Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4748: Take me to Liwei?

Seeing that this team will soon pass by Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng did not want to cause trouble, but trouble would come to him.

Behind him suddenly a loud and arrogant shout: "You untouchable, haven't you seen us coming?"

"Dare to stand in the way here? Get out of here!"

Chen Feng suddenly turned around and saw that a knight was covered in purple metal armor.

Only his face was revealed, and it seemed that he was young, about twenty years old.

His face was full of flesh, arrogant and arrogant.

Behind the heavy armor, two huge wings were created, complicated and gorgeous, but they looked indescribably pompous.

Add up to a height of seven or eight meters.

Chen Feng had clearly stepped aside, but he still came straight at Chen Feng.

Obviously it is deliberately looking for something and provoking!

Chen Feng really didn't want to cause trouble, so he sighed softly and stepped aside.

Chen Feng stepped aside, and the arrogant young man let out a burst of laughter.

He glanced at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's white clothes were chic, and he became shabby and humble in his eyes.

Suddenly, the look in that eyes became particularly contemptuous.

He thought he had seen Chen Feng's identity: just an ordinary pariah.

Chen Feng has already recognized it once.

However, this person hasn't finished yet, raised his chin and sternly shouted:

"You untouchable, not only didn't you kneel when you saw my Princess Da Chu, but you dare to block the way?"

"Really so brave!"

At this time, the team also stopped and looked over here.

There were about seven or eight, a small group of red, heavy-armored and red-flaming giant rhino knights, mobilizing their mounts to move forward.

Obviously, they are quite familiar with this arrogant young man.

In other words, they are all under the jurisdiction of this arrogant young man, so they all treat him very much.

One of the great rhino knights looked at Chen Feng, his face was full of contempt: "This countryman is humble and has never seen a big man."

"Presumably, you were scared to be stupid by Lord Shizi just now!"

"Yes, Lord Shizi, you are so strong. In the collision just now, you could almost smash a mountain. It is normal for this kid to be frightened!"

That arrogant young man was actually the uncle Wu Yang of this great Chu.

Hearing their compliments, he laughed proudly.

Princess Da Chu!

Uncle Wuyang!

When Chen Feng heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He probably guessed something.

"I want to come, this uncle Wuyang, should he be interested in this princess Chu?"

"At this time, deliberately show yourself in front of the beautiful woman."

"Want to rely on suppressing me, holding it to be prestigious? Fortunately, in front of a beautiful woman, more face?"

Chen Feng looked at Wuyang Bo Shizi with indifferent eyes, like watching a joke.

This Wuyang Bo Shizi was nothing more than Qixing Wudi.

Among the dozen people other than these red heavy cavalry, the strength is the lowest.

With such strength, Chen Feng was crushed to death with a single finger.

And he is still here to show off his might, threatening to clean up himself?

Still want to rise by stepping on yourself?

How ridiculous!

The look in Chen Feng's eyes made Wuyang Bo Shizi very uncomfortable.

A stern look turned: "You untouchable, what do you look at?"

"Presumably your Excellency, among those people are bullied every day, right?"

"So, I just want to take it down to earn some face? Save some face?"

Chen Feng said with a smile but a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Wuyang Bo Shizi was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red in an instant!

Suddenly furious!

A crazy yell: "You untouchable, I've abolished you!"

Chen Feng's words were hitting his sore spot, making him angry!

The spear in his hand slammed into Chen Feng's knee.

Obviously, he would break his legs and force him to kneel down!

The six or seven-meter long spear, as thick as a human arm, shone with a bright blue light, and was extremely hard.

Above it, even more powerful force is contained, as if it can directly interrupt Chen Feng's leg!

There were cruel smiles on the faces of the giant rhino cavalry around.

A cold color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

He didn't want to cause trouble, it didn't mean that Chen Feng was afraid of trouble.

This team is not enough for him to clean up.

How could he put these people in his eyes?

Since this uncle Wuyang was so provocative, Chen Feng didn't mind teaching him a lesson!

"You want to break my leg, right? Okay, then I will break your bones!"

In the next moment, Chen Feng will shoot!

But at this moment, suddenly, a voice suddenly came from the blue earth dragon in the distance.


The next moment, a big earthquake trembled.

The cyan earth dragon galloped toward this side, and in a blink of an eye it came close.

The strong men who had originally protected the cyan earth dragon also rushed over.

Although these people have different strengths, their mounts and battle armors are also different, but behind each of them are several family members who are dressed almost the same.

And in the hands of a certain family, it is bound to hold a big banner.

On the banner, large characters are written, or a complicated and gorgeous badge.

Obviously, this symbolizes their family and origin.

Each of these seven or eight people is from a different family.

But it can be seen that they are all quite prominent, and they are obviously from famous families.

Chen Feng saw that they were generally not too old.

Then contact the so-called Princess Da Chu who is surrounded by everyone, then Chen Feng has already guessed something.

At this time, those famous family members, looking at Wuyang Bo Shizi, were all bloodthirsty.

When looking at Chen Feng, his face was indifferent.

Whether he is dead or alive, it is not worthy of them to see more.

Above the cyan earth dragon, on the second floor of the pavilion, the door was pushed open with a creak.

A Tsing Yi maid walked out.

But she was a girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and very cold looking.

She looked at Chen Feng first, smiled and said, "My lord of the county wants to ask, what do you call the son?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Yan Changfeng."

The Tsing Yi maid nodded with a smile.

His eyes turned to Wuyang Bo Shizi again, and said leisurely:

"The lord of the princess has an order, Mr. Wuyang, if you still have such a troublesome temper, then go back to the capital of the Great Chu by yourself now."

"Otherwise, you will die there."

"Wu Yang is over three hundred years old, and you are the only one, if you die there, I can't afford it."

The words of the maid in Tsing Yi were obviously accusing Wuyang Bo Shizi of causing trouble.

Suddenly, those aristocratic children made a low laugh.

Uncle Wuyang's face was flushed.

His lips trembled for a long time, unable to say a word, but after all, he dared not talk back.

Holding a fist and saluting: "Thank you, the lord of the princess, for his teaching, I won't dare to go after!"

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