Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4781: The secret treasure left by Yan Qingyu!

When Chen Feng saw the statue, his whole body trembled slightly.

It turns out that this statue is surprisingly the face of Master Yan Qingyu!

Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave moved forward.

Soon, it was before the huge statue.

A huge statue, located on top of a mountain.

The top of the mountain can also overlook the entire secret.

Chen Feng looked up, with unspeakable emotions in his heart.

Yan Qingyu's Eguan Bo belt has a cold face, like a majestic emperor.

"Master, how many years have you seen me?"

Chen Feng sighed, seeing things and thinking about people, and his emotions were hard to suppress.

Just the next moment, he shook his head: "Master, you are so stinky enough that you are still erecting a statue here?"

But then, he thought, most things are not that simple.

Chen Feng thought about it and looked around.

I saw that before the statue was a small stone platform.

On the stone platform, there was a handprint, a concave shape.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and understood.

Go forward and press your hand in it.

In an instant, he felt pierced in several places in his palm.

A few drops of golden blood quietly flowed out and seeped into the stone platform.

At this moment, the huge statue was shocked.

Above the statue, a phantom shadow slowly revealed.

It was Yan Qingyu's face.

He looked at Chen Feng and smiled.

Although he knew that this was a phantom that Yan Qingyu had left here long ago, Chen Feng was still overjoyed in his heart, and shouted: "Master, I see you again."

Yan Qingyu lowered his head and smiled: "Feng'er, you can come here."

"It shows that your strength is strong enough, and you still came here before the age of thirty."

Chen Feng was taken aback: "How does he know that I came here before I was thirty?"

The next moment, Yan Qingyu smiled slyly:

"It's very simple, because when I left this secret realm, the life span of this secret realm was when you were thirty years old."

"If you haven't come here before the age of thirty, then this secret realm will be destroyed!"

The Tiancun Beast slave was dumbfounded when he heard it next to him: "What kind of fairy means is this?"

He suddenly smiled: "Brother, you master, really..."

He thought for a long time before he came up with a word: "It's so interesting."

"Why didn't you come here at the age of thirty, he would destroy this secret realm?"

Chen Feng also had this doubt, but he faintly guessed something.

Suddenly, his face was solemn, and the smile disappeared without a trace.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Yan Qingyu gently bent over and looked down at Chen Feng.

"Because, if you haven't come here before you are thirty!"

"It means that your strength, the speed of progress, is too slow!"

"It means that we will be thorough!"

There was an extremely complex expression on his face, with fear, worry, anger, unwillingness, frustration, etc., mixed together!

"It means that we are completely defeated!"

"There is no room for a comeback after defeat. In this life, there is no hope anymore!"

"Then our futile struggle will be meaningless!"

These words smashed into his heart like a boulder, and set off stormy waves in Chen Feng's heart.

A voice in his heart screamed frantically:

"Master, what is all this like?"

"What do you hope?"

"What kind of disk do we want to turn over?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Is it my life experience? Is it to trace our origin?"

But Chen Feng's face was extremely solemn and indifferent.

Just facing Yan Qingyu, he nodded heavily: "Master, after all, I did not live up to your expectations."

"Yes, you did not live up to my expectations."

Yan Qingyu laughed: "You finally came, and you should arrive in time, then!"

His voice is extremely powerful: "We still have hope!"

We still have hope!

Like a ball of flame, rising from the bottom of Chen Feng's heart, instantly filled him with incomparably high fighting spirit.

"Yes, we still have hope!"

Originally here, Yan Qingyu could only leave something to Chen Feng, without having to show up or speak.

Anyway, if Chen Feng is 30 years old, he will be able to get those things.

If you can't come, you can't get it.

His phantom appeared here, it seemed unnecessary.

But now, Chen Feng understood that he appeared here and said the reason!

Because of these two words: hope!

At the same time, he was even more aware that Yan Qingyu not only filled him with hope, but also wanted him to be filled with a great sense of urgency and desire for improvement!

"The words left by Master, combined with the information revealed by the Great Demon of the Sun, can already make me guess a lot of things."

Chen Feng sighed.

Thinking of the great Yanyang Demon before, thinking of the great horror of the Yanyang Great Demon's true body, thinking of the secrets of his own life that came out between the lines!

Chen Feng felt that his heart became heavier!

"But, so what!"

His heart is endlessly high: "We, there is hope!"

"Since you are here, you must have left the cage of the Dragon Vein Continent, and you have even touched the top of the sky."

Yan Qingyu smiled slightly when he said this.

His eyes were full of memories, as if thinking of the past.

"There, I also left a lot of my memories!"

"Even, I'm there..."

He looked at Chen Feng and hurriedly smiled: "I have left you some small gifts, but you still don't have the strength to get them."

"At that time, you will naturally know!"

The Tiancun Beast Slave looked enviously beside him.

"Brother, your master has also appeared on the top of the sky, and has left you a gift?"

Chen Feng was also very pleasantly surprised.

"Sure enough, my previous guess was correct. Master has also appeared on the top of the sky."

"And, presumably, there was a lot of wind and water!"

He nodded solemnly and noted these.

Yan Qingyu let out a long scream: "Okay, I have said everything that should be said."

"What I left for you is here."

He pointed to his feet!

Yan Qingyu's face was solemn and his voice was loud: "Feng'er, remember!"

"Our future, endless darkness!"

"Our enemy is extremely powerful!"

"We may fall into the abyss at any time!"

"But we have hope!"

The next moment, with a bang, the phantom disappeared directly.

Then, the huge statue also shattered.

When the huge statue exploded, a huge depression appeared on the spot.

A radius of hundreds of miles.

At the center of the pit, it turned out to be a huge lake.

And if you look carefully, every drop of spiritual fluid in this lake is made up of extremely rich spiritual energy.

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