Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4801: Jiuyin is really a master!

Everyone laughed.

"This Cui Jiuxi is utterly awkward and looks like he is going to die at any time. I didn't expect to be a pharmacist!"

"No matter how much pill he practices, he won't be able to save his life!"

"People are dying, still thinking about selling medicine."

Everyone knew that Cui Jiuxi was a pharmacist.

Suddenly, his eyes were a little strange.

Alchemist, that's a treasure for walking, any pill that you take out is very valuable.

There was also a look of greed on their faces.

Taking a step forward, looking at Cui Jiuxi, he hesitantly smiled: "Boy, what's the medicine? Why don't you take it out and let the uncle have a look."

"If there is something that the uncle can use, it will be considered as a face to you."

A look of fear appeared on Cui Jiuxi's face, and he took a step back.

His eyes were timid.

And Zhan Xiu snorted coldly: "Be honest, this is the person covered by Lao Tzu, do you want to die?"

That person was still full of fear for Zhan Xiu.

With a cold snort, he turned angrily and stopped talking.

Then, Chen Feng and the others parted ways with Zhan Xiu and others.

Before leaving, Cui Jiuxi waved to Chen Feng happily.

He seems to like Chen Feng, which is quite reasonable and will not rob his friends.

At this time, in everyone's eyes, Chen Feng was sheltered by the celestial beast slave.

And Cui Jiuxi was sheltered by Zhan Xiu.

These two seem to be the two weakest soft persimmons!

After everyone left, Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng: "Brother, do we really want to choose the right way?"

"It looks like..."

He didn't say the rest.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I know, you want to say that there is a dead end, right?"

Tiancun Beast Slave nodded.

He was really puzzled.

The strength of the evil demons of the Witch Clan is several times that of the righteous way!

No matter how you look at it, you are all seeking death by yourself.

Chen Feng's words are like swords.

"The icing on the cake is never better than giving charcoal in the snow."

"Now, the righteous monk is a half-dead beast."

"And the evil demon of the Witch Clan is an extremely powerful giant at the peak."

"You said, killing this half-dead beast that has lost most of its power and consumed almost all its treasures. How many benefits do you get?"

"Or kill the giant who is at the peak and loses nothing, and get more benefits?"

The Tiancun Beast Slave's heart shook wildly: "Brother Chen Feng, he has such ambitions!"

"Brother Chen Feng, actually wants to help the righteous forces and defeat the witch demons in one fell swoop?"

Chen Feng smiled: "I don't have that big ambition."

"It's just, you think, if you join the Witch Clan demons, even if the right way is destroyed, there are so many benefits. With countless eyes staring at them, how much can you get?"

"On the contrary, joining the righteous cultivator, I am sure that I can get a few great opportunities!"

In Chen Feng's eyes, it was like a flame burning!

Tiancun Beast Slave seems to understand but not understand.

He doesn't know where Chen Feng's confidence comes from, but he believes in Chen Feng.

"If it weren't for this thing, this time, I wouldn't dare to act so boldly!"

"But! With this thing, I am sure that it has reached 30%!"

"Thirty percent sure, it's worth the risk!"

Chen Feng muttered to herself.

The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and his right hand clenched something in his arms.

He looked at the beast slave and said softly:

"Tian Can, you have to understand one thing."

"We have just arrived in this world, and the people in this world, whether they are bad or good, we have no way of judging."

"You said that the monk of the righteous way is so miserable to be killed by the evil demon of the witch race."

"But have you ever thought about that when the righteous cultivator crushed the witch demons before hitting them. How many people died?"

"They squeezed out the witch demons and almost killed all the witch demons. When they were driven out of this world, what kind of state of mind was the witch demons?"

"So, no good or bad!"

"You stand there and decide which side you help, and we!"

He smiled and said, "No one will help. There is only one thing we need to help, and that is benefit."

"We are dealing with each other, what we want to get is the greatest benefit, nothing else is meaningless! Do you understand?

"I chose to stand on the right side because, here, I can get greater benefits!"

Tiancun Beast slave nodded heavily.

Chen Feng looked into the distance with a long gaze: "This time, in this world, I must get the greatest benefit!"

"Improve my strength to be enough to kill the second-tier master of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!"

"Han Kun, I will give you a big surprise!"

Tiancun Beast Slave asked, "Big Brother, where are we going now?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Go find someone."

Tianchou Beast Slave was taken aback: "Who are you looking for?"

Chen Feng slowly spit out a few words: "Jiuyin is really a master!"

The Celestial Beast Slave was shocked!

"Jiuyin is really a master? That terrifying powerhouse?"

Jiuyin Zhen is the head of a family, controlling one of the 30 top-notch forces.

Star Soul Martial Nerve Second Building Master!

Tiancun Beast Slave had some doubts in his heart: "Could it be that you are going to defect to him?"

Although he was full of doubts, he was full of trust in Chen Feng.

There was no question, just followed Chen Feng and hurried forward.

Chen Feng walked in front, and once again passed through his mind, the scene he saw in his mind when he read the memory of the first righteous monk!

"Master, you, don't let me down!"

The two walked all the way to the northeast.

Before, Chen Feng found out from the spiritual world of the righteous monk.

Jiuyinzhen is the head of the sect, in that direction.

Jiuyin Mountain Range, in the east direction of the entire Zhengdao defense area.

The evil demons of the witch race came from the northeast.

Righteous Taoist monks all the way to the west, to the core area of ​​the righteous road, collapsed.

Jiuyin Zhen is the head of the family, and he is behind them.

After walking to the northeast for five hours, Chen Feng suddenly felt something.

Look up.

Through the layers of dense fog, at this moment, a huge mountain is looming in the line of sight.

Even if there is dense fog, it can't be blocked.

"If there is no accident, Jiu Yinzhen's head should be there."

Along the way, I often heard the cry of killing.

There are people fighting everywhere.

But it was not very dense, enough for Chen Feng to pass through the gap in the battle.

Along the way, they carefully avoided all the righteous monks and witch demons.

It's not that I'm afraid of them, but Chen Feng doesn't want his plan to be disrupted by any unexpected factors!

When approaching the mountain peak, Chen Feng shot again.

Captured a dying monk of the righteous way, peeking into the memory in his mind.

With the experience of the previous two times, this time Chen Feng only briefly glanced at his memories of the last four or five days.

Because the evil demons of the Witch Clan had launched a massive attack five days ago.

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