Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4797: one eye!

With the death of the strong man on top of the sky, all his aura in his samsara jade plate will be erased.

Naturally, all the treasures inside will also disappear.

This will become an unowned thing.

Until someone who is destined, get it by chance.

He didn't know what Chen Feng was going to do with this, but he picked it up obediently.

Then, clutching the evil demon of the Wu clan in one hand, carrying Chen Feng on his back, he quickly left here.

The whole process, seemingly complicated, is actually extremely fast.

From the time Xuan Mosquitoes and others started to do it, to Chen Feng killing them, it was only three or five moments!

After a while, suddenly several powerful auras came here quickly.

There are more than ten people.

If Chen Feng were here, they would definitely be able to recognize them.

These people are the strongest people in the other firmaments who have entered the world of the Fallen Witch Realm with them.

They came here, looked around, felt the breath.

Then, a strange color appeared on his face.

"That's not right, I clearly heard the sound of fighting here just now!"

"Yes, and there are extremely strong power fluctuations!"

"Why now not only are there no people, but also no blood or anything?"

"The ground is empty, there are no blood stains, clothes fragments, weapons, all but traces of battle."

"I can't see anything!"

Everyone is strange.

But I don't know that all vitality has been swallowed by the human emperor's hand bones!

But there was only the silent teenager who seemed terminally ill, squatting at the traces of the battle, watching in detail, thoughtfully.

If Chen Feng stayed here, he would definitely not be spared.

The Tiancun Beast Slave carried Chen Feng on his back and left the battlefield for thousands of miles in one breath before stopping.

Here is a dense forest.

There is dense fog all around, which can effectively isolate others from prying eyes.

Chen Feng lay on the ground and fell asleep directly.

His spiritual world at this time was almost broken.

Never been hit so hard!

After sleeping for a whole day and night, Chen Feng woke up.

The spirit is still in chaos.

However, his mental strength has recovered a little bit.

Seeing him open his eyes, Tianchou Beast Slave was overjoyed: "Brother, are you awake?"

Chen Feng sighed lightly and smiled bitterly: "Today, the mental energy is really over-consumed!"

Today, he first used the heaven and earth to repeat the reincarnation power, and then suffered a little backlash.

This is nothing.

But then, controlling the human emperor's hand bones is terrifying to the consumption of mental power!

The unprecedented consumption made his spiritual world on the verge of collapse!

To control the human hand bones requires extremely powerful mental power.

And if he didn't use mental power to control this human emperor's hand bone, he would be completely irrational, and he would even kill the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, and even his master would attack.

If he wants to control it, he needs to continuously consume extremely huge mental power!

In fact, it was Chen Feng.

Other martial artists, let alone the same level as Chen Feng, even a general Star Soul Martial God, controlling this man's emperor's hand bones will consume all of his mental power in just one instant!

Chen Feng felt his spiritual world.

At this time, his golden spiritual world has stabilized and is no longer shaking, but it is particularly bleak inside. The golden spiritual power that was originally densely covered like a spring of gold has almost disappeared, but is slowly recovering.

However, there is also good news. Golden spiritual power is gurgling like spring water everywhere in the spiritual world.

Very cheerful and endless.

It seems that its vitality is many times higher than before!

Chen Feng thoughtfully: "The more cruel the squeeze and temper, the more powerful and vigorous the mental power will be tempered!"

But then, he smiled bitterly.

"But this kind of battle is still too cruel!"

Recalling the battle two days ago, Chen Feng also had lingering fears.

This is almost a mortal situation.

This battle seemed to end in a few moments.

Simply, direct and fast!

However, it has exhausted all Chen Feng's energy and strength!

Chen Feng seems to be an understatement, but in fact he has already calculated to the extreme, and also used his hole cards to the extreme!

It just seemed to be effortless.

You know, these are three opponents who can easily kill both of them!

Exhausted, but so.

"At least for a few days, I will no longer be able to use the human hand bones!"

Chen Feng estimated it.

It takes about three days for him to recover enough mental power before he can use the human emperor's hand bones.

Moreover, it can only be used once, for a moment!

It can't be as extravagant as today!

But the good news is that the human emperor's hand bones have been restored strong enough.

Chen Feng can completely use it as a kill.

Chen Feng estimated that it would take a month or two for his mental power to return to its previous peak state.

However, after removing the danger that just came in, the level of safety can be improved a lot in the future.

"What's more, if the mental strength is not improved, I can improve others!"

Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved: "I need to find a way to restore my mental strength as soon as possible."

"Or a pill to quickly restore mental power!"

The more Chen Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this matter must be paid close attention to, which is extremely important.

"Before, my mental power was extremely strong, and my spiritual world was vast."

"Until now, the spiritual world has not been fully opened."

"So in the past, I always felt that my mental power was inexhaustible, squandered at will, and didn't have to deliberately recover."

But now, Chen Feng knows that it's not that his mental power is inexhaustible.

It's that the treasures or martial arts that I have come into contact with before, the level is too low.

Can't reach a level that matches his spiritual world at all.

Therefore, the mental power consumed is very low.

But when he now possesses this treasure, the emperor's hand bone, is so powerful that he starts to consume his mental power crazily.

He realized that he had to plan something.

Then, Chen Feng adjusted his breath for another day.

The mental strength has recovered a little, at least it seems, as usual.

Then, he resisted the dizziness and pain, and came to the wizard demons.

After being captured alive, this witch demon never died.

The faint blue pupils suddenly appeared, and the reincarnation magic power of Heaven and Earth was activated repeatedly!

Chen Feng will implement a larger plan next.

He must get enough information!

Heaven and Earth reincarnated repeatedly, and they performed smoothly.

In an instant, Chen Feng's consciousness invaded into the spiritual world and memory of the wizard demons.

In front of him, there was darkness.

Evil, cold, fierce, violent, and murderous, surging like a tide.

Chen Feng almost couldn't bear it.

However, this is also normal.

Chen Feng's consciousness continued to move forward.

At this moment, suddenly, the whole soul of the evil demon of the witch race was changed!

In the depths of the spiritual world, suddenly, the black faded away like a tide.

A huge eye was revealed!

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