Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4757: Sun-shooter strong!

It's not made of metal or powerful jade.

It looked like a section of dark yellow wood with many thick wood scars on it.

Unspeakable rough and crude!

But in this rough and simple, there is an indescribable meaning of ancient barbarism.

It is like in ancient times, the heart of a 100,000-year-old giant mulberry tree picked by the ancestors was twisted into a giant bow!

And his bowstring is twisted from seven or eight huge beast tendons as thick as a wrist.

Even if the fingers did not touch them, they were still bounced without wind, making noises.

It is thick and gloomy, and as clear as a dragon!

It is not unusual to be able to use this kind of giant bow.

The owner of this bow is a giant four to five meters tall.

His physique is extremely strong, his muscles bulging high and full of explosive power.

He was wearing a short robe of coarse cloth and a short skirt of animal skin, which looked extremely simple.

Such as wild people.

And the most noticeable thing is his forehead!

It actually opened a vertical eye!

He actually has three eyes!

His mount is a black giant eagle with a wingspan of about ten meters, and his body is as hard as iron, shining with a powerful texture.

It can fly extremely far between the two wings.

After seeing him, Princess Li Yang and others advanced with a look of horror, and took a breath.

Trembled: "It turned out to be a member of the Japanese Shooting Clan!"

"The people of the Sun-Shooter tribe have extremely strong talents and bloodlines. They don't need to practice. They can reach the realm of Emperor Wu after they reach adulthood, and they can reach the Emperor Wudi easily!"

"Sun Shooter?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

This is the first time he has heard of this ethnic group.

Knowing from the crowd, the talent of this race is extremely powerful, and it should have been him who shot and killed several people here.

At this time, Princess Liyang is different from the others.

After her gaze passed over the sun-shooting clan powerhouse.

Suddenly nailed to the face of the person at the center, he shouted sharply: "Situ Guang, is it you?"

"Hahaha, Li Yang, it's rare, you can still recognize me for decades!"

Among the five, the one standing in the most central position was originally annihilated in the shadow of the sun-shooting clan powerhouse.

At this time, it slowly came to the front.

Everyone also saw his face clearly.

Then, they were all shocked!

"It turned out to be Situ Guang? Why did he come?"

"This rebellion is not dead yet. Didn't it mean that he was beheaded and killed by the court army ten years ago?"

"Situ Guang has a **** feud with my Great Zhou Dynasty. He came here today, and this time he absolutely cannot be kind!"

"Back then, the army countered the rebellion. In my major families, there have been people who have been killed and killed a lot! He must hate me!"

Some people even turned pale: "It's over, we are dead today, I'm afraid no one can leave alive!"

Chen Feng's gaze also fell on Na Situ Guang.

This person is a gloomy middle-aged.

He looks quite handsome, but there is a huge scar on his face.

From the left corner of the forehead to the right corner of the mouth, he almost split his entire face.

I don’t know how many years the scar has not condensed, and it is still full of flesh and blood. It is unspeakable and terrifying. In some places, bones are even visible!

It turns out that Situ Guang's background is also extremely prominent.

Decades ago, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the guardian of the country, held a high position.

There are even more rumors of colluding with foreign thieves.

Therefore, the monarch was terrified and deceived the king of Nahuo to return to the capital.

Then, he suddenly launched an attack and banished his nine clans.

This Huguo county king of nine families, more than 100,000 people, was killed overnight!

The corpses are everywhere, and the blood is drifting.

The palace of the Huguo County became a ghost in one night.

Only the King of Protecting the Country, with his two sons, desperately fought out of the siege and returned to Northern Xinjiang under the protection of countless guards.

With his great prestige, he immediately seized the military power of the millions of troops in northern Xinjiang.

Then, the army swept south to directly govern the imperial capital.

The royal army is also unwilling to show weakness, and the two sides fought.

In the next few decades, the Great Zhou Dynasty was upset by him.

In its heyday, the territory occupied by the King of the Guardian County reached 30% of the Dazhou's.

Separation of one side made the Great Zhou Dynasty a headache.

As for the children of the aristocratic families present, countless of their fathers, grandparents and brothers have participated in this war.

Many of them died in it.

Until ten years ago, the Emperor of Great Zhou couldn't stand this situation.

I personally went to Linglong Immortal Mountain and invited back my sister, Princess Liyang's aunt who was practicing in the Linglong Immortal Mountain.

Then, a team of elites was assembled.

Suddenly, he entered the core of the Huguo County King's area, and his soldiers approached the city.

The eldest princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, such immortals, was almost invincible when she intervened in secular struggles.

In one night, all the eighteen masters of the Royal Palace of Huguo County died in battle.

Was easily beheaded by the Royal Princess.

And the army of the Royal Palace of the Guardian County, which had no leader, collapsed directly.

In the chaos, there were countless casualties.

This rebellion has since subsided.

After that, there were no more waves.

As a result, I didn’t expect that after ten years, Situ Guang would actually appear here!

Situ Guang turned his eyes strangely and looked at Princess Liyang: "My lord, you have changed from a hairy girl to a big girl in ten years."

He rubbed the scar on his face severely, twitching painfully, and grinning grinningly:

"This scar on my face was cut by your father!"

"At the time, you were right by!"

"More than ten years have passed, I still remember clearly!"

"Back then, your Zhou family, killed my Situ family and annihilated my Nine Clan!"

"Tonight, it's time to take it back!"

"Take it back? It's up to you?" Princess Li Yang sneered.

Situ Guangda laughed: "Yes, just rely on me!"

"I have been wandering for ten years, but I didn't expect it, but I got a great opportunity to join the master Jinhou!"

"What? Real Jinhou?"

Hearing these four words, everyone was shocked!

Jinhou Zhenren is said to be a casual cultivator with no school or school.

But the strength is enough to contend with some cultivating sects, he is an extremely terrifying powerhouse.

With this kind of existence, let alone his action, his random disciples were enough to easily destroy a dynasty like Da Zhou!

Situ Guang had such a chance!

Everyone was terrified.

"After I became a teacher, I couldn't wait to get down the mountain."

"Master is not at ease, he also sent a subordinate to protect the law for me. I didn't expect that as soon as I went down the mountain, I learned that you were going to Linglong Xianzong!"

He giggled, his eyes full of cruelty and viciousness.

"Okay, that's great!"

"Your aunt, that bitch, if it weren't for him, my Huguo County Palace would not have been destroyed so quickly!"

"As an immortal, she actually intervenes in mundane things. She should be killed!"

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