Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4761: That trace, terrifying air!

"Yan Changfeng, we dare not fight with you!"

"You spare us!"

Some people even weakened their knees, fell to the ground, kowtow again and again: "Master Yan, Uncle Yan, please forgive me! Forgive me!"

However, there was also that family, who still didn't know how high the sky was, and shouted sharply: "I am the Great Zhou Dynasty..."

Chen Feng laughed, no nonsense.

With a punch, the arrogant family member who just screamed was directly blasted into powder by this punch.

Even the screams didn't have time to be heard, it was dead and thorough.

This scene made everyone tremble even more, and finally realized that Yan Changfeng really dared to kill and was very vicious.

They repeatedly begged for mercy.

Chen Feng laughed, ignored it, took a step forward, and blasted another punch! Kill one person again!

Chen Feng killed one person in one step, and in a blink of an eye, several family children were killed by him.

With the rest, it was already full of knees.

They kowtowed like garlic, begging for mercy again and again.

The red-flaming giant rhino cavalry all around were dumbfounded.

Kneeling in the front, it was Wuyang Bo Shizi and Changning Hou Shizi.

Uncle Wuyang no longer had the arrogance he had before, so scared that he couldn't kneel anymore, he collapsed on the ground and directly urinated his pants.

Changning Hou Shizi was also full of fear.

Even if he is quick to lose his mind and feels that he has amazing talents, the future is boundless.

But at this time, when he found himself facing Chen Feng and facing this super power, he was so powerless!

There is no difference with waste!

All conceit and arrogance are like jokes!

These people knelt on the ground, not daring to lift their heads, just begging for mercy.

Finally, they saw a pair of feet appear in their sight.

It is Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Everyone, can you regret it now?"

"I regret it, I regret it..."

"Everyone, I'm a country untouchable, not worth mentioning."

"We are, we are..."

Changning Hou Shizi slapped his face: "Yan Changfeng, we are wrong, please let me wait!"

Chen Feng looked at them and slowly uttered two words: "It's late!"

Then, a palm fell!

Changning Hou Shizi, Wuyang Bo Shizi and others suddenly screamed and disappeared.

They were directly smashed out and fell to the ground.

After shaking for a few times, his breath was gone.

These family members were beheaded by Chen Feng!

These people just rushed to kill themselves, and Chen Feng would not show any mercy to them.

Then, looking at Princess Li Yang, he smiled faintly: "I killed all your men, are you okay?"

Princess Liyang shook his head: "Keeping them is also a curse, kill them well!"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly swept towards Situ Guang: "Don't you hurry? Are you asking me to invite you?"

Situ Guang woke up like a dream, and quickly knocked his head a few times.

Loudly said: "Thank you Master Yan for not killing!"

Then the fart **** off.

There was silence for a while in the field.

Suddenly, everyone heard a sound of ‘dead’ as if teeth colliding.

When the line of sight fell, they all saw Qinghe kneeling on the ground.

Qing He had just looked pitiful, full of fear.

But, it was just pretended by her.

Now, she was really scared.

Suddenly, with a severe drought, she hugged Chen Feng's leg and weeped repeatedly: "Master Yan, you are a large number of adults, please spare me!"

"I was forced by Changning Hou Shizi before, so I had to frame you!"

"You spare me! Don't kill me..."

Chen Feng didn't even look at him, but just raised his foot and kicked her away casually.

"give it to you."

Princess Liyang nodded: "Don't worry!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Qinghe was soft and collapsed to the ground.

She knew that she was over.

In an instant, Situ Guang and others left.

The ones who should be killed are killed, the ones who should go are gone.

The lord Liyang brought a wine jug and a glass for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Princess Liyang.

Princess Liyang seemed to realize something, and said in a trembled voice: "Are you leaving?"

Chen Feng laughed up to the sky and shook the wine glass in his hand: "My lord, thank you for the hospitality these days."

"Next, don't pass it here!"

After all, the wine glass in his hand was thrown back, and it fell into the hands of Princess Liyang with incomparable precision.

In the wine glass, there is still half of the remaining wine.

Princess Liyang stared at the cup in his hand and the half glass of amber wine.

And when she raised her head again, she found that Yan Changfeng had disappeared!

Looking at the disappearing back, an indescribable expression flashed across the face of Princess Li Yang, feeling lost.

Although it was only a few days, she was very reluctant at this time.

For her, this experience is like a dream.

After a long time, she sighed, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "I woke up from the dream!"

"Yan Changfeng, Yan Changfeng, when can I see you again?"

Chen Feng swiftly left, and in a blink of an eye he passed Gujianling for a thousand miles.

After leaving there, Chen Feng's expression suddenly changed.

The look was cold, with a bit of shock, and there was a strong killing intent in it, quietly looming!

It turned out that just now!

Chen Feng felt a trace of energy.

The reason why Chen Feng wanted to leave in such a hurry was actually because he felt a very terrifying aura, quietly covering himself!

This extremely terrifying breath is extremely terrifying! Very tyrannical! Full of fierce murderous intent!

When Chen Feng felt this opportunity, his whole body was cold and stiff, almost unable to move!

This shocked his heart!

Because this means one thing: the person who exudes this breath is not only full of killing intent on himself, but its strength is extremely terrifying!

Chen Feng trembled fiercely in his heart: "Who does this breath come from?"

"How strong is he?"

Chen Feng could feel that breath, and now he was far away from him, and he should not be able to find him in a short time.

But he must plan ahead.

Many questions arose in Chen Feng's heart.

The biggest one is: "Who is this person? Why are you looking for me? How can he find my breath?"

A very ominous premonition faintly flashed in his heart!

There is a big horror!

Chen Fengqiang held his mind, with a single finger, the light overflowed.

Suddenly, in front of him, a map was quietly condensed into shape.

The Immortal Territory of the Eastern Desolation is extremely wide, with a radius of tens of billions of miles.

And most of them are forbidden areas for human beings, occupied by various powerful beings.

These extremely powerful existences are not just the monsters on the Dragon Vein Continent.

On the contrary, the monster beast is only a tiny inconspicuous part of it.

The Eastern Desolation Immortal Territory, it is said that there are legends of gods and demons, and once experienced an extremely brilliant and brilliant mythical era!

In the era of mythology, human beings are still ants, and there are gods and demons in the world!

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