Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4826: trap!

In an instant, two teams of two hundred witch demons of various levels guarded the teleportation array.

The remaining 800 powerhouses of the witch clan are going to madly kill outwards!

In an instant, he collided with the dozens of patrol teams that had just assembled.

Their individual strength is far stronger than these human warriors, the realm is also crushed, and the number of people is large.

As a result, these powerful human patrols did not even raise the waves.

I was crushed by them directly, killing and wounding!

At this time, they discovered that the White Bone Peak camp seemed extraordinarily empty.

In a hurry, it was just a gathering of about hundreds of powerful players to fight.

They stepped on one huge tent after another, turning one place after another into scorched earth, and they hardly encountered any strong resistance.

It went smoothly, making them a little surprised.

But at this time, under this slaughter, under this huge battle result, they had no time to think about it.

Crazy to kill towards the depths of the White Bone Peak camp.

It turned out that Xiong Jie's plan this time was to create as much movement as possible in the White Bone Peak camp.

Come to give the opponent as much damage as possible.

Then, come back calmly!

He is a very realistic person, in his opinion, even if the next step fails to come out.

But with this first step, it was enough to make him stand out in the entire Wu Clan.

In an instant, the flames burst into the sky.

The screams resounded throughout the camp.

Outside the big camp, those warriors were all awakened and looked at the big camp in a panic, not knowing what happened.

"Looking at this posture, Bai Bone Peak camp is almost destroyed."

"Could it be that the army of the Witch Clan demons came here? How much army did it take to break the Bone Peak camp?"

They are all panicked and don't know what to do.

The handsome curtain opened.

At the door, Fang Wanjian, Ji Manhao and Chen Feng were standing there.

Fang Wanjian watched this scene solemnly.

It seemed that he hadn't rushed to any surprises with the situation that occurred at this time, his expression was indifferent.

After a while, he glanced at Chen Feng.

A smile was drawn at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Marshal, how about this gift for you?"

"Good, very good, I am very satisfied."

Fang Wanjian's expression couldn't hide his excitement.

Of course, the thousand people in front of him were not enough to excite him.

The demons of the Witch Clan that he personally killed were more than that.

What he wants is everything behind this!

It is not the result of a thousand people, but thousands, even tens of thousands!

Even among the entire Wu Clan, a great power was completely destroyed!

He looked at Chen Feng: "This time, you think you have the greatest credit."

Chen Feng smiled sternly: "It's not yet time to harvest."

"However, Marshal, should you give me that thing I said before?"

Fang Wanjian nodded, took out something, and handed it to Chen Feng, which seemed to be some kind of sheepskin scroll.

It seems to be a pattern.

Chen Feng unfolded it and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he carefully put it away.

The group of people just watched indifferently.

Watching those righteous people being slaughtered, watching the witch knights rushing.

The whole camp was messed up.

It seems to be on the sidelines, completely ignored.

After about a cup of tea, Fang Wanjian slowly said, "Time is almost there."

Ji Wanhao, who was next to him, had long been unbearable, his eyes were blood red and murderous.

He immediately let out a crazy roar, and with a snap, he crushed a piece of purple jade charm.

As the purple jade amulet was crushed, outside the big camp, there were several purple rays of light rising up in an instant, illuminating the sky transparently.

The next moment, the high wall of Daying suddenly collapsed, and several gaps appeared.

In the darkness outside of the dead camp, countless forces rose up.

Then, the cry of killing came to the sky!

Several torrents poured in from outside the camp!

There are tens of thousands of powerful people, crazy to kill in!

In an instant, they surrounded the thousands of powerful evil spirits of the Witch Clan!

Tens of thousands of fire-fighting eyes, the powerful White Bone Peak camp with killing intent, slashed crazy!

They have been holding back for too long, and for too long, at this time, they can finally burst out!

Seeing this scene, those witch demons were stupid!

"what happened?"

"The camp was completely empty just now, why are there so many strong people now?"

They are not fools either.

With the other side's posture, I knew they were back.

Suddenly roared.

"We were fooled! This is a trap!"

Just now, Zhanxiu and the others also followed behind many powerful witches, fishing in troubled waters.

At this moment, I was stupid to see this scene.

They all looked at Zhan Xiu and screamed: "Boss, what is going on?"

"Zhan Xiu, you presided over this matter. Could it be that the matter has been leaked?"

Zhan Xiu wasn't panicked, but a gleam in his eyes.

Then, he was shocked, as if listening to something.

After a while, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he sighed slightly.

He looked at everyone and said, "Don't panic, let's retreat."

"Relax, with me, you will never die here today!"

Everyone was quite convinced by what he said, and they backed away!

The ten Condensing Star Realm Witch Clan demons looked at Zhan Xiu and screamed: "Zhan Xiu, what is going on? I killed you!"

Zhan Xiu sneered coldly and ignored it.

In the next moment, these powerful witches are overwhelmed by themselves.

It turned out that at this moment, as Ji Manhao shouted again, the black guards who led more than a thousand Fang Wanjian directly killed the two hundred witch demons guarding the space circle.

In a twinkling of an eye, they were scattered and killed.

So that the eight hundred powerful witches could not easily return to the space magic circle, breaking their back!

When many powerful witches are hesitating and helpless, they have not yet reacted.

Ji Manhao uttered, "Kill!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of righteous experts madly killed the past.

Although the evil spirits of the witch race have strong personal combat power.

But what they are facing is ten times as sharp as their right way!

And the opponent is not only dozens of people, but also ten times the number of their high-end combat power.

This also means that each of them, every level of power, has to face ten times more righteous masters.

And they are at most, but they can deal with two righteous people of the same level.

Under such a huge disparity, he was beheaded almost instantly.

There were constant screams.

Most of the dead are witch demons!

Half an hour later, these thousand demons of the Witch Clan were almost killed.

However, there are still several places that are still fighting fiercely.

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