Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4792: Fallen Witch World!

Fallen Witch World!

When Chen Feng heard this name, the strange feeling in his heart deepened.

Just now, the first time he heard the words Wuzu, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had met old friends again.

Now that the three characters of Falling Witch World appeared, that feeling became even stronger.

Chen Feng shook his head and drove this distracting thought away from his heart.

Continue to say: "This side of the Fallen Witch Realm has existed for an unknown number of years."

"Probably, it is more than ten times larger than the Dragon Vein Continent, and the martial art realm is also four or five realms higher."

"Of course, it's just a small realm, not a big realm."

Here, it is also a vast territory with a long history.

The existing history alone is known to exist for millions of years. It should be said that it is a leader in a small world, much better than the Dragon Vein Continent in all aspects.

In the Fallen Witch Realm, there are countless warriors, countless sects, countless family empires!

But overall, it is divided into two veins.

The righteous monks are in the same line as the witch demons!

It is said that these witch demons are descendants of certain special races in ancient times, and their bloodlines are quite strong.

In fact, they are also regarded as part of the righteous monks.

However, because of his talent and blood, the cultivation technique is completely different from the ordinary righteous monk's technique. It is strange and bloody, and is regarded as the evil spirit.

His talent is far better than ordinary monks.

However, the number is much smaller than that of the righteous monks.

Righteous monks, who had been desperately suppressing the Witch race before, were about to kill them to the end of the Miao dynasty.

But, just a thousand years ago.

The witches don’t know what help they have received, their talents have improved again, and their strength has risen!

It has the upper hand!

The righteous monks who fought lost their helmets and armors, and lost their territory again and again, and the major sects descended from the wind, surrendering to the witch demons.

Now, the battle between the two sides has entered a fever pitch.

There is only one piece of a million li in the area of ​​the right path.

The most central location in this area of ​​one million li is: the Immortal Gate of Fortune!

Mieyun Immortal Gate is the leader of the righteous path, with extremely powerful strength.

Over the years, it is precisely with the hard support of the Immortal Gate of Destiny that the Righteous Taoist monks have not been completely annihilated by the Witch Clan demons!

But now the situation is also very bad.

The area where Chen Feng and others are located is called Jiuyin Mountain Range.

Jiuyin Zhenyi Gate, stationed here.

This sect is quite powerful and weaker than the Immortal Gate of Destiny, but it is also a first-class force on the right path.

In the right way, there is only the top force of the Immortal Gate of Destiny.

Below are the thirteen super-class forces.

Below, there are 30 top-notch forces!

Among every first-rate force, there is at least one ‘Broken Star Realm’ powerhouse guarding!

"Broken Star Realm powerhouse?"

Tiancun Beast Slave whispered: "What realm is that? Is it very powerful? Why haven't you heard of this realm?"

Chen Feng smiled faintly: "I'll talk about it below."

He went on to say.

Jiuyin Zhenyi is one of the 30 first-rate forces.

Here, it is not only the gate of the Jiuyin True Gate, but also their defense area, commanding more than a hundred large and small sects in the Jiuyin Mountain Range, and resisting the attacks of the Wu clan.

Three years ago, the witch demons once again attacked.

The two sides fought fiercely for three years.

This Nine Yin Zhenyi door was also breached, and finally it was not saved.

These righteous people will fight and retreat.

And this righteous man, the last scene in his memory, was that Jiuyinzhen was breached.

The head was caught in the siege, but he also took the opportunity to stimulate his body's potential and blocked the pursuit of the witch demons.

For them, win a ray of life.

And these few of them ran away in a hurry, and were overtaken by the Witch Clan demons here, and almost killed the entire army.

At this moment, the man in the right path suddenly trembled and screamed and fell directly to the ground.

After a few twitches, he stopped moving.

"What's up with him?"

Tianchou Beast Slave asked in surprise.

Chen Feng clapped his hands and said, "The spiritual power of the martial artist here is quite weak."

"Can't stand the detection of my mental power, and died of a mental breakdown."

He suddenly moved in his heart: "The mental power is weak, isn't it? Maybe this is an opportunity to take advantage of!"

Chen Feng went on to say: "In this world, practice martial arts."

"The highest martial arts, as the master of martial arts, the strength is equivalent to the peak of the nine-star martial emperor."

"Above the master of martial arts, there are masters of immortality."

"Master of immortality, there are five realms."

"First realm, point star realm!"

"Second Realm, Broken Star Realm!"

"The third realm, the condensing star realm!"

"The Fourth Realm..."

"The Fifth Realm..."

"Its strength is roughly equivalent to the first floor of the Star Soul Martial God Mirror to the fifth floor."

After Chen Feng knew this information, he was shocked.

The strongest person in this world is equivalent to the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, which is also extremely powerful.

It is definitely not what I can match, I am afraid that Fairy Yuheng will not be an opponent when he comes!

Even the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God was enough to crush them to death.

Han Kun, who chased Chen Feng to heaven and earth, was just the second building in the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

It is worthy of a difficult task, and the opponent is still extremely powerful!

Chen Feng was going to explore the spiritual world of the evil demon of the witch race again.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that one of the three breaths moved quietly!

It's as if a person has held a posture for too long and twisted his neck slightly.

Obviously, he didn't want to come out, but this action would make his breath a little bigger.

Chen Feng suddenly moved in his heart, thinking that he could break their whereabouts, pretending to have just discovered them.

Because, an idea immediately popped up in his heart.

Doing this will make your plan a bit smoother!

Chen Feng remained calm, just glanced at the Tiancun Beast Slave.

Stretch out three fingers.

The Tiancun Beast Slave knew in his heart, pretending to have only discovered it, his face was full of anger, and he let out a low growl: "Three dog things, hiding their heads and showing their tails, get out of me!"

The breath of those people fluctuated instantly.

Obviously, I didn't expect that I and others were discovered.

The next moment, in the thick fog a hundred steps away, three people appeared.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

The comer is still an acquaintance.

It was the team of the short dwarf, the fat giant and the indifferent middle-aged trio.

Before, outside of the bronze fangs drama door, he used to speak bad words and provoked all kinds of provocations.

The three of them looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave, their eyes cautious, as if they were facing an enemy.

Obviously treat him as a great enemy!


The short dwarf stared at the Celestial Beast Slave with a bit of surprise and a little bit of jealousy: "Looking at your body shape, you originally thought that your physical strength is extremely powerful, and you are charging forward."

"Unexpectedly, your perception is so powerful."

"Even in the ordinary Star Soul Martial God Realm, it is difficult to perceive our breath from such a distance."

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