Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4818: Great work temple!

But first of all, everyone doesn't trust each other, and the realm is low, there is no strong core to rely on, and the effect of grouping is also very ordinary.

Mixed and unhappy.

The best mixed ones are just those names on the jade monument of great merit.

But you must know that there are only five thousand names on the Great Jade Monument, and there are more than hundreds of thousands of powerful people gathered outside the entire camp?

Yesterday, Chen Feng and Chen Feng were in the limelight, beheading Han Jianxing in public, and set up a tyrannical and invincible posture for everyone when they were not sure about their realm.

Therefore, it is normal for someone to defect today.

To put it bluntly, they wanted to follow Chen Feng.

The two of Chen Feng ate meat, and their soup was also good.

At least it's much better than before.

Chen Feng glanced at them, and he glanced at them in an instant.

There are about thirty of these people.

Among them, there are four or five point star realms, and the rest are of the martial arts master level.

Chen Feng suddenly thought.

"Such a force, say strong or not strong, weak not weak."

"But if you can use it well, you can get miraculous effects in the future!"

"Even, maybe you can use them in these few days."

Most of the people are full of eagerness, but there are also a few people, Chen Feng can see, there is a bit of unpredictability in his eyes, I don't know what to think.

However, Chen Feng didn't care.

These people will naturally be screened out one by one later.

Chen Feng looked at the tall and burly speaker: "How do you call your Excellency?"

"In Xia Tanjia, it is the leader of our thirty brothers."

He immediately took this position firmly.

Chen Feng knew this cautiously about him and didn't reveal it.

Facing everyone, he said lightly: "Everyone, since you are here to serve me, it's not impossible."


There was a cold look on his face: "You also know the strength of the two of me, there are not many places where I need help."

"All the helpers, I must be able to see, your strength..."

He shook his head slowly, and did not go on.

But everyone already knew what he meant.

The two of them are so strong, they naturally look down on their strength, and suddenly they look a little embarrassed.

"However, if the strength is not enough, loyalty is enough."

Chen Feng smiled.

As soon as he heard this sentence, everyone's expressions suddenly relaxed.

They all said loudly: "I am naturally loyal to Master Yan, and I will never say anything."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I will say all these things, I will see how you do it."

"All right, you people will follow me for the time being, but then I will arrange tasks for you."

Everyone nodded quickly.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and looked at Tan Jia: "You are their leader. From now on, although you are in my name."

"But I'm not familiar with you either. It's no good to intervene indiscriminately."

"They will still be led by you."

Chen Feng discovered that after hearing his own words, Tan Jia was obviously relieved and nodded quickly.

He is the leader of these people, and he doesn't want to lose the authority he has finally acquired.

Chen Feng asked a few words to get their details clear.

And the one thing he cares most about is: who on earth proposed these people to come here?

The result was not beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

It's Tanjia.

Chen Feng lowered his head and smiled, but there was a cold look in his eyes, which flashed past.

If this matter was suggested by other people, Tan Jia must have no alternative.

But it was Tan Jia's proposal, and at the same time, he didn't want to let go of the authority in his hands.

Obviously, his abacus is very shrewd.

Coming to emulate Chen Feng, he naturally benefits a lot, but these people will be controlled by him again. If you don't listen to Chen Feng when it's critical, it depends on what he means.

Chen Feng smiled coldly.

"Want to reap the benefits unscrupulously, but don't want to do things for me?"

"How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

However, this is not the time to move Tan Jia.

He kept quiet and assigned a thousand great merits to everyone.

A thousand great achievements are nothing to him.

Thirty people only spent thirty thousand great efforts.

But in the eyes of these people, this is already a great wealth, and many people will have to work hard outside for days to get it.

Everyone couldn't help but feel like they were right.

Of course, Chen Feng will never let them take advantage of it for nothing.

But if you only give benefits, there is nothing else. Gradually, these people will not be grateful, but will feel that they are fools.

Chen Feng also sent them a task.

Release the news, collect the blood of the Witch Clan demons, and collect as much as you come.

The level is unlimited, the quantity is unlimited, and it is exchanged with great merit.

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly excited.

Their main task is to hunt down evil demons of the witch race.

After hunting down the Witch Clan demons, the drop of blood condensed on the body was useless except to bring the body back and exchange great work.

They basically didn't use it, so almost half of them were half-willing and half-forced to hand over the blood to Baigufeng Camp.

Bai Bone Peak Daying will not pay more for them.

Now Chen Feng wants to buy, no matter what, it will benefit more than Baigufeng Daying.

Everyone thought about it instantly.

They all decided that this news will not be told to the outside world, but to hunt and kill the evil demons of the witch race first, and exchange their blood here with Chen Feng.

They thought this carefully, and Chen Feng didn't care at all.

The news can't be kept, it will spread out soon.

Everyone was excited, and quickly dispersed.

When they left, Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng with a worried expression on his face.

"Brother, these people are selfish and prudent, and that Tanjia will never serve us heartily."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, a strange flash in his eyes.

"What I want is that he is unpredictable."

"He is of great value to me!"

After sending them away, Chen Feng, the two of them went to the Great Power Temple.

The Great Power Temple is not far from the Shuai Teng, with its back leaning against Bai Bone Peak.

Around Baigufeng is obviously a core location of Baigufeng Daying.

As soon as he entered the Great Power Temple, Chen Feng immediately felt that countless tyrannical forces suddenly surged, shocking and echoing everywhere.

Countless rays of light also lit up.

In the Great Power Temple, many powers overflowed in all directions.

If the strength is weaker, I'm afraid it will be shredded directly after entering inside.

After a while, Chen Feng could see clearly.

The obvious significance of this hall is the use of space materials. The inside is extremely wide, with a radius of tens of miles and a height of kilometers.

There are five full walls inside.

On each huge wall, there are depressions one after another.

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