, and in an instant, two thousand drops of the blood of the Witch Clan demons were collected by Chen Feng.

Turned around and walked towards the depths of the camp: "Then leave first."

Fang Wanjian also turned and left, just shouting loudly:

"Tomorrow morning, everyone will gather outside the Yuanmen."

"In addition, the hundreds of thousands of idle powerhouses outside the big camp are also brought here."

Chen Feng and Tianchou Beast Slave returned to the big tent.

As soon as the Tiancun Beast Slave came in, he was immediately full of excitement: "Brother, you are so amazing."

"A total of two thousand drops of the blood of the Witch Clan demons! And the level is not low!"

In Fang Wanjian's eyes, this is Chen Feng's true purpose.

In the explanation passed by Chen Feng to Fang Wanjian, this was also his true purpose.

But Tiancun Beast Slave knew that only a few words of what Chen Feng said were true, and all the causes and consequences were false.

If the cause and effect are false, will his purpose be true?

What is his real purpose?

At this time, one of Chen Feng's goals seemed to have been exposed.

It seems that he is indeed like what the other party Wan Jian said before, he is to obtain enough cultivation resources.

His purpose is to allow Zhan Xiu to lead a thousand powerful evil demons of the Witch Clan to come here to get the bait.

Beheaded by himself to obtain the blood of these two thousand witch race demons.

But, is this really the case?

Is Chen Feng's purpose really that simple?

With a wave of Chen Feng's hand, the two thousand drops of blood of the Witch Clan demons of various levels scattered out.

"These things do not belong to me, but belong to you and me."

"What do you mean?"

Chen Feng smiled, spreading his hands, and Da Wu Hui Tian Gong appeared.

"You also consider whether you want to cultivate this thing."

If it were someone else, Chen Feng would directly let him practice the Great Witch Return to Heaven.

However, Chen Feng was a little uncertain about the Tiancun Beast Slave.

The race of the Tiancun Beast Slave itself is really too special and outstanding!

It feels that his body is already close to the state of a natural divine body.

His talent is also incredible. Taking his cultivation speed as an example, all the people Chen Feng has seen so far can stabilize the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave in cultivation speed, only himself.

Apart from that, he had never seen a person who practiced so fast.

Even he didn't need to deliberately cultivate anything, he had extremely strong strength growth.

This made Chen Feng a little worried.

"If he was allowed to practice the Great Witch's return to heaven, would it be a bad thing for him?"

Therefore, Chen Feng must ask clearly what he thinks.

The Tiancun Beast Slave pondered for a moment, and whispered: "I feel that my body has a lot of rejection against the Great Wu Huitian Gong."

"But I can try it."

Chen Feng nodded: "Okay."

Then, he sat cross-legged.

Two thousand drops of blood, suspended in front of him.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, and the Great Wu Huitian Gong quietly worked.

In an instant, dozens of drops of blood were sucked into his body.

In the next moment, the body supported by these essence and blood instantly turned into the body of the evil demon of the witch race.

Simple, vigorous, tall and rough.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged, in the dantian, in the great witch blood pool, you are covered with a shallow layer of blood.

Of course, extremely shallow and extremely thin.

It is estimated that there is only one knuckle deep.

Then, Chen Feng urged the Great Wu Huitian Gong to the extreme!

In the Dantian, the blood pool is rolling!

Although it is a small pond, its movement is like the sea lifting waves!

The blood revolved and turned into a huge whirlpool, and the huge suction surged wildly.

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