Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4770: You should do it too!

He roared wildly: "You ant, I think you still have a few cards to use! Try this trick again!"

More violent and powerful forces surged, and there seemed to be stars surging around the body.

Suddenly, the phantom of the giant flame beast appeared suddenly, covering the sky, stretching for hundreds of miles, terrifying!

With a roar of anger, the flame behemoth slayed fiercely towards Chen Feng.

The closer to Chen Feng, the smaller.

Strength, but also concentrated more and more powerful!

Suddenly, when he arrived in front of Chen Feng, the huge flame beast was already only seven or eight meters long!

He hit Chen Feng fiercely.

This is the attack of the strong man on the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

This is a suppression beyond Chen Feng's four realms!

Before Chen Feng, it was not that he had never seen a master of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

But either it was a friend like Yuheng Fairy, or it was like a Desire Immortal, limited by the rules of the top of the sky, and attacked by magical means.

But no one, like the current Han Kun, is abrupt, with his strongest strength!

Smashed down!

Facing this blow, it was as if the world in front of us had collapsed!

The unrivaled power of heaven and earth smashed at him!

In Chen Feng's heart, the instinct naturally gave birth to a feeling of despair!

This is because the strength gap is too big, there is no hope of winning at all, the body's instinctive reaction!

despair! Only despair!

Facing this terrifying blow, there is only this kind of emotion!

Even, at this time, Chen Feng felt that when he faced this blow, it was as if he was facing the finger of the Taoist Herring from outside the sky in the Dragon Vessel Continent, outside Tianlong City!

It's the ultimate big fear!

At this time, it seemed that Chen Feng was completely in despair!

The only hole card can no longer be used, but the opponent's strength is extremely terrifying, exceeding four realms of his own!

Despair, this is undoubtedly a complete despair!

But Chen Feng's eyes were still calm!

A voice suddenly sounded in my heart: "No, it's not a desperate situation!"

An incomparable light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, bright and hot.

"Just give me three days, just let me survive three days! I will be able to get that ray of life!"

"Even, get a chance to fight back!"

"Three days! Only three days!"

Three days!

To support for three days in the hands of a powerful enemy whose strength exceeds his four realms and whose true strength exceeds his two realms!

It sounds like a fantasy.

But for Chen Feng, this is not impossible.

A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth: "It's up to you to block it for me these three days!"

In fact, the hole cards failed, as early as Chen Feng's plan.

He has left behind!

It doesn't fail, it's better to take yourself to the top of the sky.

If it fails, he also has a second step plan.

Otherwise, wouldn't Chen Feng be busy in those days before?

The next moment, facing Han Kun's offensive.

Chen Feng sank. In the golden spiritual world, the huge purple-white lion head suddenly roared!

A qualitative and invisible strong spirit wave came out!

In the real world, facing this powerful offensive, Chen Feng took a step forward, raised his arms, and shouted!

Behind him, it looked like a huge golden lion appeared!

The Buddha's light rises all over, like the Buddha's front guard, roaring up to the sky!

A burst of clear and shallow Buddha light, accompanied by the golden light, went away, surging extremely far, directly enveloping Han Kun.

In an instant, Han Kun yelled, stiffened, and thumped to the ground!

This blow was also directly cracked!

The Buddha's angry eyes and the roar of the lion, made another contribution, and saved Chen Feng's life!

The Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar skills are indeed strong enough and high enough.

Even if this Han Kun is higher than him and close to four realms, he can still break his offensive and make him lose consciousness for an instant.

The Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar is a spiritual offensive. Even if the opponent's cultivation is higher than Chen Feng's realm, because the spirit is not as strong as Chen Feng, he will still be cracked!

At this moment, in the void nearby, a spirit wave suddenly broke out.

One person said silently in his heart: "This son, there is such a powerful Buddhism magic? Sure enough, he is the person that the younger brother said!"

When Chen Feng used the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar technique, Han Kun temporarily stiffened in an instant and broke the offensive he had given himself.

The figure retreated quickly, and the light in his eyes flickered.

At the corner of the mouth, a smile called "Bring You Chengzhu" was outlined.

What he knows well is not that he broke Han Kun's offensive, but...

At this time, Chen Feng let out a crazy roar in his heart: "See my blow! I saw the Buddha's angry lion roaring skill!"

"Feel the most authentic Buddhist aura! After seeing this power is extremely powerful, but at the same time your sect does not have a magical skill!"

"You should no longer doubt it!"

With a bang, Han Kun stiffened and fell to the ground.

In an instant, he recovered.

However, the stiffness and fall at this moment directly made Han Kun's complexion flushed, making it hard to see the extreme.

In his opinion, he was such a top powerhouse who chased and killed such an ant, but the opponent had calculated two consecutive waves!

What a shame!

In an instant, his eyes were blood red, as if mad, and he screamed: "You ant, I will kill you!"

"I will break your corpse into thousands of pieces and turn it into fly ashes!"

He screamed frantically and killed Chen Feng!

"This blow, I won't keep my hand anymore!"

There was a crazy light in his eyes, and he was going to kill him directly!

At this time, Chen Feng's hole cards were broken, and the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar skills had also been used.

All the hole cards seem to have lost their function.

But at this time, he was calm as a stream of autumn water.

Eyelids drooped slightly, and a low smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

"You should do it too!"

At this moment, in the void, a low growl suddenly came out: "Stop me!"

With this low growl, a big golden hand suddenly appeared in the void.

It is a hundred meters long, and the whole body is broken gold.

With three fingers stretched forward, the index finger and thumb are in a twisted flower shape, which is indescribably elegant.

Then, those three fingers flicked lightly on Han Kun's offensive.

With a soft bang, the offensive was directly shattered, and Han Kun shot back dozens of steps, staggering and unsteady!

He was frightened and angry, and screamed: "Is it the thief from Moko Great Compassion Temple?"

In the void, a figure quietly stepped out.

But it was a young monk, dressed in monk clothes like snow, spotlessly clean.

He looks quite handsome, smart, and picturesque.

Those eyes were clear and moving, as if they could see through people's hearts.

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