Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4783: A suicide note

So, the next moment, the bronze cauldron banged, and the whole body was shocked.

Inside, there were two clouds of cyan mist, like clouds, rising up.

Scattered among the cyan lotus and golden lotus.

So, in the next instant, the cyan lotus and golden lotus were spinning rapidly.

Getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, it turned into the size of a slap and fell in front of Chen Feng.

Although extremely small, it is extremely bright, and the strength is highly concentrated!

The surrounding fog is hazy, and the power radiating is neither transparent nor white.

There doesn't seem to be any color, if the fairy clouds are misty, gently lingering, enveloping Chen Feng.

He felt uncomfortable.

"This power..."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

Chen Feng could feel that there was an indescribable qi over the two.

It is not the power of the stars, it is countless times higher than the power of the stars, countless times more clear and clear!

Also more cohesive and powerful countless times!

"This power..."

Chen Feng whispered: "I have only felt it on Dongji Qingxu God."

"Dongji Qingxu God Venerable, what kind of character is that, he is almost the top character in the world of Xuanhuang, the world!"

"And this is very similar to the power in him!"

"Furthermore, it is his most core strength. I don't know how many years of strength he has practiced!"

The next moment, suddenly, Chen Fengfu had a heart, and instantly knew what it was.

He slowly uttered four words: "The power of the fairy!"

"This is the power of the fairy!"

The power of the fairy spirit is a hundred times more advanced than the power of the stars, a pure one hundred times the power!

Moreover, Chen Feng felt that the two lotus flowers not only had a strong fresh spirit power, but also seemed to be two huge sources.

They themselves seem to be a huge world.

A huge world full of fairy power.

The power of the fairy spirit is conceived in them.

A steady stream, extremely large, endless!

Not only has a strong and incomparable spiritual power, but also has an unparalleled huge vitality.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

I felt that in these two lotus flowers, there seemed to be two worlds that were quietly nurturing and being born!

Moreover, it is not a small world!

The worst and worst, it is also the kind of world in the world!

"one flower one World!"

In Chen Feng's heart, these words came up inexplicably.

This kind of power is so powerful that Chen Feng has never seen it before, or even heard of it.

All the treasures obtained before have no such power.

Even the night watchman he had seen, Dongji Qingxu God, did not have such power!

This symbolizes endless hope, endless grandeur, and endless vitality!

"This kind of power! Unimaginable, shocking!"

Chen Feng said slowly in a dreamlike tone,

The next moment, suddenly, the two lotus flowers were spinning directly on the palm of Chen Feng's palm.

Then, quickly submerge into Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng spread out his hands and saw that in the palms of his hands, there was actually a phantom of a lotus flower in each.

Golden lotus on the left hand, Qinglian on the right.

Then, the lotus phantom quietly disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

But Chen Feng knew that although they were submerged in his own body, they were not absorbed and merged by him.

It may be separated at any time.

To be more vivid, they should be sheltering within themselves temporarily.

"I don't know what it is, but I know that this thing is absolutely extremely important to me! It also has a great influence on my future!"

"Even, it may determine my destiny for a long time!"

"Now, I can't melt and absorb, for my use!"

"But sooner or later, I can do it!"

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "They, definitely, will be mine!"

Extra solemn, full of determination in his eyes!

This is the treasure that Master Yan Qingyu left for him, how could he let it go?

How can you let it go?

Chen Feng was about to leave, suddenly his eyes swept across.

But I saw that there was a stone platform beside the pond.

On the stone platform, there is a jade box.

The jade box is semi-transparent, and what is inside is not real.

"What is this?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and opened the jade box.

Inside, it was a letter.

A yellowed letter.

When Chen Feng saw the letter, it was written with a torn piece of animal skin.

It is extremely tough, with a faintly shining black light, and a strong vitality surging.

Obviously, the owner of this animal skin was extremely high.

It was torn off by Shengsheng, without any processing, appeared extremely hasty.

Chen Feng's heart moved and looked again.

Sure enough, as he expected, the writing on it was extremely sloppy.

And surprisingly, it was a blood-red color.

It was written with my own blood!

In the blood, the red color was tinged with purple light spots, very noble and prominent.

In every stroke, every trace of blood remaining, there seemed to be countless purple thunders running.

As soon as Chen Feng opened this letter, countless purple thunders suddenly appeared from the scroll!

Crazy to the surroundings!

In a blink of an eye, a radius of one thousand meters turned into a purple thunder sea!

Chen Feng was horrified!

"How strong is this strong letter writer?"

"I don't know if he has been dead for tens of thousands of years, just the handwriting written in his own blood has such a terrifying power!"

"Too tough!"

The Celestial Remnant Beast Slave next to him was so shocked that he lost his voice, and said with a trembling, "This terrifying power is beyond imagination!"


Chen Feng said silently: "Even with his strength, he will encounter great danger."

"Before you die, write this letter in your own blood."

"I can imagine how he felt before he died."

Chen Feng sighed slightly.

"Could it be said that this suicide note was left by a strong man in the black and yellow world?"

"Just, why does this last letter appear here?"

"Who is he?"

Chen Feng read down with infinite doubts in his mind.

It took a long time to finish reading.

After reading, Chen Feng couldn't help sighing.

It turned out that this was a suicide note left by a top powerhouse named Zhongli Changfeng.

Zhongli Changfeng is the top powerhouse in the world of Xuanhuang.

And the immortal door he was born in, named Galaxy Sword Sect, was one of the first-grade immortal doors in the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand Worlds, and it could be regarded as prominent.

Zhongli Changfeng is also very interesting.

He was born as an ordinary hunter in the countryside.

Later, he entered the top fairy gate of the Galaxy Sword Sect, and at the same time, by chance, he worshipped at the gate of the first genius disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect in his time.

At the same time, he is still the youngest among all his brothers.

The other brothers' cultivation bases have all entered the hall, and he was just a child at that time.

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