Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4804: Han Jianxing's real trump card!

The monstrous sword aura engulfed the Jiuyin main peak in an instant!

In an instant, everything turned into ruins, and the hall that had collapsed in half collapsed suddenly!

The violent force surged.

The bears and Xiong Huai who were at the center of the attack by this long sword circle were naturally unhappy.


Almost all of them were chopped up and down, and they screamed terribly, vomiting blood!

Swept by a long sword, he flew thousands of meters into the sky.

Then, it fell heavily to the ground!

He was seriously injured and his breath waned.

After Han Jianxing's sword was cut out, his aura declined to almost nothing.

His whole body trembled, and he couldn't even hold the Broken Star Sword.

Falling to the ground hard, as if dead!

Suddenly, Han Jianxing and Xiong Mang and Xiong Huai, three experts in the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

He was seriously injured at the same time!

Han Jianxing was the most injured, and almost only breathed out.

And there are Xiongguang and Xionghuai, that is, they are barely able to stand up. It can be said that the strength has gone to ninety-nine percent.

Suddenly, the main peak of Jiuyin was surprisingly quiet.

There were only three heavy or light gasps.

After a long while, Xiong Huai was breathing well.

You Xiong Huai looked at You Xiong Mang, grinned, and said triumphantly: "Brother, after all, we won!"

"Hahaha! I said, this old thing has no hole cards!"

"Look at the trick he used desperately just now to destroy the star sword, isn't this hole card also in our calculations?"

Indeed, as Xiong Huai said, although the two of them were also seriously injured.

But they still won!

Next, as long as they breathe for a while, they can regain a lot of strength.

Kill Han Jianxing.

Xiong Mang was skeptical and took a breath.

I also feel that I thought Han Jianxing too high before.

Now it seems, but so!

Hidden place.

Tianchou beast slave looked at Chen Feng.

Now, Han Jianxing was seriously injured and was dying, while the two witch demons were seriously injured.

The three are extremely weak and have no fighting power.

It seems that it is the best time to shoot!

Chen Feng understood the meaning of the beast slave.

But he slowly shook his head.

For some reason, Chen Feng always feels something is wrong.

He motioned to the Celestial Beast Slave to wait again,

Han Jianxing sneered coldly: "You two have bear clan princes, come to deal with me personally, really worthy of me, Han Jianxing! I am worthy of my Jiuyin!"

You Xiong Mang calmly said: "We Witches have always respected power."

"You Jiuyin is here, and you have resisted my Wuzu army for decades. How dare we not look down on you?"

Han Jianxing suddenly clutched his chest, groaned, and spit out blood.

He was full of unwillingness, looking at the sky weakly.

"If it wasn't for this time there was an insider, the inside should be combined with the outside, the main peak of my Jiuyin would not be able to be broken by you."

Xiong Huai grinned: "However, the fact is that it has been breached!"

"Anything else is useless!"

At this moment, the expression on Han Jianxing's face suddenly became a little weird.

"Actually, my Jiuyin Zhenyi was not breached."

"What do you mean?"

You Xiong Mang suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

Han Jianxing leaped up lightly, looked at them, and said word by word: "As long as I am not dead, Jiuyin Zhenyi will not be broken!"

He was no longer half-deadly weak and panicked, but his body was light and vigorous, and his face was cold!

More powerful and powerful!

Full of strong confidence to control everything!

There are Xiong Mang and Xiong Huai, with shocked faces: "What's the matter? Isn't he going to die?"

However, they also recovered a little bit of strength.

Immediately leaned back to back and waited.

"Actually, do you know?"

Han Jianxing flicked his fingers leisurely: "Even if you don't use your strongest killer move, I will set traps to tempt you to use it."

"Because you used the ultimate move to severely wound me, and I will use the ultimate move to defeat you!"

"It becomes the situation in front of you!"

"And this situation is exactly what I want to see!"

There are bear awns and bear locusts, in the clouds and mists of listening.

"Why does he want this to happen?"

Suddenly there was a light flashing in You Xiong Mang's mind, and he exclaimed: "Could it be that you..."

"Yes! It seems that you junior knows a lot!"

Han Jianxing suddenly laughed wildly.

"I haven't used the ultimate ultimate move before, just for fear of someone hiding in the back, just for fear that you have no success!"

"And now, I'm finally sure, you really don't have a back hand!"

"Because, if you have your companions hiding nearby, whether it is to help you, or to pick peaches and kill me after you seriously injured me!"

"At this time, they should all appear!"

"But he hasn't appeared yet! So!"

The strength of Han Jianxing's body was surging crazily, and there was something dying!

Just laughed wildly: "I can also open my last hole card!"

The next moment, Han Jianxing's momentum rose wildly.

However, it was not his normal righteous monk's breath, but...

At this moment, beside, Chen Feng suddenly shocked all over!

There was an unbelievable color in his eyes, and his pupils shrank sharply.

In the next moment, a playful smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he sighed slightly, as if he had let go of what was on his mind and determined what he had guessed before.

"Sure enough, I guessed it was correct..."

"Han Jianxing, one of your biggest secrets was caught by me!"

In the next moment, the Tianchou beast slave knew what had happened.

With Han Jianxing's roar, the surface of his body began to change!

The flesh, bones, skin, even breath, and even the feeling that his soul has changed!

He was more than two meters tall, extremely strong, and filled with cold and cruel blood!

It is exactly the same as the bear mang and the bear locust!

He turned into a witch demon!

There are Xiong Mang and Xiong Huai, and they dare not believe!

"how is this possible!"

They feel like they are going crazy!

All this completely violated their common sense.

You know, the gap between Human Race and Witch Race demons is extremely huge!

Seeing this scene, the Tiancun Beast Slave shuddered.

Secretly cursed in his heart: "This old thing is really old and cunning."

Think about it, if I jumped out rashly just now, I'm afraid that Han Jianxing will be suddenly attacked and killed!

He glanced at Chen Feng with admiration on his face.

Some Xiong Huai asked stupidly: "You, are you a member of the Witch Clan demons?"

And Xiong Mang yelled out: "It turns out that the legend is actually true..."

He thought of an old legend.

At this moment, after he transformed into the body of the evil demon of the witch clan, his injuries all over his body instantly recovered.

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